Beginning of the End
Early morning found Cloud training up on the Highwind deck. The airship was currently hovering in small, but deep, canyon just south of Wutai after losing it’s tail. His upper body was covered in a light layer of sweat not just from the exercise, but also from the weight of weapon gifted to him by Arthur. It was significantly heavier than his own Buster sword despite the how thin the blade was. Breathing heavily he paused in his swings. “Mind passing me the towel?”
“How’d you know I was there?” Yuffie asked sheepishly as she flipped down from the shadowed underhang over the door.
“Heavy breathing.” He gestured. “Towel?”
Yuffie muttered to herself as retrieved the cloth being held down by his sword harness. “Aren’t you feeling cold? Why not use the gym…it’s what it’s there for.”
Cloud gestured at his top. As Yuffie grabbed at it, her eyes widened as she tugged at the cloth. “What the hell!!”
“Weighted clothes…standard Soldier issue. And I’m less likely to be disturbed up here, more room as well,” he replied, toweling off the sweat before pointing at a water bottle. “What about you, you’re up pretty early. Couldn’t sleep?
“I caught a few hours after me and Jo got done.” Yuffie replied, tossing the drink. Cloud raised an eyebrow, while taking a long pull of water, so she clarified. “You may call me Queen now.”
The blonde young man coughed and hacked, pounding at his chest. “What?” He gasped out as soon as he could talk. “What did you just say?”
The girl puffed out her, now sizeable, chest with a large grin on her face. “Oh yeah, I pulled her to the side while you and Tifa were…uh…busy, you’re welcome by the way, and guess who’s tits got squashed this time.”
“THIS time?” Cloud pressed a gloved hand to his face groaning at Yuffie’s self satisfied expression. “When did this become a thing?”
“Round the time Tifa had her fight with Elizabeth, me and Jo went a few rounds…went about as well as you’d expect.” She explained. “Had her number this time though.”
“Why me!” Cloud groaned. Then he sighed and cocked his head while staring at Yuffie’s cleavage. The kunoichi felt a familiar heat in the pit of stomach at his scrutiny. “I’m guessing your new tenant took care of any afterfight issues? After seeing Josy in action you’re not looking all that sore.”
“Yeah, she did the same for Jo as well cause well…you know…” Yuffie trailed off. At Cloud’s blank look she sighed in frustration. “Gold Saucer. Tifa and Josy. You know what’s going to happen, right.”
“What’s going to happen?”
Yuffie yelped at the sudden voice in her ear and leapt behind Cloud. “Not funny Jo!” She growled at her friend’s grin.
“Oh it definetly was,” Jo replied, her eyes drinking in Cloud’s shirtless form. “Guessing Yuffie already gave you the news, huh?”
“About who ended up on their ass last night?” Cloud raised an eyebrow. “Have to say, I’m surprised.”
“Well don’t be, those’re some serious knockers she’s got there. But I’ve got her figured out for next time.” The brunette smirked at Yuffie’s look, walking towards them. “But what about you though? You and sis make up?”
“You could say that,” he nodded. “Jo…we mmph!”
Yuffie’s eyes widened as Joslyn wrapped her arms around Cloud’s neck and stopped his words with a kiss. Cloud’s arms slowly circled the girl’s waist, returning the kiss, before pushing her back. “Josy, what are…”
“Mind leaving alone for a bit Fie?” Jo asked, turning to her friend. “Bit of a personal matter.”
Cloud watched as Yuffie quickly departed, closing the deck door behind her. He then turned to Joslyn who merely smiled up at him in a disarming and very Tifa-like fashion. He couldn’t help but smile back, though his eyes remained wary. “What’s this about?”
“Do you love my sister, Cloud?”
“What?” He blinked at the question.
“Do you love Tifa?” She repeated, staying in close.
“Yes…yes, I do.” He replied, still confused by her question.
“What about me?” She asked, holding her arms out wide. “Do you love me?”
“I…no…I mean.” Cloud rubbed the back of his head in frustration. “I don’t know. I like you…a lot. I know that for sure. But…”
“Exactly,” She wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning at an all to natural response south of the border. “I know that you love my sister. And I love her too, despite how stubborn she can be and the short time we’ve known each other. But I also love you, and I know you want me, so I’m willing to work with that.”
“This is just about sex, Jo,” Cloud said, frustrated with how easily his body betrayed him. “You’re still young and there’re plenty of men who’d fall over themselves to have someone like you even look in their direction.”
“The last time wasn’t just sex, and you know it. And I’m all too aware of what I have and how it affects people, I’m no prude.” Jo gave an unladylike snort. “I’ve had plenty of offers since I started filling out, but I know who I want. And you should know just how likely you are to talk a Lockhart out of something once they make up their mind.”
She gave him another quick peck before he could respond and sharp yank that had him give a distinctly unmanly yelp before spinning around and dashing for the door. “We’ll let you know how round three goes, just be ready to reward the winner.”
“Damn her,” Cloud growled to himself as he planted the sword in the flooring to help support himself. Bad enough she knew how best to excite him like she did, but that parting shot had him so hard that walking was a distant dream. Two long, agonizing, minutes later the young man moved carefully into the airship and towards his own room. He needed a shower. A long, ice cold, shower.

“What is it boss?”
“Wait, the others aren’t here yet” Tseng stated as Reno and Reno entered his office. His red headed second in command merely shrugged and dropped onto the couch while Rude leaned his tall frame in a corner of the room. Five minutes later the door slid open again and Cissnei followed by Elena entered the room. “Good now we can begin.”
“Something big going down?” Reno asked, sitting up to make room for Cissnei. “Only reason you’d have all of us here.”
“As you all know, the role of the Turks has always been to protect and maintain Shinra’s interests and image. Commit a necessary evil for a greater good.” Tseng got up off his seat and began pacing the room. The others took interest in this as their normally unflappable leader was clearly agitated. “And right now we have an issue that could reflect badly on the company as a whole.”
“House cleaning then?” Rude drew himself up to his full height.
“No hard decision yet, but it’s what we’re here to discuss. We…”
“Pardon the interruption, boss, but should she be here for this?” Reno gestured at Elena. “She’s still pretty wet behind the ears on some of the less tasteful things we have to do.”
“She’s here because she’s the one that brought it to my attention,” at Tseng’s rebuttal Elena’s face went white. Reno raised an eyebrow at the reaction while the other two shifted their positions to pin the now nervous blonde in their crosshairs. “While you and Rude were at Rocket Town…”
His four subordinates were the perfect audience as they stayed quiet for his recitation of Elena’s original report. The only sounds were the cracking of Rude’s knuckles, understandable considering the man’s attraction to Lockhart, and Elena’s uncomfortable shuffling in her chair. It took him less time than when Elena told him since the girl was exhausted at the time and by the time his delivery was complete he had his audience’s complete and undivided attention.
“We sure this is real boss?” Reno raised his hands in Elena’s direction as she glared furiously at him. “Take it easy kiddo. All I’m saying is that you WERE out of it for awhile after you got back. Could it have been something you thought you saw after what you went through? I mean…this is Scarlet after all. Remember what she did to that trooper that spilled tea on her dress? I mean the weirdo was into it but still…”
“Officially I have a lot of circumstantial evidence of her…activities, but nothing really conclusive,” Tseng admitted, moving back behind his desk. “However unofficially…”
Tseng spun his monitor around to the others in the room. At first all they was the security footage of the Sister Ray. Then the camera zoomed in on Tifa’s running, staggering form until she reached the end of the cannon, where she was soon joined by a lone Scarlet. Reno’s eyes bugged out the sight of the two women…fighting. Cissnei and Elena gave a fair imitation of goldfish as their mouths opened and closed with no sound until Rude walked up and placed the monitor screen down. “As you all saw, this is very real, and if her activities are any indication that wasn’t the last time she’s done something like this.” Tseng said as he kept an eye on his bald headed subordinate. “I’m not even entirely sure this was her first time.”
“That time in Gold Saucer…” Elena started.
“If you track the timeline I’d wager that was when Rufus first figured out what she was up to…or when she first told him.” The head Turk nodded. “That was also around the time their sex life seemed to pick up.”
“Pick up…HA!” Reno snorted at the understatement. “From a night, maybe two, to almost every day of the week. Where’d you get that recording anyway?”
“Rufus’s room. Which is why we can’t use it.”
“Because if we did it would out just how much of the building we have wired.” Cissnei elaborated. “So what can we do?”
“Right now…nothing. We still need her and her developments until this crisis is over.” Tseng crossed his fingers. “Maybe things will calm down once this crisis is over. But if she continues to behave in a manner that would disgrace the company…”
The four on the other side of the desk nodded, one a trifle slowly. As they all turned to leave Tseng gestured at Reno. “You, stay. I have something to discuss with you.”
Elena snickered while Cissnei and Rude shot him a what did you do this time look. He shrugged and closed the door behind them. Tseng looked unusually serious. “We got a problem that needs solving?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Tseng looked up at Reno from behind his desk. “When I was in Rufus’s office that wasn’t the only disc I found hidden away. There was another one. Old…too old to be copied. I took a serious risk bringing it down here for you you to see.”

Cloud had faced things that would make most strong men piss themselves in terror. He’d fought a demon house, ghosts, giant robots and the Midgar Zolom. And those things made him less nervous than now being a room with the father of a teenage girl he’d deflowered who also decided that he was the one for her. It didn’t help that his current girlfriend, the sister of said teenager, was also in the room with them.
“Dad,” Joslyn stated coolly.
“Joslyn,” Dio replied his eyes flickering back and forth between the three of them. The moment stretched on before he rose of his seat, spreading his arms which the girl quickly sped into. “I’ve missed you baby girl.”
“Daddy!” Joslyn clung to him tightly as he patted her back.
“Cloud, Tifa. I thank you for taking care of my daughter.” He said looking at them as they stood awkwardly.
“It was nothing,” Tifa replied embarrassed. “It was only right since she is family.”
“Not to put a damper on things Dio, but your call sounded urgent.” Cloud pointed out the reason for their visit. They’d only been in Gold Saucer for a day before receiving his call. Tifa, Jo and Yuffie had wandered off the previous night but judging by their condition this morning, nothing had happened yet.
“Yes, you weren’t the only one’s to arrive in Gold Saucer in the last couple of days.” Dio hit a button on his intercom. “Send her in.”
Tifa felt her hackles rise in a manner only one woman could manage at Dio’s words. As the door opened she locked eyes with the woman that strutted into the room and her body tensed such that Cloud put a warning hand on her shoulder. Mikoto, Madame M’s red lips curled into a disdainful smiled at the action as she took up position next to Dio. “M…what’re you doing here?” She growled.
“Is that anyway to greet someone that warned you about what was coming your way?” The masseuse smirked at Tifa’s consternation at being reminded of the warning she’d received about Elizabeth. Being in her debt must make the young brunette want to puke. “I expect at least some professional courtesy, one fighter to another.”
“Mikoto,” Dio sighed.
“Fine, fine. I received word from the old grapevine that Dio was looking for me,” the Wutai woman placed a hand on Dio’s shoulder that now had Joslyn tense at the familiarity. “Turns out he never sent any message.”
“And now you show up not even a day later.” The muscular man leaned back in his chair as he studied the three young people across from him. “I don’t believe in coincidences. What are your intentions here?”
Joslyn started to speak before Cloud touched her shoulder. It was now Dio’s turn to frown. “Not to seem rude Dio, but why would you need to know that?” Cloud asked.
“Like I said, I don’t believe in coincidences,” The muscular man repeated. “Mikoto being sent here just in time with your arrival? Based on her history with your group…you three in particular…there’re very few reasons anyone would want you all to meet. And so abruptly as well.”
“What do you think?” Cloud muttered to Tifa.
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” she whispered back, “They know what our intentions are and want one last fight in case Shinra comes out on top.”
“You sure that’s not what YOU want?” Cloud grunted.
“I’m not denying I wouldn’t enjoy knocking her down a few pegs,” Tifa snapped. “But can you come up with a better reason for them arranging for us to meet?”
Cloud had to admit he couldn’t, but this seemed way to open and in your face for the way they’d operated in the past. Then he had a thought. He turned to the older couple. “We’re just here to rest up and resupply. After that, however, we were intending to head to Midgar.”
“I’d have to suggest you don’t,” Dio raised an eyebrow at his declaration. “They’ve been on high alert for months now and from what I’ve heard things’ve been getting tighter over the last week.”
“That would be because of us,” Cloud said. “They know we’re coming, just not when. We need to get into Midgar if we’re going to stop Meteor and end this.”
“Ballsy, I knew there was a reason I liked you.” M purred fanning herself. “But I don’t see how you’d accomplish that. They’ve pulled back almost their entire airforce. They’ve even rescinded the order that left our Sector inviolate. Many of the Avalanche cells left in the city have gone deep underground.”
“I expected as much and I’d been worrying over how we’d get into the city without too many losses.” Cloud stepped forward. “But I think that maybe you’ve been sent to provide us with an in.”
“I imagine you get quite considerable leeway since you’re allowed in and out of the city in the current crisis. Perhaps we could…” Cloud stopped as M held up a finger and moved out smoothly from behind the desk. He took an involuntary step back as she stared at him much like how a predator did it’s prey. She ran a hand along his jaw and Cloud could swear he heard a snapping noise behind him. More than one actually.
“You,” she said licking at her lips. “One night. That’s my price.”
“Over my battered and bruised body!” Tifa snarled as she pushed her way to the front. Then a catty smile worked it’s way onto her face. “Taking advantage of the situation because you know you can’t match up?”
“You don’t bother us until my say so. Words ring a bell?” Mikoto’s eyes flashed as she bumped chests with the younger woman. “If you want to be humiliated before running off to play at saving the world I’m more than happy to oblige.”
“Ladies…is this really the time?” Dio asked.
“YES!” Both replied almost in sync keeping their attention focused on one another.
“Fine, but could you perhaps wait until this evening?” Dio massaged his temples. Cloud could sympathize. “I’d rather you not raise a ruckus in my house. Or cause breakages for that matter.”
“Works for me,” Mikoto gave a toothy smile. “I give the girls at your daughter’s little club a show then I come back here for an afterfight celebration.”
“Keep talking bitch,” Tifa gave a grim smile of her own. “The mouthy one’s are almost the most fun. They never see it coming.”

“What the hell was that about?” Joslyn demanded as they left her father’s office. “You know that we…”
“What did you want me to do, just hand Cloud over?” Tifa asked.
“She just did that to get under your skin,” Joslyn said. “She knew you’d interfere.”
“And you wouldn’t have? Don’t think I didn’t see your face,” Tifa snapped back. “How do you think Dio’d react if he learned about you and Cloud like that?”
“It’s not fair!” The teen whined in frustration. “We finally get time to have a proper match and that cunt had to show up.”
“That part concerns me more.” Cloud muttered. The two girls paused their conversation to look at him as he stopped in the hallway. “We only came up with the plan to visit the Saucer before heading off to Midgar a couple of days ago, on the Highwind itself. The only way they could know was if…”
“They had the Highwind itself compromised.” Tifa’s eyes widened at the realization.
“The only question is when…” Cloud rubbed his jaw. “If it was bugged before we took it then they were spying on Shinra long before. And if it was after then either it’s here, Wutai or we’ve got one of their agents on board.”
“Most of the crew are from Rocket Town, and Cid personally vouched for them. I don’t think he’d be happy hearing that one of them could be a spy.” Tifa said.
“Do we even need to do anything?” Joslyn asked. As the other two turned their attention to to her she simply shrugged. “Remember what Fie’s dad told us sis? Worrying about it now is pretty much pointless. Besides, if they were batting for the other team wouldn’t Shinra be here in some form or another instead of our current headache?”
“That’s…a fair point.” Tifa frowned. “Guess they do want to get any…what did she call it…side bets out of the way.”
“You absolutely sure you want to do this?” Cloud raised an eyebrow at her outraged expression. “You did say that last time you would’ve lost.”
“One…I would’ve lost because I’d just fought Jo and Scarlet almost back to back.” Tifa said, marching up to him and shoving a finger in his face before raising another. “Two…yes I can take anything she throws at me and three…what kind of question is that!?”
“A very relevant one considering the last couple of days.” Cloud replied, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Dio isn’t one to just hand out compliments so whatever else you might think of her, she’s clearly impressed him.”
“I’m fine, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have been looking forward to giving the girls a repeat of last time.” Tifa then gave Joslyn smirk. “Besides I’m not the one who just lost to a beginner.”
“Oh fuck off, maybe you should have a go. Her tits’re nothing to sneeze at.” Joslyn laughed easily, then got serious. “Sis, Cloud’s right you know. Dad’s stingy with compliments. I can count the number of people I’ve heard him say positive things about on one hand. If he says this woman was the best he ever saw, he means it.”
“Then that makes it more worth the while doesn’t it?”
“I guess, but you do let her get to you pretty easily,” Jo frowned. “And you’re the one that’s always hammering on about not letting it get personal.”
“Maybe one day you’ll find yourself up against someone you just can’t stand, and then you’ll understand.” Tifa said, then shrugged. “Lucky me, I found two.”

“You’re looking worn down.” Viola remarked. “Should I be jealous?”
“Work related, I’ve actually been enjoying sleeping alone.” Scarlet yawned. They were currently in Scarlet’s office since her schedule was making it difficult for her to get away. “I need to keep on top of things though, if she’s going to…never mind.”
“Uh huh,” Viola grunted, pretending not to notice the slip. You’d have had to be blind not to recognize that things were coming to a head. Security forces were everywhere and it wasn’t just the regular, familiar, faces. The veterans and the elites were everywhere and there increasing rumors of sightings of glowing eyed Soldiers leading groups. “Reno’s been missing for awhile as well so I guess things’re hectic all around.”
Scarlet frowned at that. The Turks weren’t on assignment…at least not that she knew. But then again it was their job to sniff out conspiracies. “How’re things besides? Any date on the fight?”
“Nothing yet, she really had a number done on her.” Viola’s face showed her frustration. “Also, why the fuck did you have to tell Vicky that you beat Tifa?”
“I didn’t tell her…tell her. I just kind of alluded to it.” Scarlet replied defensively. “Why, did she start something?”
“I’m not sure. It was the first time I actually saw her freaked out.” Viola said getting up from her seat. “She was quite insistent that I not let Elizabeth hear about it. Has me quite curious I’ll admit.”
“Those two’re old news,” Scarlet scoffed. “Once you’re done with the cow they’ll be done in this town.”
“Unlikely, don’t forget the fight she gave Tifa even after she got rid of the earring. Andrea’ll keep her around, if just for the chance of pitting her against me again.”
“You gonna stay? I figured that with you and Reno…”
“Believe it or not I actually like my work.” Viola replied. “Reno doesn’t mind…or if he does he keeps it to himself.”
“But does he know about what exactly your work entails? Or about what we’ve been up to?”
“No. And if I have my way he never will.” Viola said, looking away. “Hopefully this whole business will be done soon.”
“Fair enough, I…” The ringing of her phone interrupted what she was going to say. “Yes, what is it…when? Fine, have a readout ready for me when I get there.”
“Work?” Viola asked.
“Work,” Scarlet affirmed. “If I see Reno I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.”

<Gold Saucer>
“Where the hell is she!” Joslyn growled.
The atmosphere was tense and angry in room used by Joslyn’s club. The girls closest to her were ecstatic at her return and even more excited when they heard about the planned return fight between the sisters. Learning that it was being shelved for Tifa to fight some…to them…unknown had angered many with several of the regulars leaving in a huff. The original members all remained, more out of a sense of loyalty to Joslyn than a desire to see Tifa fight. With everything already set up all they were missing was the other half of the expected confrontation.
“She’s just trying to get into our heads.” Tifa said. She was already wearing a bikini under her robe and sitting calmly on one of the benches. The mats were laid out and at her suggestion the chairs and camera were pulled back closer to the walls. She suspected there wouldn’t be enough mat for what she and M were going to do to one another. “Don’t forget that she’s a professional.”
“Professional bitch, is what you probably mean.” Ann remarked loudly. The redhead was the loudest of those angry at the change though Yuffie suspected it had more to do with the fact that she wanted to see Joslyn in action. Turned out she was the girlfriend Jo had talked about that Dio was more than willing to exercise equal rights with to protect his daughter’s chastity. “I had to pull a double shift to get tonight off, so the cunt better be worth it.”
There was a brief rattling at the door and then it swung open as M strutted inside wearing her traditional flower patterned black kimono while her hair was now let down and styled in a long braid. “Hostile crowd,” she smiled at the looks she was receiving. “Could it be I interrupted something?”
“Or it could just be you’re nearly half an hour late.” Tifa snapped, as she rose off the bench. “Where were you?”
“I just thought I’d pay Cloud a visit and give him a teaser of what he would experience tonight.” Mikoto said, dragging her kimono clear. Her black string bikini was literally that, a piece of string that barely covered her nether regions and were pretty much pointless in hiding the dark long spikes on her milky white breasts from the staring eyes of the crowd. “Sadly the poor boy was out at the time, though I suppose it is better this way. Wouldn’t want him getting worn out before I get back.”
“That’s what this is about?” Ann demanded. “A fight over some guy’s dick?”
“Not like it’s the first time Ann, chill,” Jo chided the muscular girl. “Besides, this dick is definitely worth…oops.”
“JO!” Eight pair of eyes pierced the teen who’s face glowed bright red at the slip. While their attention was distracted M swayed over in Tifa’s direction who removed her own robe and stretched in the white and black two piece she’d opted for. There was little difference to the naked eye between the pairs of delectable flesh, other than Mikoto’s sizeable nipples. Both dark haired women smiled grimly as they stalked towards one another, angling to meet in the center of the mats. While Mikoto was slightly taller and Tifa slightly fleshier, both were exceptionally toned despite little obvious musculature.
“You got any preferences?” Tifa asked as she pulled off the top, tossing it to the side as her breasts rolled and bobbed.
“Anything goes,” M replied eagerly, twanging the strings before pulling them to the sit outside her prodigious breasts. “Anything outside of formal training. Agreed?”
“Agreed. No martial arts, no ninja shenanigans.” Tifa nodded. “We don’t stop until one of us quits.”
“Sounds like someone doesn’t think she can…stack up.” M said mockingly as she lifted her heavy boobs in her hands, tweaking at the dark brown nipples, before allowing them to fall back to her chest.
“Bring it on whore,” Tifa growled, emotion thick in her voice. “Time for me to finish what I started in Wutai.”
“Little girl you have no idea how long I’ve looked forward to this,” M hissed back, thrusting her chest into the younger woman’s. Tifa’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t bash back as the masseuse expected. Instead she took several steps backwards while gazing steadily at the older woman. Recognizing her intent M also backed up, away from Tifa. Roughly fifteen feet apart they paused and nodded before charging and throwing their bodies together. The loud fleshy CLAP as their breasts then bodies slammed together coupled with twin shouts of pain finally dragged attention away from Joslyn’s lost virginity.
Bouncing off the other, both women quickly retreated again before again charging and ramming their bodies together. The sight of their breasts splattering together, flattening against their ribcages, before their stomachs kissed and then they rebounded was something to see as their audience set up their chairs on one side of the mats. Doreen dove for the camera, flicking on the switch while she tried to get the best angle. Three more they charged, each collision just as loud as the last and as painful as the now screams of both beauties attested.
As they smashed together a sixth time however M stumbled back moaning before falling back onto her ass. She scrambled back to her feet even as Tifa crouched, preparing to jump onto her. “Bitch!” She spat at the condescending smirk the girl shot her before charging. Taken by surprise Tifa lunged forward but didn’t have the same momentum and stumbled back, unable to keep her balance. She glared at the now smirking M as she jumped back to her feet, who simply said, “Anything goes.”
Growling Tifa ran at the older woman who jumped forward, arms splayed back. Tifa, this time, went low and then sprang up to put her body and boobs over Mikoto’s. The result was that instead of bouncing off of one another, M collapsed under Tifa’s weight and bellowed in pain and anger as the younger woman fell fully onto her. The sound made those watching cringe as Tifa herself yelled in pain before quickly rolling away even as M grabbed at her. “Anything goes,” she panted, waggling her finger at the masseuse, her heavy breathing causing her breasts to sway and ripple.
“I think we’re done with the warm up, don’t you.” M growled as she knelt opposite her opponent.
“Works for me,” Tifa replied, cracking her open palm across Mikoto’s face. The masseuse’s expression never altered as she smacked her own hand across Tifa’s proffered cheek. Whines of sudden, uncontrolled, fury burst from the lips of both beauties as they rose up on their haunches and hands flailing. Slaps and occasional punches rained on her face, stomach and shoulders but all Tifa cared about was slapping and hitting at the face and body of the furious woman in front of her.
“Get everyone back here!” Joslyn hissed. As her friends stared at her she reiterated. “Get. Them. Back here. NOW! This is going to be a good one.”
Each girl flipped open their phone and started calling the one’s that’d left, hands covering the receivers to drown out the angry cries from the fighting women. Joslyn moved over to Doreen to help unlimber the camera from it’s mount. She had a feeling the other girl would need to be mobile for this.
M could feel that familiar cold fury building as she hit at, and was hit by, Tifa. Gasping at the pain, when her hand slapped against the girl’s face she closed her fist around several loose strands of hair, tugging hard. Tifa screamed in outrage as she was pulled forward and M shifted the grip to the top of her head. Panting in excitement Mikoto pulled the girl’s head under her arm, trapping her body, before punching furiously at her back and sides. Tifa squirmed frantically, puffing and blowing at being in a headlock, but with intent as she wormed her hands under and over seeking a purchase. When she found it, she clenched her fist, squeezing and crushing at the firm flesh.
Mikoto screeched at that, releasing her grip and both women swung their free arm, knocking each other back. Breathing heavily Tifa massaged at her ribs while M winced as she patted at her boob. Lips pulled back in an soundless snarl Tifa crawled towards M, who’s head jerked up at the squeaking of the girl’s legs on the vinyl covered mats. More than willing, M worked her way over to the younger girl, boobs hanging heavily and swaying gently in time with their motions. As they got in range Tifa gave a yell, throwing herself at the startled masseuse, pushing her onto the mats.
As one hand grabbed at her hair, while the assailed her face with fore and backhand slaps, M thrashed under the body of the other girl before realization seeped into her head that Tifa hadn’t pinned her arms. Which then slashed upwards to grab at a pair of dangling lumps of flesh. “BITCH!” Tifa shrieked at the sensation grabbing at the hands, arms trembling with effort as she slowly powered them down to the mat. Gasping, Tifa stared down at the woman below her as a slow smile worked it’s way onto her face. “You want my tits? HERE!”
M groaned in pain as Tifa dropped her boobs onto her own, the rounded orbs flattening significantly, but filling back out immediately as soon as Tifa raised her body. “That the best you got,” Mikoto taunted, though her expression was pained, as Tifa frowned before falling forward to again splatter their breasts together loudly. Though she moaned, M’s breasts filled back out defiantly. Tifa growled in frustration and gave her body a slight jump to drop, not just her boobs, her entire body onto M’s causing both women to cry out. But in doing so she unconsciously moved her hands from Mikoto’s arms to the side of her head. And the experienced older woman reacted quickly, grabbing at the other’s hair and pulling sharply to the left.
Tifa yelled in surprise as M grunted, trying to control the girl. Grinding her boobs into the other Mikoto pressed downward clenching her teeth while Tifa also grabbed at hair with one hand while the other went around the masseuse’s upper body, pulling with one while shoving with the other. Groaning in effort M released her grips on Tifa’s hair as she was rolled over, and wrapped her arms around the girl’s body, rocking furiously as she tried to continue the roll. Tifa was in uninterested in just rolling around with the woman that set her teeth on edge however and pushed herself off and quickly got back to her feet.
“Get up!” She snarled at M’s surprised look. “We’re here to settle which of us is the best, not just put on a show. Get the fuck up!”
“We already know which of us is the best.” M hissed back, tossing her hair as she rose smoothly. “We’re just here because some little slut thinks beating some hookers and a little girl makes her hot shit.”
In response Tifa slammed her sizeable chest forward, sending M staggering back as her arms flailed. “Anything you can do I can do better, you high priced whore.” Tifa spat as M kept her balance and glared back at her. “I’m not the one sniffing after someone else’s man.”
“Big talk considering you were the consolation prize,” M taunted, arms out as they circled. Tifa stiffened at that and gave a scream of fury as she charged the older woman, almost cross eyed with rage. Mikoto yelled her own challenge as they slammed together with a CRACK that reverberated throughout the room. Wincing at the pain M grabbed for Tifa, hands slapping wildly together before both gripped just above the elbow, pulling them together with another loud SMACK! Spitting with rage they continued slamming their massive mammaries together, staggering around the room, only held up by the other’s grip.
Doreen quickly retreated as the furious women spun in her direction knocking over the recorder’s tripod, not even slowing down. There was a light buzzing sound as the first of the returnees. One look at the two women giving a worthy impression of a spinning top and they made their way along the wall to the watching group. Joslyn regarded the fight with concern. The last time she’d seen Tifa lose control like this was during her fight against Elizabeth and, though she’d never tell her to her face, she’d had a modicum of luck to come out on top then.
“Bitch…bitch!” Tifa groaned as she slammed her breasts at M as hard as she could, even as the other bashed back viciously. She’d caught herself at the end of the second slam, her rage now burning cold rather than hot. So what if she was the consolation, Cloud was hers. And while she might have issues sharing him with her sister, sharing him with Madame M was definite unacceptability. So, gritting her teeth, she pulled the aggravating woman to rebound off her chest even as she did the same as their cries spiraled upwards becoming louder and more agonized. And angrier.
Despite the savage grunts forced from her from the echoing blows of their matching breasts Mikoto was in her zone. It was much like riding a chocobo a distant part of her mind realized, you never truly forgot. “It’s on now you little cunt,” she hissed furiously, pulling Tifa to her viciously, then releasing her grip. The girl stumbled back, the sweat under her palms causing her grip to fail before she fell into a sitting position. There was a muted groan from the decidedly bigger crowd, M noticed, at this as she struck a pose. “You can do better than that Lockhart. Come on. At least pretend to be a challenge.”
Springing to her feet Tifa swung her tit at Mikoto’s which was already in flight. Both women screamed as the flesh smashed together, retreating quickly as they massaged the reddened orbs. “Fucking…” Tifa growled as she lunged again at Mikoto. Hands went high, grabbing and tugging hair, going around necks to pull heads back before thrusting their chests forward again. Gasping deeply into each other’s ear they resumed bashing their mammaries together with vicious, loud, PLOPS as legs began to visibly tremble with each heaving blow.
Knees bent and asses thrust slightly out they set up a steady, brutal rhythm that had their audience cringing at every other blow and both women wailing unashamedly at each loud SMACK of flesh on flesh. But despite it all their breasts remained firm, swelling from the repeated blows of their owners. It couldn’t continue, but yet it did as both determined beauties ignored the pain, ignored their suffering. Ever since their first confrontation both had known that it had been a matter of when, not if, that they would meet like this. All that matter now was to finally decide, to their satisfaction, who was top bitch. So to the amazement of those watching their torment continued.
Tifa’s eyes were closed against the constant stabbing pain of M’s nipples. The bitch’s spikes were easily half again as long as her own and she was using them to devastating effect. She couldn’t know that her own nipples were having a profound effect on M’s pillow like tits, which the older woman endured stoically determined not to let the other win. Both could feel their legs wobbling with each violent clapping blow, struggling as much to stay on their feet as to slam their boobs at their tormentor. But finally it became too much and one woman gave a hoarse groan at the end of blow no different from any other and sank to her knees. The other woman sank to her’s as well as much her own legs failing her as being pulled down by the first.
Even this didn’t stop them as they kept hammering their boobs together swaying back and forth on their knees for five long, excruciating, minutes before arms slipped from around necks and they both fell backwards legs splayed out, feet touching. Gasping in agony Mikoto watched as Tifa shot her a small, cruel, smile. They both knew that M had been the one to fall first.
“You can do better Mikoto,” Tifa mocked, struggling back to her knees, then her feet. She was letting their audience know as well. “I know you’re a bit old and flabby but come on.”
“You would know about flabby,” M fought down the rage at Lockhart’s words. Getting under an opponent’s skin was her trick, she smiled openly and Tifa’s expression turned wary. “And I’m not the one losing her boyfriend to her YOUNGER sister.”
Tifa’s eyes flickered over in Joslyn’s direction and M lunged at the distracted woman, hands sinking into titflesh, before spinning around and throwing her across the mats. M maintained her grip for as slong as she could, allowing only momentum to tear the breasts from her hands, Tifa’s scream loud. Tumbling across the mats she’d been unable to land in a manner to reduce the damage and only the padding of the mats protected her. Groaning, she staggered back to her feet only to have M barrel into her, pushing her up against the wall on the far side of the room. M grabbed her wrists, pushing their hands over their heads before beginning to grind her breasts, and particularly her nipples, into Tifa’s. The effect was immediate.
Tifa’s face went white and she shrieked at feeling of Mikoto’s nipples stabbing deep into her breasts poking at her areola. She thrashed and thrust back as best she could, but without leverage M was completely in control of the fight and the wide smile on her showed that she knew it as well. “Poke, poke, pop the titties.” She gleefully chanted, then stiffened, sighing as she felt the spikes crossed briefly. Tifa felt it particularly powerfully and trembled at the sensation through her connection with Siren. Desperate now and seeing no other way out, she jerked her leg up, her knee connection solidly with M’s barely covered pussy.
The woman’s eyes glazed over as she waddled backwards, her hands covering her privates as she tried to remember how to speak. Tifa, on the other end panted as she felt her arousal slowly dissipate. “Stop DOING that to me!” she pulsed furiously at Siren who hovered serenely over their arena. “I can’t concentrate if I keep getting turned on.”
“You might as well ask your sister over the to stop breathing.” she said, rolling over casually. “The only thing I control is if you want me to use that energy to actively help you fight.”
“You want to help…do something about these feelings,” Tifa sent back, breathing heavily as she grabbed M’s hair, yanking the woman’s head up before sending her down onto the carpet with a vicious slap. “This bitch is mine.”
“There’ll be consequences,” Siren warned as she floated over to where Yuffie sat. “but if that’s what you want…”
Tifa felt her arousal slowly slip back to what you’d expect from a fight like this, jumping back to avoid a kick from Mikoto as the woman winced on the floor. “Fucking…you’re going to pay for that.” She groaned as she massaged her aching extremities. Tifa was unimpressed as she grabbed M’s hair, hauling the woman to her knees before sending her down again with punch this time. “Cunt!”
“This cunt is going to keep hitting you until you say those two word. I…give! ” Tifa snarled. She learned from her fight with Scarlet, and with Josy. She wasn’t going to make the mistake and underestimate the masseuse. Reaching down she started to haul M up again. Too late she realized she already had…and saw the incoming fist to late to dodge. All she could do was clench her muscles as her flimsy bikini bottom did nothing to soften the blow. Tifa eyes crossed as it was now her turn to sink to her knees, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. “Guuugh!”
“My turn,” M hissed as she smashed the same fist across Tifa’s face. The girl growled, delivering a punch of her own that surprised the older woman, before she slashed a second blow that sent Tifa onto her side, moaning.
“Now then,” M purred to herself, shuffling up until she was above Tifa’s face. “I think it’s time we end this.”
She spun herself around, trapping Tifa’s arms under her knees before sitting down fully on the girl’s face. Wriggling her ass, she stared at their audience, Joslyn in particular. “This ladies, is the way you handle a bitch that doesn’t know her place.” She smiled as she felt Tifa struggle and thrash, her legs kicking out wildly. “And if said bitch insists on making an issue of it…”
Tifa’s scream was muffled as Mikoto delivered several swift punches to her chest and stomach. Her gyrations however only picked and M’s smile slipped as she punched repeatedly at the defenseless tits and stomach of the girl under her. “Ready to give yet?” You ready to quit!” She shouted in mounting fury. She couldn’t risk her going unconscious, they’d agreed on only submission. Furious at the girl’s resilience she punched wildly before shrieking in sudden, sharp pain and rolling off the trapped woman. Tifa gasped as M rubbed at her ass and their audience cheered.
“You bit me! You little shit, you bit me!” Mikoto exclaimed in shock.
“You probably like that kind of thing,” Tifa snapped, spitting. “And that’s the least of what I’m going to do to you!”
“Kick her ass, sis!” Joslyn cheered to the accompanying exclamations of the now sizeable crowd. For a moment TIfa stared, confused, before giving her sister a grin.
“Such sibling affection,” M mocked as the pair circled warily. Both were hurting though if they were counting points they both knew the masseuse was ahead. “Tell me, do you take turns on him or does a little incest get you off?”
“TAKE THAT BACK!!” Josyln yelled as Yuffie and Ann grabbed at the enraged teen holding her back. Tifa’s eyes didn’t waver this time and she kept her eyes focused on her opponent. “WRECK HER SHIT, SIS!!”
“I’ve you figured out you old bat,” Tifa said as M frowned. “You’re good at getting into people’s heads because at fighting you’re a hack. Half rate at best.”
“You think so do you?” M cracked her knuckles, then whispered viciously. “You wouldn’t be the first. After I have you flat on your back I’m going to drag your Cloud here and fuck him senseless in front of Dio’s cameras. Maybe you can take notes from the replay.”
Tifa’s teeth began to grind as she fought down the rage building in the pit of her stomach at that mental image. Mikoto gave her a spiteful smirk that finally broke the dam. But this time she didn’t scream, she didn’t yell. Her eyes simply went low and her hands grabbed at large orbs that still sat high and proud on M’s chest. The masseuse screamed at the sudden movement, but quickly reciprocated, grabbing at Tifa’s own monsters. Fingers curled inwards and faces contorted as both women viciously attacked each other’s treasures. “I’m going to rip…these…off!” Tifa gritted out in fury, unconsciously mimicking the same threat Scarlet had used against her.
Sweat flowed freely down their bodies, making grips slippery and without nails to gain purchase they randomly would lose their hold, granting a brief respite before latching back on. Tifa went with her favorite tactic of jamming her thumb at M’s deadly nipples, shoving them back into her areola as best she could while twisting her hands left and right. M’s right hand fully engulfed the head of Tifa’s tit while her left grabbed at the underside of the other, alternating between grabbing at sensitive flesh and pinching and twisting, causing the girl to occasionally yelp at the pain.
Back and forth, pulling and shoving as they staggered across the room then women presented a stunning tableau to their audience as teeth clenched and breathing hitched. But neither cared for that right now as their attention was firmly focused on the one they were mauling as they were mauled back. Eyes would shine in triumph as imperceptible tremors only they could feel told them that they’d succeeded in hurting their opponent, before a breathy gasp of their own would have their enemy’s lip curl in sadistic glee.
“Fucking hell,” Ann whispered, her eyes wide as she wiped at the line of drool running down her face. Titfights weren’t her thing, she preferred full contact, but she knew the damage the two had to be inflicting on one another. “Your sister’s nuts Jo!”
“Mikoto’s nothing to sneeze at either,” the girl replied, her expression still angry, though lightened considerably as M’s legs quivered visibly and she briefly sank down before quickly getting back level. Both women as the kept savaging each other’s boobs, Mikoto still pinching and digging her fingers into Tifa’s even while the other began slamming M’s tits together while twisting. But then something changed, and Tifa’s eyes went wide as a shrill shriek passed her lips even as a wide smile lit up Mikoto’s face. “Fuck!”
Mikoto smiled painfully as Tifa immediately dropped to one knee. The girl’s boobs were firm and full, but she’d finally managed to get a grip on the sensitive glands deep within and now she savored Tifa’s agony. From her now dominant position she shifted her left hand to probe at the other boob and from the look in the younger woman’s glistening eyes she knew what to expect. “Who’s half rate, now?” She whispered at Tifa, squeezing sadistically at the girl’s breasts. “Who’s the hack, you little fuck!? Give up now or I’ll destroy your tits. I fucking swear to Leviathan I will!”
Tifa knew agony. She couldn’t be part of Avalanche and not know it. She’d fought humans and monsters, and been on the receiving end of so many injuries she’d lost count. But this was something different. A deep feminine agony that surpassed much of what she’d experienced. Needing to act she changed her approach and, with her right hand, grabbed at M’s nipple with all five digits and pulled. She felt M stiffen, but it could have been as much pleasure as it was pain, so instead she copied her left hand and twisted. Mikoto’s legs buckled and she sank down opposite Tifa, before grabbing at the hand twisting her nipple. Both women screamed in effort as Tifa struggled to maintain her hold while M tried to remove it. But as her glands were crushed under Mikoto’s strong fingers Tifa’s grip faltered.
Their hands locked up and went high as both woman dropped wearily to both knees. Sweat now pouring from their bodies, both women shuffled closer till they were face to face, hot breath gushing as they refused to release the deathgrip they had on each other’s breast. “Give…just…give up. You…fucking…” M moaned as Tifa’s hold was having an effect. The constant twisting had her boob almost deformed and the feeling of her nipple pushed in on itself was agony personified.
“No…no…” Tifa sobbed in terrible grinding pain at M’s hold on her boob’s glands. Finally she couldn’t take anymore and gave a hoarse, tormented, groan wrenching her hand free even as she released her hold before delivering a blistering flurry of blows at M’s own swollen mammaries. Yelling at the sudden pain Mikoto’s hold was punched free before she began pummeling back, boobs bouncing wildly as the women’s fists flew. Screaming in fury they threw themselves together, bodies smacking loudly, arms wrapping snugly around upper bodies as they squeezed mercilessly. Rocking uncontrollably they tumbled to the ground, rolling wildly as they sought to crush the other.
Yuffie stared almost entranced as Tifa and M rolled towards them, only reacting as Joslyn grabbed at her, pulling her out of the wildly rolling, thrashing women. Women shouted in surprise and encouragement as they knocked over chairs before slamming into the wall and before rolling in the opposite direction. Doreen did a little dance as she jumped out the way after trying to keep them in focus as they came at her. The entire world of the two had shrunk to the woman in her arms and how best to hurt her. So evenly matched were they that even as they squeezed, and occasionally bit at one another neither could gain control.
Tifa strained as they neared the center of the room briefly halting their wild rolling, pumping her boobs at the woman baring her teeth even as she snarled in return. Slowly they rolled back towards where Yuffie and the others had been seated before M, screaming at the effort, halted their momentum humping her sweaty breasts at Tifa’s. The glistening orbs rippled at the effort of their owners, flowing like waves to batter against their opposition. Grunting savagely Mikoto forced a wildly thrusting Tifa briefly onto the mats, grinding her boobs into cruelly into the younger woman, before the girl forced them back onto their sides. Picking up speed they rolled past Emma before they crashed up against the wall, the wind knocked out of Mikoto as Tifa now shoved her tits into the those of the trapped woman.
Frantic with pain M sank her teeth into Tifa’s shoulder, hearing the girl scream before she herself screamed as she retaliated, chewing back on the opposite shoulder. Breasts pumped urgently and legs crossed and locked before M managed to dislodge Tifa, the girl’s fury such that failed to realize the advantage she held keeping Mikoto up against the wall. Their cries became increasingly desperate as they fought ferociously back across the length of the room. They ignored the chairs that collapsed on top of them as they rolled briskly past. They ignored the yells of their audience that jumped and dodged out of their way. They even ignored Hinata as she failed to get out of the way and fell, yelling in a kind of excited terror, over their bodies. But they gradually began to slow as fatigue set in and the adrenaline wore off.
Wedged against the far wall Mikoto again found herself pinned under Tifa and unable to move. She began to rock her body frantically, trying to get out from beneath the girl, their hips slapping together in time with their breasts. “Nnnghh!” Tifa moaned at the familiar, unwanted sensation. She couldn’t let herself get distracted. “You…ready to…give up…yet?”
“Not…not gonna happen!” M groaned, writhing under the young woman, her trembling arms barely able to maintain the bearhug. “Get…get fucked.”
“Wrong…answer!” Tifa growled as she crushed Mikoto’s body to her own, head back as lips pulled away from teeth as she felt the woman’s most potent weapon, her nipples, stabbing at her titflesh. But she also heard her bellow as their boobs flattened unbelievably at the compression. Clenching her teeth Tifa reared back, pulling Mikoto with her. “Maybe after I flatten these, you’ll get the paaaRRGHH!”
Tifa’s sudden scream came as their wrapped legs slipped loose and Mikoto wrapped them around her waist, the masseuse flexing her long legs as she crushed the other woman’s mid section. “Got…you…now,” she panted, falling back as they both released their arms, Tifa’s scrabbling at the legs crushing her waist, while M used her’s to support her body. Her ass lifted off the floor as she squeezed the scissor hold, smiling grimly as Tifa wailed. “Let me…flatten some of that…flab.”
Tifa felt breathing becoming difficult as M threw back her head, the muscles in her legs standing out as they tightened and the girl screamed again at the pressure. M’s smile turned serene as her face lit up at Tifa’s suffering. She grabbed at Mikoto’s legs trying to force them apart before crying out again as she squeezed, hands falling to the mats, and head flailing wildly. “No…escape Lockhart,” she whispered, licking her lips in anticipation. “You’re mine!”
Tifa’s eyes flashed open at those words as she began rocking their bodies violently from side to side. M frowned, as crushed at the girl’s waist again, but Tifa screamed in sudden effort as the stubborn girl grabbed at her legs and flipped them both over onto their stomachs Mikoto giving a startled “Whuuuff!” as the wind was knocked out of her and her legs relaxed.
“Toss me a water,” Doreen called, from her position near the two moaning women. Neither moved as the mats became slick from the sweat that coated their bodies. For two minutes the lay unmoving before Tifa groaned and shoved at Madame M’s legs. The action seemed to startle the other woman into lucidity as she rolled onto her back, boobs standing out like twin peaks that jiggled in time with her heavy breathing.
Twisting her body around Tifa blinked in confusion as she stared at M’s body as the older woman’s eyes stared back at her from between the valley of her breasts. Then eyes narrowed and both slowly, tiredly, made their back to an upright position. Then Tifa turned to their audience. “Water!” Hinata blinked at the order, turning to look at Jo. At her nod she tossed a small bottle, then another as the brunette held out her other hand. Spinning around Tifa tossed the bottle at the surprised Mikoto before gulping down her own.
“This some kind of peace offering,” Mikoto asked before tossing back her head and draining the plastic container in one pull.
“You wish,” Tifa snorted as she tossed her now empty bottle back at Hinata. “I won’t beat around the bush. I still think you’re a bitch. I don’t want you anywhere near me or Cloud…but at the same time I was wrong earlier. You can fight. By the planet you’ve shown that.”
“Hmph,” Madame M grunted. “I don’t like you either, but you clearly earned your top spot in Midgar. Too bad you aren’t a bit older, maybe we’d have met sooner.”
“I’d rather we didn’t at all,” Tifa replied. “Now you ready to settle this?”
“Of course, darling. Can’t keep Cloud waiting now can I.”
“Thank you for reminding me why I’m doing this.” Tifa growled as she thrust out her chest at Mikoto.
“You’re not the first to give me a hard time Lockhart. It might take a little more effort, but I’ll deal with you just like I did all the others.” M hissed back as she swung her tit to scrape along the outside of Tifa’s. As if that was the starting gun both women swung their boobs eagerly at the other grunting fiercely as their boobs stung and complained with each collision. “The younger ones were always the best. The look in their eyes when they realize it…almost as good as…ouch…sex.”
“You can fight M I’ll give you that, but I’m better.” Tifa grunted, reminding her how she had been the first to falter when their fight had first begun in earnest. She then yelped as Mikoto’s breast hit her own with particular force, eyes glittering in anger at that reminder. She was forced back several steps before stopping M’s momentum, hurling her own tits to clap ferociously along the other woman’s. Hands on hips they rapidly rotated their hips, flailing their massive mammaries in an almost uncontrolled fashion as sharp cries followed pained yelps and neither showed an inclination of quitting. “I’ve had to fight off cunts like you since I first got to Midgar.”
Yuffie regarded the exchange with interest. While the hostility remained, it was now tempered by a reluctant respect. Their fight now reached another stage as they fought warily, but no less fiercely, still fully confident in their eventual victory. Tifa barraged M with a series of ferocious boob blows that forced the woman back before she lunged forward squashing their breasts together in a determined comparison. Head over shoulder both beauties grunted savagely into each other’s ear as they pushed and shoved, using their breasts like fleshy battering rams, trying to force the other back. Faces turning purple from lack of breath and the effort they both fell away gasping heavily before leaping back to rejoin the fight.
Hissing like a cat at the burning sensation every time her breasts clapped against Tifa’s, M thrust her boobs at the shorter woman, boxing them together, throwing as much of her weight as she could into each blow. Scooping up her breasts in both hands Tifa slugged her aching monsters back at Mikoto, halting the woman’s progress then forcing the masseuse back step by angry step, until with a sudden squeal she tumbled to the ground. Tifa leapt back in surprise spotting the camera stand, long since abandoned by Doreen, that had been the cause of M’s sudden fall. Glaring up at Tifa the Wutai woman’s lip set in a straight line as she leapt back to her feet, kicking the stand to the side, before jumping back at her opponent.
Grabbing at the girl’s hips Mikoto stood on her toes before dropping her heavyweights onto Tifa’s boobs. Wincing at the blow, Tifa hands went to M’s waist, holding tight, slamming upwards and crashing her own monsters into her opponent’s undersides. “OW…little shit!” M grunted as her tits bounced high on her chest from the hit before using the momentum to slam them down with even more force onto Tifa’s. The blow drove the young woman down onto one knee as she cried out from the force. Gritting her teeth Tifa tensed her legs and shot up, the force of the collision knocking the women apart as they screamed at the pain as the splattering sound of the their breasts collided reverberated around the room.
“Plenty…more where that came from…whore,” Tifa gasped out, massaging her swollen breasts. She’d barely massaged to keep her feet after that blow and she stared down at the masseuse, who sat on her ass where she’d landed, part of her hoping she’d had enough. Those hopes were dashed as M carefully got back to her feet. “Slow learner…are we.”
“I’ve felt…far worse,” Mikoto taunted, lying, as she resisted the urge to rub at her own breasts. The pain was still manageable, but the ache was becoming intolerable, so she gave a little bounce as Tifa approached cautiously. “You’re nothing compared to…to the sluts I had to fight before.”
Eager to prove her wrong Tifa waded in boobs swinging as M retaliated in kind. Staring hard into the face of their opponent the women swung their breasts spitefully to crush against their opposite, the rest of the fight forgotten as it now boiled down to settling, to their satisfaction, just who tits were tougher. They staggered each other with heavy blows that had their audience cringing, but each time one fell back she quickly rushed back, refusing to give her rival any idea of just how much they were hurting. Despite this however their cries became more urgent, their screams more insistent, as no matter how much they hammered their massive mammaries together both refused to quit.
Stumbling from an off center blow Mikoto squealed as Tifa advanced, slugging her monsters determinedly into M’s pair, driving the Wutai woman back step by angry step before she leapt forward. Four large and firm globes of pain and pleasure collided and collapsed in on themselves as Tifa was driven back, falling to her knees while M managed to stay on her feet though her legs shuddered violently.
“Hah…hah…stay down…you fat cow.” Mikoto gasped, not trusting herself to move until her legs stopped shaking. Tifa stared up at her dully and for a brief moment M thought she’d won. Then the girl bared her teeth and got one, then another leg under her and rose to her feet to stand opposite. “Want some…some more, eh? F…fine.”
M strode at Tifa, boobs swinging at the girl who retaliated with a vicious swing of her own. The blow rattled the older woman as she stood stunned. “Who’re…you…calling…fat!” Tifa panted as she swung with each word, getting in a pair of free hits before M started swinging back with equal ardor. Guttural screams exploded from sore throats as their breasts splashed together in terrible agony, but despite visibly shaking legs and trembling bodies they kept beating them together in savage repetition.
“What the hell’re these two on!” Hinata whispered, her own voice hoarse. “They trying to hurt each other for real?”
“You okay with this Jo?” Emma asked the dark haired girl. “Your sister…they could really damage one another if this keeps up.”
Joslyn gnawed at a thumbnail as she considered the question. The cheers and shouts had long since tapered off. While sometimes tempers ran hot it had never happened that a fight would get so brutal that they’d had to step in and stop it. But even as that thought crossed her mind she had to wonder if they COULD stop them. Knowing what was at stake if they did try…and somehow succeed…to separate the embittered women they would simply find somewhere else to continue their fight. Glancing over at Yuffie, the kunoichi gave her head a slow shake. She’d come to the same conclusion.
“Better here, than out there.” She said nodding at the door as Tifa and M staggered past, the latter grunting fierce curses in Wutai that had Hinata and Yuffie’s eyebrows soaring while Tifa snarled incoherently, not understanding what was said but clearly getting the gist of what was behind the words. Tifa battered the older woman back, almost to the wall, before M’s face turned ugly with rage and she swung her tits like a pair of battlemaces driving Tifa back as the girl whined piteously in clear frustration. “We let them finish out there you think they’ll care what condition they leave the loser in?”
Those around her muttered, but reluctantly agreed with her assessment, as a loud wail drew their attention back to the mats in time to see Tifa almost float to the ground before curling up in abject agony. M was in barely better condition as she tottered about on legs that looked close to collapse, running a hand through sweat soaked hair as she stared at her enemy. Even as Tifa struggled back to her feet, M was on her again almost immediately. Joslyn felt her heart sink as her sister’s condition as she was pressured back by Mikoto. The taller woman hammered her tits mercilessly into Tifa’s who fought back gamely despite the look of suffering on her face.
Tifa felt her legs wobble with each savage impact of M’s boobs on her own. Her breasts were taking a brutal pounding and she pushed back any thought of how much they could last…that she could last. Instead she focused on pounding her heavy monsters into M’s own massive pair. “Harder,” she kept telling herself even as she sobbed with each brutal smash or heavy slap. She was so focused on that she gave several swings…confused as she hit nothing, before seeing Mikoto was on the ground. The masseuse lay face down on the mats, a rattling groan working it’s way into Tifa’s tired brain as she realised the sound came from the fallen woman.
M crossed her arms over her tortured chest as she rested her face on the damp mats. Her breathing quickened as she pushed herself up to rest on her haunches, her arms trembling. She shoved her braid to the side as she struggled to focus. “Stay…stay down M.” She looked up into Tifa’s sweat stained face, seeing the exhaustion, seeing the agony. She shook her head stubbornly as she wearily got back to her feet. “You’re not walking out…out of here…when I’m done.”
“Lucky…hit…” she gasped as rested her hands on her knees. “We both know how…how…this will end, Lockhart.”
Tifa came at her after that and M was more than happy to match her. Arms wide they slammed together, screaming in agony as their breasts squashed, hands slapping together before circling around upper bodies and grabbing at hair. Foreheads butted together as brown eyes glared into dark brown, pert noses scant millimeters apart and lips brushed lightly together but never quite kissed. Mikoto tried to take advantage of her height and outside position of her arms and attempted to lift Tifa off the ground, but the girl wriggled violently as she felt her feet leaving the floor and a tired M quickly gave up the effort.
“You weigh a…a ton,” she groaned spitefully into the face of her opponent. “Shed some…pounds you flabby…cunt.”
Mikoto then screamed as Tifa’s grip tightened leaning back as for several brief, painful, seconds she hefted M off her feet that kicked wildly. Her breath gushed out, to feel hot on M’s face, before then bringing the woman back down as she writhed furiously in resistance to what she was doing. “I’ll make you…uungh…pay for that.” She grunted, butting her forehead harder at M’s, feeling her push back. “You…plastic faced Wutai…pant…whore!”
Both women then shrieked as their arms tightened, crushing the breath from her opponent, breasts flattening to several inches thick while nipples sword fought deep within the confines of the turgid flesh. They would not release their holds until one magnificent pair finally collapsed.
“Feel that? Those…those’re what real tits feel…feel like.” Mikoto growled as she crushed Tifa’s body to her own, feeling no hint of give as she ground their boobs together. But while her breasts stood firm M used her advantage in height and leant firmly over the young woman, a grim smile lighting up her face as they shuffled back and forth on the mats. “Gonna show everyone…hnnngh…here who is…is the better woman!”
“You’ll need more…ow…ow…than a big mouth…to do that,” Tifa grunted fiercely, shoving M to slip back several steps, the damp mats making footing difficult, pumping her breasts into the other woman’s. Their orbs were almost welded together, sticky with dried sweat, as they fought to crush and destroy the form of the other maintaining it’s own. Then there was a sudden change as both women froze and Tifa’s head snapped back and she gave a cry of pain. And unbearable shame.
Joslyn and the rest, on the edge of their seats at the back and forth, jumped at the cry. Most couldn’t spot a reason for the change, but Joslyn’s experienced eye picked out the reason. The way her sister flinched, M’s nipples had finally bent her own.
“Mmm, told…you,” Mikoto cooed in pleasure as she pulled Tifa even closer, causing the girl’s legs to shudder. Deep inside the fighting titflesh she could feel how her nipples dominated Tifa’s. The left was pushed back into her areola while the right, was bent pointing upwards. She slid her arms lower, to around her waist, applying more pressure to Tifa’s spine. She savored the incredible look of shame on the girl’s face and the unshed tears that glistened in her eyes, licking her lips at the deliciousness of it all. “Told you…I’d show them who…ohhh…was the better woman!”
“We’re not…done yet!” Tifa spat defiantly as she grabbed at M’s hair. Mikoto hissed in pain as her scalp complained, Tifa’s determined tugging had her head pulled back until she stared up at the ceiling. The movement also briefly peeled their boobs apart, allowing Tifa’s nipples some relief as they lay side by side with M’s pricking at areolas. Her hands slipped from the raven haired beauty’s wet hair, tugging free a few loose strands, hands locking together again in the small of the woman’s back.
Doreen blinked at the sound of an insistent beeping. It was a sound she’d heard before, but never expected to hear tonight. As both beauties wailed at the torture she removed her eye and stared at a blinking red light. “Shit!” She murmured. But she couldn’t do anything now. All she could do was hope that something happened before the battery died.
Mikoto felt her legs turning to jelly. A fire burned at her thighs even as she clenched her teeth and drove her breasts into the Tifa’s. The agony was exquisite, almost sexual in it’s intensity as Tifa breathed quickly and tortuously. “Guh…give?” She hissed as her arms tired, fingers cramping. She kept her gaze focused firmly on the woman in her arms
“No…You…give!” Tifa gasped back, before groaning as M squeezed their bodies together and shoved her boobs. She endured the assault until Mikoto gave an explosive gasp and her grip slackened. Panting heavily, she moaned as Tifa now tightened her arms and thrust out her boobs. Pumping and pressing their aching tits together their bodies rocked gently as they staggered on the mats slapping their bodies together. Tifa’s expression became more and more contorted and M’s tired mind could only assume it was because of their fight, and indeed with each breast thrust and squeeze they could feel their breasts jiggling and softening. And flattening.
It was then that fate decided to intervene. The mats they fought on were wet from the sweat that made it’s way off their bodies and their feet slipped and slid as they struggled to remain upright. Shoving forward M forced Tifa backwards, her tired mind distracted by the girl’s mewls of pain, when her feet slipped and she fell forward her left leg splayed to the side while right rested on the mats behind her. In this state only Tifa’s grip kept her up. Blinking in brief confusion as M scrabbled trying to find her footing Tifa tightened her grip and leaned over, knees bending, as she pressed her unexpected advantage.
“Scream…”she hissed as her muscles flexed and arms crushed M’s upper body. The Wutai woman shook her head wildly as she finally got into a kneeling position, though she was still being held down at an exceptionally uncomfortable angle by the younger woman. Teeth clenched as she fought to get back to a level position, only to be pushed back down as Tifa shuffled closer until her legs were on either side of Mikoto’s body. “I said…scream…or I’ll break you…ooohh!”
“Aaaahh,” M groaned. Tifa moaned as the woman’s still prominent spikes stabbed at her own, defeated pair, causing her to unconsciously flinch away. As she did this Mikoto levered herself up until she was only slightly below Tifa, but found her progress halted as the younger woman pushed back. Furious at herself for losing such an advantage Tifa exerted her efforts to keep M at a lower angle to her own enduring the painful, yet uncomfortably pleasing, sensation of Mikoto’s spikes on her own.
During this time both women’s eyes shot open at the feeling and their bodies went rigid. They had felt it. Both pairs had given way, collapsing in the face of their opposite, but one had done so significantly more and both knew it. The dominant woman poured on the pressure forcing a deep, expressive, groan from the other other woman. But that’s not to say it was over. The other woman thrust back vigorously. Both set of breasts were slowly giving way as they resisted what was coming. And it remained that was for a long two minutes that felt like an hour, before one pair thrust out strongly and the other quivered violently before flattening at the front enough to be easily noticed. “AHH…BITCH!!” Mikoto howled in agony of disbelief.
“Yes…yes…YES!” Tifa screamed, the feeling almost orgasmic as M’s breasts retreated from her own. Her hips started jerking violently at the feeling of her monsters penetrating deep into M’s own treasures. “Who’s…the better woman…now! WHO?”
“ME!” Mikoto shrieked as she scrabbled at Tifa’s face. The shock of her breasts failing drove the woman berserk. This wasn’t just about their breasts, this was about them. It didn’t matter if Tifa chest was bigger. All she had to do was make the cunt submit and she would still win. Then Tifa squeezed and her breasts fell back again. “Aggghh…CUNT!”
“You…sure about that!” Tifa taunted cruelly. She had been on the backfoot for most of the fight and terrified at the thought of what losing would be bring, especially after her nipples had been beaten. But now she sighed at the feeling of M’s breasts retreating in the face of her own. “These pathetic…tits of…yours seems to HUUUCK!!”
“So your fat…tits…beat mine today,” Mikoto spat as she shoved her palms under Tifa’s jaw, the pressure forcing the younger woman to release her hug and fall back several steps. “I’m still…the best…and I’m still gonna…gonna…kick your fat ass!”
Tifa growled at the continued insults, tottering towards M as both exhausted women threw arms over necks and fists flew wildly. Legs trembled with each hit as they slowly sank lower until they knelt on the mats. Even then they refused to stop, fists drilling into faces, stomachs and chests. Mikoto in particular took an almost sadistic pleasure in focusing her punches on Tifa’s dangling boobs. She ground her fist in as best she could, hearing a gurgling gasp from the girl. and shifted her arms rolling Tifa onto her side to land in front of M.
Mikoto quickly mounted the girl, wrapping her arms around her neck. Tifa grunted, getting on all fours as M took the opportunity to wrap her legs around the tired girl’s waist again. “Give up!” she gritted out while Tifa crawled aimlessly, before rearing up and dropping onto her back. “Guuughh..heavy..”
“Quit…calling…me…fat!” Tifa shouted, twisting around before mounting, and then punching at the fallen woman. M raised her arms, protecting her face, but Tifa merely gave a frightening grin and grabbed at her boobs instead. The masseuse shouted at the pain and bucked desperately, managing to dislodge her tormentor. As she landed, Tifa got a foot up to kick M away as she tried to jump at her. They glared at one another, panting hard, before closing back in and scrabbling for holds.
Yuffie couldn’t be sure if she was impressed or sad for the fighting women. Taunting and insulting one another, she wondered on some level if they were encouraging each other to continue fighting. M trapped Tifa in a headlock, wedging the girl’s head firmly against her hip. She managed two, maybe three punches before Tifa slipped free and now held Mikoto in a chokehold. Driving her elbow in the other’s ribs the raven haired woman quickly escaped before spinning around and grabbing at Tifa, the two women grappling fiercely in their determination to dominate the other.
But it was becoming apparent that the fight was losing it’s edge as they fought in a series of holds that were coming fewer and far between since their bodies were too slippery from the sweat to maintain grips. For long moments they would just hold each other in loose clinch, breathing heavily, before moving in a frenzy of movement and then resting again. Yuffie was beginning to worry that the two would beat each other senseless before a winner could be decided when Doreen started gesturing frantically at Joslyn, but as she got to her feet there was a sharp nervous outcry.
Mikoto had somehow gotten behind Tifa and held the girl in a rough full nelson that had Tifa’s monsters on full display as she puffed and panted. Straining her arms, eyes squeezed shut, she forced M into the cry they’d had heard by forcing her arms free through sheer strength. Once free she reached behind herself to grab at M’s matted, sweat sodden hair before sinking to her right knee and pulling forward sharply. In so doing she catapulted the Wutai woman over her shoulder.
Landing supine on the mats Mikoto, exhausted, reacted slowly as Tifa grabbed at her waist, hoisting her over her left shoulder. M groaned, her soaked ratty braid hanging down to the mats. Kneeling facing their stunned audience, her ample chest bellowing as she gave slight jerking motion that had her opponent crying out. “You…give!” She growled for the crowd. Mikoto panted and moaned piteously, but still stubbornly held out, her boobs hanging down almost to her face..
“GIVE!” TIfa screamed as she squeezed at M’s stomach as she moved her up and down. It was soft…a barely audible whisper, but Tifa groaned in relief. Slumping forward onto the mats, M slid off of Tifa’s back as both women moaned.
“Wait…what happened?” Ann demanded.
“I think…it’s over?” Hinata ventured uncertainly.
“Over…I…win.” Tifa hoarsely declared from her position under M.
“Lucky…this time,” Mikoto groaned, her body heaving. “Kick your ass…I’ll…next time.”
“Great fight,” Emma said as the rest of the crowd surged forward to help the women up. Or try to as eyes rolled back into heads and both women entered unconsciousness.
“Well shit…just like your fight.” Gloria remarked dryly as she helped Hinata support M. “Your sister doesn’t do thing half way does she?”
“I don’t,” Jo replied with a smirk as she and Yuffie took over supporting her sister. “Probably better this way. The way they were going they might’ve started wrangling again before we got back to my place.”
“So what do we do with them?” Doreen asked.
“The rest of you make yourselves scarce. Me and Yuffie can get these two back easier without a crowd.” Joslyn lips curled into an evil smile as she regarded Madame M. “I know exactly what to do.”

M woke up with a start, her entire body sore, a weight on her chest. Sighing, she lay back recognizing the weight of the ice pads even after all these years. “Bitch!” She muttered to herself a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Maybe she’d just found the excuse she’d been looking for to come out of retirement. The brat as well would prove a decent sparring partner for any of her students. Naoko especially was itching for another go.
Then she frowned, wondering what had woken her up. Then her eyes narrowed.
Squeaking. A rhythmic, steady squeaking. Like that of a bed in use.
Then she heard a series of sharp squeals in a familiar voice.
Oh no…nuh uh, this was not acceptable. It was one thing to lose a fight…but it was an entirely other matter to be forced to listen to a celebratory fuck. She scowled, burying her head in the pillow. There would be payback for this…oh yes, whichever one of those bitches or both.
For now, just endure. After all, how long could they last. Even as she thought that a deep masculine groan came through the wall and the squeaking of the bed sped up dramatically before come to an abrupt stop.
“Good…” she muttered to herself closing her eyes. Then the squeaking resumed again and her eyes shot open. Oh come the fuck on…
Then her expression turned calculating and her hand slipped down her body at the husky male grunts coming through the wall.

In the next room Tifa whimpered in need. The hot rush from Cloud’s orgasm had dissipated and despite his considerable prowess the fire she felt still burned hot. This was the consequences Siren had warned of. Everything she’d suppressed while Tifa fought M had exploded once she’d regained consciousness and whether by luck or design Cloud had been dozing lightly beside her. He’d woken up as she tugged, whining in frustration, at his pants before pushing her back to the bed and kicking them free.
She’d barely given his pants time to fly clear before latching onto the blonde man forcing him down onto the bed and mounting him in one swift motion. Bouncing frantically upon his shaft, his strong hands massaging her still sore breasts, she’d not been able to hold back. Cloud’s eyes had widened in shock at how quickly and forcefully she came, before collapsing onto his chest. She kept moving however and he grunted, rolling her under his body as he tried to take control before he came too soon. His face contorted as he failed and she squealed in pleasure her inner muscles contracting around his prick, massaging it mercilessly until he came with a hoarse groan.
But it still wasn’t enough as Tifa barely gave him a chance to recover before writhing under his body. Panting at the burning ache in her loins she thrust furiously, seeking release yet again.
Desperate to gain some relief Tifa instinctively tapped into her link with Siren and fled into her mind, allowing the winged being control over her body. For the first time in centuries Siren experienced firsthand the pleasure her vessels did. Coupled with the need burning through Tifa’s nerves she clawed wildly at the man pounding away between her legs as the pleasure exploded again, and again. They were disconnected for a moment as he flipped her over before grabbing at Tifa’s hips and pounding into her from behind.
“Just…a little…more,” Siren gasped out in Tifa’s voice as Cloud leaned forward to allow his fingers to brush lightly at her rapidly moving breasts, shaking in time with his thrusts. That was all it took as Siren spasmed, yowling in pleasure, and came so hard and forcefully that Cloud froze in ecstasy at the feeling of her pussy clamping and caressing at his invading member before adding his voice to her own. The feeling of his hot seed shooting into her borrowed body caused Siren to reach an epiphany and quiver violently as she came again. It had been so long since she’d experienced this personally.
Panting, the couple collapsed bonelessly onto the bed, Siren shoving the hair out of her face before feeling Tifa hammering at the edge of her consciousness. For a brief moment Siren considered ignoring the mortal. Then decided against it. There would be other opportunities. “Mmmm…fine,” Siren murmured as Cloud kissed at her neck and shoulder blades. “I suppose this will suffice…for now.”
“Tifa?” Cloud whispered tiredly.
“Nothing,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him, relief on her face. “Just thinking I don’t want sex right now.”
Cloud’s expression turned disappointed before wincing as she twisted around to face him, while he was still buried inside. Her fingers went through his hair before pulling his face down to hers. They began moving again, in more relaxed and controlled fashion that would keep Madame M awake long into the night.

Reno rose off the bed at the sound of Viola’s soft breathing. He spared her naked form a brief glance, pulling the covers to fall over her body as she shivered slightly.
Retreating to the kitchen, he poured himself a drink before studying the notes on their assignments. He was just stalling he knew. Because he couldn’t figure out a way to talk to her after seeing that tape. The sex tonight had been rough and he hadn’t cared about her initial complaints. He knew he was being hypocritical, but the fact that she kept such a secret grated at his nerves.
He couldn’t bring up the tape because that would expose Tseng, hell he couldn’t even bring up the fighting because all he was supposed to know was that she worked at the Honeybee. Oh, there had to be more. If the timeline Tseng shared with him was accurate she entered the scene after Junon, getting picked up with Scarlet at Gold Saucer. So either she was pursuing Tifa on her own and ran into Scarlet…or Scarlet went looking for her because of the tape and dragged her along.
“Why me…” he muttered rubbing at his temples. He could openly admit to himself that he’d fallen hard for the red headed woman but now it might be that loving her could conflict with his work. He tossed off the rest of his drink. “Fuck!”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“I thought you were sleeping,” Reno remarked, as she came up behind him, nibbling at a lobe.
“Just resting my eyes, I haven’t seen you in a couple of days,” she reminded him, reaching down between his thighs. Her fingers tugged at soft flesh that quickly responded to the touch. “Hmmmm, looks like someone’s missed me.”
“He wasn’t alone,” Reno admitted, pushing his files to the side and getting to his feet. “Vi…We need to talk. Seriously.”
“Now?” She asked as her fingers ran along his full length
“No…” Reno groaned, pushing her up against the wall. “Not now.”

<Gold Saucer>
When Tifa woke up she found herself alone in the bed. Yawning widely she tossed aside the covers and quickly slipped on a pair of slacks and a t-shirt. Exiting her room, she did a double take, both at who came out of the room next door and her condition. “What’re you doing in Jo’s room?”
“So it was the brat then,” M muttered as she yawned, a dark robe covering her body that looked to be a few sizes too small. “And in answer to your question, I’m guessing she took offense on your behalf.”
“She didn’t need to go that far,” Tifa scowled. “We settled up at the fight. She didn’t need to do any extra.”
“Surprisingly mature of you,” Mikoto raised an eyebrow. “Would you be this relaxed if it was me walking out of that door?”
“You already pushing at my buttons?” Tifa growled. “I doubt either of us is ready to go another round just yet so maybe you oughta ease off.”
“Dio’s muscle cream works wonders, don’t you remember.” Mikoto hissed…then stepped back. “But you are correct, it is in poor taste since I do…unfortunately…owe you since you won. Is he still sleeping?”
“Cloud? I was about to go look for him.”
“Up already? Impressive.” M’s eyes glittered. “The boy keeps exceeding my expectations. Or maybe you need help?”
Tifa turned away, refusing to give in to the woman’s provocations and walked towards the staircase. A small smirk on her face Mikoto followed.
Near the exit to Dio’s rear gardens they found a small crowd, made up of a few of the girls from the previous night as well of some of the younger serving women, with Joslyn at the head. Staring intently through one of the windows they didn’t notice the arrival of the newcomers until after Tifa pushed her way through to Jo and her jaw dropped at what they were looking at.
“Oh my…” Mikoto murmured, pulling at her robe. “Beefcake review.”
Currently unaware of his audience a shirtless Cloud was keeping with his morning regimen. He had come to the conclusion that the sword Arthur had gifted was somehow increasing it’s weight to remain just out of his ability to use extensively. No matter how often he many times he swung it, it remained heavy and difficult to use, while his other sword grew lighter to the point he found himself overswinging when he used it.
Pausing the wipe away the sweat he was brought back to reality by sounds of yelling. Looking up he caught a flurry of activity by one of the windows before Tifa, a sheepish looking Joslyn and Madame M came out the door.
“Do I even want to know what that was?” he asked, toweling off his body.
“No!” Was the emphatic answer from all three. He blinked, before shrugging and laying down the sword next to his shirt.
“Fair enough, what brings the three of you out here?” He said. “Together.”
“Well your little girlfriend managed to keep you to herself.” Mikoto said, looking him up and down. Slowly. “Guess you could say we both got we wanted…more or less. So what was your plan for me?”
“We’ll wait till the others get up,” he replied. “I’d rather not have to repeat myself. And we also need Yuffie’s…talents…for this to work.”
“Mr. Cloud. Mr. Dio is asking for you.” They all looked up to see Albert standing at the door. He nodded at the three women. “Ladies.”
“Good to see you again Albert,” M waved at the older man, a look of genuine affection on her face. He gave a small bow before stepping aside for Cloud.
“Huh, didn’t think you could make a face like that,” Joslyn snidely remarked as the two men disappeared into the mansion.
“One day you and I are going to have to have a little talk, brat.” Mikoto said, turning to the teenager. “You’re getting too big for that skirt of yours.”
“Anytime…anywhere,” Joslyn replied, pushing up against the taller woman, smirking at her wince. “Maybe I should amend that to whenever you feel up to it. You’re going to need a few weeks after that beating last night.”
“Ease off Josy,” Tifa sighed. “She gave as good as she got, and it could’ve just as easily been me on the losing end. Whatever you think of her, M can back up her shit. She more than proved that last night so…here.”
Tifa extended her hand. In it was the pin she’d taken from the night when they’d first butted heads…though chests would be more apt description…and a small hairband. Mikoto felt a quiver of excitement as she stared at the young woman. “What’re you playing at here Lockhart?”
“We both know you could’ve pushed Cloud into a corner and he would’ve given in. There’s too much at stake.” Tifa said, staring back unflinchingly. “You didn’t have to fight me…you wanted to. As it stands I now owe you for not taking advantage of the situation…so assuming we’re all still alive when this is over, just send me this whenever you’re up for a rematch.”
M gingerly picked up the proffered items. The pin she immediately stuck into her hair, while experimentally testing the hairband’s elasticity before slipping it over her wrist. “Just so we’re clear, I still don’t like you. And I still aim to show Cloud what I can do beneath the sheets, especially now that I know what he’s capable of.” Mikoto broke off and gave Joslyn a look. “Guess I should thank you, brat.”
“Same stakes then,” Tifa held out a hand, blocking her sister who’s angry expression mirrored her own. “And I feel the same way. We’ll never be friends M. But we can at least be civil.”
“Fair enough, now if you’ll excuse me.” M yawned. “Just tell the stud that I agree with whatever he comes up with. I’m going to catch up on the sleep I missed out on.”
“Sis’re you crazy?” Joslyn asked as soon at the dark haired woman was out of earshot. “She…”
“She’s going to be coming after Cloud regardless of what you or I do,” Tifa finished sourly. “At least this way I have some warning. You and I have some work to do cause if she comes back much tougher I’m going to be in a lot of trouble.”
“She’s not kidding,” Yuffie remarked, legs swinging from on top the pillar she was perched.
“Fie…how long’ve you been there,” Joslyn asked, as soon as she caught herself.
“Been here all morning,” she smirked. “Had me a ringside seat.”
“Lucky,” Jo grunted. “What do you mean, anyway. That Tifa’s right?”
“Remember how your dad said that they were both retired?” Joslyn nodded and then her eyes widened in comprehension. “That’s right. Most we can assume she’s been doing is just training other girls like Naoko.”
“But…but if that was the case then why’d she provoke Tifa like that? She said she knew of her reputation.”
“As for why…I can only guess. The Mikoto I remember from back in Wutai was arrogant, overconfident and a general pain in the ass.” Yuffie shrugged. “Maybe she thought boobs’s reputation was overblown, or that she could take her regardless. Doesn’t matter now. She won’t come around again until she’s good and ready. And if she put up a fight like the one last night when she’s rusty…”
The brunette sisters pondered the teen’s warning and Tifa gave a small shiver at the thought. But it was one of excitement rather than fear.
“First off…you’re still calling me that? Really…” Tifa stared pointedly at the smaller girl’s bust. “Second, I could tell she was serious. If she was just messing with me I wouldn’t have hesitated to just let Siren help out. And third…you’re right. It doesn’t matter. If anything that’ll just make it more fun.”
“Won’t be fun if she wins…not with what’s at stake,” Josyln pointed out. “It one thing when it’s you and me, but I don’t much like the idea of her getting her hands on Cloud.”
“It’s all moot if we don’t pull this off, besides…” Tifa grinned. “It’s a rival’s responsibility to keep the other on her toes.”
“Oh you don’t need to worry about that,” Jo laughed. “Don’t forget who won last time. If…no…WHEN this is over I look forward to taking the lead.”
“And don’t forget who beat you,” Yuffie chimed in. “If it mean’s putting M on her ass again, I’m tossing my bra into the ring.”
“Someone’s cocky,” Tifa raised an eyebrow. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that one day. But for now, I’m starving. Let’s go see if we can grab some breakfast.”

Giving her hips a sway M, made her way back to her own room this time, relishing the stumbling looks she garnered from Dio’s staff. Outside the room, however, she paused as she recognized the woman that exited. “Helga…” she greeted the still attractive silver haired woman.
“Little Mikoto,” she smiled. “I understand you’ve made quite the impression on dear Joslyn’s friends after last night. And her sister.”
“What can I say…we’re too much alike.” M shrugged. “I quit because it just wasn’t enjoyable anymore after the old man left. No real challenge.”
“Found one now though, eh. Miss Tifa is quite the hellion I understand. My little darling was quite ecstatic at finding someone she could finally fight all out.” Helga sighed. “And here I thought she was finally growing out of this craze of hers and maybe finally bring home a boy with a spine.”
“If only you knew the half of it,” Mikoto muttered to herself before snorting loudly. “You spoil her too much. But I will admit Lockhart lives up to her hype. Will make it all the more enjoyable next time…assuming there is one.”
“So you’re taking a side in current matter?” Helga raised an eyebrow. “She must’ve made quite the impression. You never were very good at making friends…always so competitive. Remember the thick blonde that…”
“Quit it Helga,” she said, face reddening. “She and I are NOT friends and likely never will be. We can barely stand one another as is. Once I beat her that’ll be the end of it, just like how it’s always been!”
“If that is what you want.” Helga shrugged. “Though if she’s anything like Josy I doubt she’ll just throw in the towel after losing once. After all…it’s not something you’d do either.”
“Thank’s Hel,” Mikoto leaned in, kissing at the woman’s cheek. “I still miss never getting a chance to take you on.”
The handsome woman laughed. “Little one, even at your best I would’ve kicked your ass from here back to Wutai.”
To Be Continued in Chapter 13 – Click Here to Go There!
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