Carnation Creations’ Stories
About the Author
I am Carnation Creations or CC for short, and I specialize in writing female boxing matches. Usually, I write for the Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA) online, and I may dabble in other assorted stories. When I write an account, I attempt to write with intent and tell a story to the audience. I believe that every fight has a meaning, fictional or in reality, and knowing the importance behind every step, punch, and movement enhances your understanding. Please, only contact me for writing feedback or business.
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Carnation Creations’ Stories
Stephanie McMahon vs. Bridget Regan
Stephanie fires the first big punch of the match, a jab into a right hook combo. Still, Bridget expertly ducks underneath and crushes Stephanie’s torso with a rugged right cross! Her eyes go wide as the pain ripples through her body, and Bridget continues firing hard, close-range punches to Stephanie’s torso. At the same time, the prey gathers her energy enough to cover up. The final seconds of the round end with Stephanie close to the neutral corner, catching most of Bridget’s punches on her forearms and elbows until the bell rings.
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Stephanie McMahon vs. Kate Upton
In this round, Kate starts off dominating early, but then tries to get greedy and attack Stephanie’s chest in this welterweight contest. Stephanie gathers her strength and blocks these punches, and gives her opponent a “are you f-ing kidding me?” look.
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Stephanie McMahon vs. Alexandra Daddario
Their breaths conflicted as they raised their voices. In a flash, Stephanie backhands Alexandra across the face, emitting a loud crack! while her opponent staggers back in shock. Alexandra responds by lowering her hips and taking Stephanie down on the ground! At this point, Carnation Creations and Foxfire Boxing staff jump into the scene and separate the two fighters by force.
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Paige Spiranac vs. Juno Temple
The fourth round was the most dramatic so far, as Juno scored a knockdown in the first minute that changed the momentum of the fight. She stepped on Paige’s right foot as they were exchanging punches and threw a right hook that hit Paige’s cut spot-on. Juno’s punch devastates Paige and turned Paige’s lights out and sent her crashing to the canvas. Paige was on all fours, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. She managed to get up at two, but she was still dazed and wobbly.
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Stephanie McMahon vs. Samantha Hoopes
This round flowed calmly from before, with Samantha’s upper hand striking Stephanie all around the ring. However, Ms. McMahon stays upright the whole round, albeit on a stagger, which infuriates Samantha and her corner. Still, Hoopes and co don’t want to make the same mistake as Stephanie did in the first round, so they start to back away from the older welterweight. However, a stray right cross combination strikes Hoopes hard on her chest, and now she’s the wobbly fighter! The bell rings before we can see a finish here.
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Paige Spiranac vs. Harumi Nemoto
With a round break to collect her thoughts and listen to Stephanie, Paige returns fire in this round with some long jab and cross combinations. She manages to keep her distance from Harumi. Chiba’s finest now finds herself in a world of trouble, playing Paige’s game in the ring.
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Paige Spiranac vs. Jessica Nigri
Jessica Nigri entered second, accompanied by her friend and fellow professional cosplayer Meg Turney, wearing a dark matter robe. While she stood in the ring, Meg removed her robe to uncover Jessica’s famous Sith Lord cosplay attire, with:
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Paige Sprianac vs. Vivian Hsieh
Stephanie fires the first big punch of the match, a jab into a right hook combo. Still, Bridget expertly ducks underneath and crushes Stephanie’s torso with a rugged right cross! Her eyes go wide as the pain ripples through her body, and Bridget continues firing hard, close-range punches to Stephanie’s torso. At the same time, the prey gathers her energy enough to cover up. The final seconds of the round end with Stephanie close to the neutral corner, catching most of Bridget’s punches on her forearms and elbows until the bell rings.
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