Rivals, around the beginning of 2020, after feeling guilty about asking Catfight Factory to make me art for the site, I tried making my own.
Since then I have fallen in love with the hobby, and have allowed it to basically consume the only part of my brain that wasn’t already devoted to fem fighting.
On Deviant Art, I have to say, it’s a lot easier to find and download full-res versions of the below images there. So if you are feeling like you want to make a deep-dive through my new medium, head on over!

My Less Than Intensely Naughty Art is on DeviantArt, Organized, Full Resolution (4K), and Downloadable.

Newest Pieces

Too Hot for DeviantArt

My Favorite Pieces

Want More Rapture? Find More Below!

Absolutely love this! You should definitely accompany future stories with some of your artwork, or possibly even try a different approach and base stories around some artwork that you’ve created.
Bob! Thank you so much for your kind words! It really brought a wide smile to my face all of last night. I don’t want to oversell what I’m doing with the models, as in the program some aspects come pre-made, like models, poses, backdrops (which I haven’t used yet). But those I use as starting points, and then move them into a position that better fits an idea I see in my head.
That caveat being given, I do intent to use the 3d Art in my edits, though perhaps not as a replacement to the models I use. Just because I think having a real face to look at adds something to the reader’s understanding of what I am seeing in my imagination. What I probably will use them for is like scene locations. Battle flashes, where it’s more their bodies and less their faces. But still, all of that depends on me getting enough skin tones, hair styles, hair colors, locations, and clothing to really match the stories I write. That might take a bit of time and $$$, but I’ll get there.
As to your idea of taking an idea from the art, I think the last set I did last night will probably be that. The white woman, white guy couple, with an African American usurper. Something about the concept made me excited — more excited than usual. he he
Cada día me sorprendéis más, maravilloso
I stand by what I said, this is Pixiv-worthy 😉
I agree with Drew.
Fight in the toilet is best!
Really nice stuff. But I would expect no less than great from you!
Thank you all so much for your praise! It all means so very much to me! <3
I am more than impressed ! Your art work is fine !! Awesome !!
You are a multi-talented guy !
I will try that free program. I like to draw my fantasies as long as to draw them is easier, faster and less complicated than to write about them.
Thank you, Giannis! :3
I’d say it is complicated, but also doable. As long as you’re willing to google things when you can’t just figure them out on your own.
Also, you can ask me. As I have had to leap those same hurdles getting to where I am now in the learning process.
Love Yoga pin!!!
Thank you so much!!!
wow, love yours and catfight factorys work, i have some ideas for a highly sexy catfight, lets chat and thanks again for your amazing work, truly a pleasure to see catfights draw so exquisitely, capturing all that sexy about a catfight you cant get in real life.
Thank you so much! If it wasn’t for CatfightFactory, I never would have done any of this. BUT, I’m glad that I have found a more visual, and less time-consuming way of conveying my take on this genre. It really is satisfying in the same way that writing my stories is.
Your art work is so hot and sexy.
I can’t view it often enough
Very Beautiful Gallery!
When artistic skill collides with a feverishly hot imagination!