About the Author
Hi, I’m Corvus. Some of you may remember me from my previous nom de plume, Rino.
For over twenty years, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of erotic combat/competition between women. And I’ve managed to feed this fascination with a lot of stories. It’s been fun, and even in my fallow periods, I’ve always loved reading stories about passionate women who compete on the field of sexual battle.
My stories range from very soft to somewhat violent, but always with an erotic component. I prefer writing about more mature women. Sexual competition is a transgressive act, and as such will sometimes arise when the fuse of passion is ignited.
I hope you enjoy the booms.
If you’d like to contact this author, you can email them at corvustriad@gmail.com.

Corvus’ Stories
Avon Calling
This is a fairly rough little story set in the fifties. Mary is selling Avon products and hopes to net a sale from the richest woman in town. But Carol has a taste for kinky catfighting and starts a battle royal.
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On the Right Track
Joanna has a close encounter with a beautiful woman on a subway car. The next day it happens again. What would the third day bring? A story of sexual tension in Manhattan.
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Sexfight at the OK Saloon
How the West was really won!
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The Phone Call
“You know it! We both tried for that one room, and we were jammed shoulder to shoulder trying to get in. She was all ‘I saw it first!’ and I said, ‘Bullshit, I was in here before you!’ and we both finally squeezed in and I could feel her boobs jammed against mine as we pushed in. We turned around and looked daggers at each other, and she finally said, ‘Well okay, let’s both use it. Okay?’ and I thought for a second, but I wanted to get out of there, so I said, ‘Fine, just don’t bump into me, cow!’.”
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No Barriers
From that position, they pressed their foreheads together and leaned into each other. Their eyes almost crossed from the close range as they stared, pushing forward with their heads. They kept up the pressure for a minute or so, then they both pushed forward and lowered their faces so that they pressed together. Their lips met and softened and they kissed, warm and open and thrilling.
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Pandora and Hera are two young witches who meet in supernatural sexual combat to determine who mates with a wizard. They have been lovers before; now they must use their alluring talents in an otherworldly competition.
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The two women stood there in the pantry, hands raised, their breath coming faster. As they inhaled, the spicy smelling chemical went ever deeper into their lungs. Their chests expanded, pushing their breasts out a bit. They each felt their nipples get hard. Without word, the two women moved forward and their bodies slowly came together. Their breasts compressed against each other, and their exhalations mingled, inflaming their senses.
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Interview with a Sexfighter
This is of course totally bogus. But it was a lot of fun to write. I think it’ll be fun to read, too.
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Dreams and Awakening
Christie and Melissa are young neighbors who find that a friendly wrestling match leads to an even friendlier sexual encounter. This was the first sexfight story I wrote, and it has a special fondness in my heart.
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August Heat
Margot and Diane are cousins who fight against their own undeniable attraction to each other. During Diane’s visit to Margot, passions collide and an erotic battle ensues on a stormy Texas night.
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Save water. Shower with a friend.
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Raven and Janice haven’t seen each other in fifteen years. After Janice comes to spend some time in Raven’s rural retreat, they ignite a passion that climaxes in an intense sexual encounter.
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Sunday Afternoon, While the Big Game Played
Kayla and Laney entertain themselves while their husbands watch a football game. Tackles, passes and interceptions, oh my!
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Raven and Lynda
Raven’s at it again, with another friend! A Saturday spent washing their cars leads to soapy fun and sex, more sex, and then some more sex.
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Victoria paused for moment, then said, “Oh my! When I heard that, I snapped! I stood up and faced her. We were so close our breasts for pressing together. I could actually feel her stiff nipples – and she could feel mine. I said very softly, ‘You’ve got one goddamn second to take that back, you bitch!’. And she just looked me, and smiled her superior smile, and I slapped her!”
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Hunter’s Moon
A small New England town is the setting for this love match. Two young librarians find they have more in common than a passion for books. Evelyn and Diane have a sensual struggle under an Autumn moon.
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Mother and Daughter and Auntie
They stepped away from their fallen dresses and advanced toward each other, and then they clashed. They met with a quake of flesh and they groaned as their breasts came together and they felt their sensitive nipples meet and the breast flesh mushroomed out on the side. They whimpered when their bellies touched and inhaled sharply when the curly nests of their bushes touched, followed by the exquisite pressure of their southern lips.
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Alabama Encounter
Anna felt the unforgettable pressure of two sets of breasts compressing against each other. She drilled her eyes deep into Cody’s. Cody responded by wrapping both her arms around Anna’s waist and pulling them closer together. They felt their rigid nipples poking their shirts and they groaned as their breasts were crushed together. Anna reached up with one hand and wrapped It up in Cody’s brown hair and pulled.
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“Well, we got into it. She stripped down to her panties and that shocked the hell out of me, but I wasn’t about to let her intimidate me. I stripped down to my panties too. We were both a bit unsure, so we got on our knees on one of the beds and we gripped each other’s shoulders, trying to push the other back. We weren’t getting anywhere, and she finally said ‘fuck it’ and slapped me.”
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Saxon Violins
Rose continued, as she moved her fist up and down on the straining cock. “God, your sister and I would roll around the floor, slapping each other and pulling hair! I’d rip off her goddamn blouse and dig my claws into her oversized breasts. Oh, I can hear her screaming now! I know her, she’d be giving it to me as well. She’d punch at me and slap me hard, and I’d be cursing her out. ‘YOU BITCH!’ ‘YOU WHORE!’”
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Tara’s Epiphany
Elizabeth said, “Would you like to slap my face, Tara? Go ahead. Please …”
Tara raised her hand. This was it. She held her right hand up at shoulder height. It trembled slightly.
“I’m … I’m afraid.”
“Me too. Hit me!”
Tara gathered her will and struck. Her hand whipped around and smacked into Elizabeth’s cheek with a cracking sound. Elizabeth’s head rocked back and she gasped in sudden pain and shock. Her cheek reddened from the blow.
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Wednesday Afternoon
As their eyes were locked, the women continued their unrelenting pressure, flattening the flesh, poking each other with their stiff nipples. They felt as hard as the tips of pencil erasers. They luxuriated in the squeezing pressure, feeling a throbbing pain that felt too good to give up. Again, Sarah marveled at how the smoothness of their breasts could feel so hard, simultaneously yielding at the start, and then like rubbery iron when compressed to the ultimate.
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Passages: Fighting the Crowd
This Story is a Sequel to Passages
The two women stood there in the pantry, hands raised, their breath coming faster. As they inhaled, the spicy smelling chemical went ever deeper into their lungs. Their chests expanded, pushing their breasts out a bit. They each felt their nipples get hard. Without word, the two women moved forward and their bodies slowly came together. Their breasts compressed against each other, and their exhalations mingled, inflaming their senses.
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What would happen if two women on the International Space Station decided to have a sexfight in zero-g? Gee!
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My Enemy, My Lover
A story written from the point of view of one of the participants in a clothes-ripping sexfight. So far, this has been my only foray into a first-person style for a story. I wanted to explore some of the issues and emotions behind a sexfight, and why a woman might wish to do this. I like the way it turned out.
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That We May Struggle
This Story is Not yet Finished. Will Be Updated Over Time
“OOHhhhhh….fight me you bitch! Fight me…FIGHT ME!” She had her fingers digging deep into her pussy, pulling on them. With one hand, she’d mauled her own breasts, digging her fingers into the flesh.
Marianne panted, “OOhhhh…..we’re fighting, we’re fighting, oh fuckfight me you slut, grind your pussy on mine! Fuck me with your clit!”
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The Club Series
The Club is an association of well-to-do women who get their kicks from wrestling, catfighting and sexfighting. Run by the rich and oh-so-wicked Holly Cavanaugh, these high-society women meet at the Clubhouse (and some other places) to satisfy their appetite for erotic combat. The Junior League was never like this!
First Contact
Karen St. James joins the club and meets the president. Unpleasantries are exchanged. Pantyhose is ripped. Thumbs are inserted. But there is a also some excellent tea.
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Sarah vs. Anne
Sarah and Anne have been bitter rivals for years, and they enjoy nothing better than getting together and wearing each other out in a snarling and spitting no-holds-barred sexfight. Now they find they will “meet for the first time” through the auspices of their husbands. The sexual combatants must behave themselves through dinner. But what will they choose for dessert?
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From the Outside Looking In
They are close friends and have known each other for years. Laura is redheaded, with a tangled mane of helter-skelter curls. She is wearing a long purple skirt, thin with soft folds. It has a long front slit. Other than that, she is naked. She has large breasts and jutting nipples.
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Karen and Tracy
Karen has her first match at the clubhouse, and makes a friend. Of course, this is after they rip each other’s clothes off, have a brisk wanton battle, and then force some spectacular orgasms on each other. Hey, it breaks the ice.
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Lydia and Darleen
Lydia is Holly’s maid. Sent on an errand to Holly’s confidante and partner in lust, Laura Stanton, Lydia meets Darleen, the rough-hewn and plain-spoken domestic employed by Ms. Stanton. The women discover that they share something in common beside their disgust in their employers. They find they are also drawn to erotic combat. And they’re good at it.
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