The Town – Part 1 by Stone Kidman

Competitive Pay
Judy finished getting dressed for work; after her hour on the peloton, she was honed and ready for her big presentation today. Clad in her immaculate cream Chanel blazer and skirt, with white silk blouse and black stockings, her curvy body was still on display. Her blouse was low cut enough to show plenty of cleavage and the expensive skirt hugged the blonde forty four year old woman’s plump ass.
She stopped by her son’s room to check on him. Judy opened the door to see her son, Craig Junior. He was grappling with a black woman who had him down with a breast smother. Just like his father, Judy thought to herself as she watched her son struggle to arch up off the blue gym mat the pair were battling on. The blonde milf commented how Junior was still vulnerable to a woman with assets.
She reminded the twenty one year old that he needed to go out collecting rent for their grandfather along with his useless dad. His reply was muffled but she saw the top of his head nodding. The ebony maid trapped him in a grapevine and Judy told her son he should just submit and give the winner her just desserts. He nodded again, as his limbs strained against the grapevine.
The maid released him and nimbly hopped up, trapping Craig Junior in a schoolgirl pin. “Lick me, monsieur,” the maid said with her colonial French accent. Her bush was in front of Junior’s mouth, as she never wore panties under her uniform in case the family she served wanted ease of access. He reluctantly licked her sweaty twat, his tongue only tentatively flicking out to taste her folds. The maid shuddered with pleasure and slid forward, planting her horny cunt on his mouth.
Judy told her son to always leave the winner satisfied as she closed the door. Junior accepted the black woman’s face fucking until she squirted into his mouth. She thanked the fit young man after the maid caught her breath and crawled off of Junior. He stood up, using the back of his hand to wipe her juices off his chin, before he ordered the maid to finish him off with her tits. She obediently crawled forward on her knees and cupped her black double D’s together around Junior’s stiff white cock; he typically wrestled nude.
She grinned up at her master, asking if he liked being pinned by her breasts. He had gotten so worked up jobbing to the African woman that Craig Junior shot his load across the cleavage of his personal maid. She milked out his load and asked if he wanted another match, implying she’d smother him with his own cream. Junior reluctantly declined, citing his mother’s assignment to go collect rent with his father.
In the kitchen, Judy munched on a bagel while she waited for the coffee maker to finish. She wished her daughter Kimmy good luck with her cheer practice today. Kimmy, the lithe eighteen year old blonde, sat at the breakfast counter in her cheerleader uniform while another maid served the pretty teen breakfast. Kimmy asked if Junior could give her a ride to school but the milf informed her spoiled daughter that he had to collect rent although their father could drive her.
The teen groaned and rolled her eyes, “But everyone will see that jobber drop me off.” Judy shrugged and was handed a travel coffee mug by the maid before she said she had to hurry. The two kissed before Judy got into her silver bmw and pulled down the driveway out of their enormous home. She glanced at it, still a little in awe of how much she’s earned in only a year when she and her children used to live in a rented apartment. One of the perks of being a Lord, she thought to herself before pulling out onto the street; waving at the neighbors jogging by.
Fifteen minutes later, Judy entered the subterranean parking garage of the imposing twenty story office building. She used her badge to take the executive elevator up to the eighteenth floor and was going over the introduction to her presentation in her head when a figure suddenly stood in her way. She was a Colombian woman with a light complexion, a bright purple blouse with a black skirt and blazer.
“What do you want, Luna,” Judy grumbled as the latina stood with her hands confidently on her hips, blocking the blonde executive’s path. “I want you, bitch,” the busty brunette said, Luna grinned. She was on the same project team and had been biding her time to challenge the company vice president. Luna’s ID badge hung from the lapel of her blazer and showed the bright yellow square, which indicated her rank. The latina had spent the last few weeks defeating any other contenders for Judy’s salary. Judy’s own badge showed the bright red square, indicating her top rank with not only the most wins but least amount of losses within the company.
“Can we do this later, I’m really in a hurry,” Judy asked with an exasperated sigh. Luna just shook her head and motioned with her thumb to the glass walled conference room behind her. The latina had already booked the room and a crowd of office workers had begun to gather. “Fine,” Judy snarled, “but know that you’re paying the price after you lose.” The two women marched into the empty room as the crowd began to increase in anticipation. Judy and Luna removed their expensive clothes, glaring at each other until Judy asked if the Colombian woman thought she had what it takes. Luna scoffed that Judy only got to her position because she married one of the owner’s sons.
By now both women have stripped down to their underwear, Judy was 5’10” in a dolce Demi bra barely holding back her full 42DD’s and black garters, sans panties since she knew from experience most women either lost them to the winner or merely the benefits of having ease of access in order to use a loser.
Luna, being shorter at 5’05” but nearly as curvy 38D, wore a Victoria’s Secret sheer black bra and matching thong. As they stood across, facing each other, with over a dozen employees watching through the plexiglass wall. “You think I got here by sucking that wimps dick?” Judy asked sternly. Luna showed no fear as they circled until the blonde woman grabbed the latina’s dark brown hair, which Luna had pulled back into a bun. “I had to fight my way to the top chica,” Judy said with mocking sarcasm. She grunted when Luna grabbed a handful of her ear length dirty blonde hair and tried to knee the taller executive between the legs.
Judy was experienced and had kept her stocking clad leg up to block an obvious low blow. They twirled about the two hundred square foot conference room before Judy whipped Luna into the padded wall by her long dark hair, having torn it out of the bun. Judy drove a knee into Luna’s abdomen which drew a grunt from the latina but she continued to tug on her opponent’s hair.
“You were handed this position bitch,” Luna cursed and began trading slaps to the face with Judy. “I could use that executive paycheck,” Luna grinned when Judy was unable to deliver another kneelift after she yanked the blonde woman off balance by her hair. “You got that big house and car handed to you on your knees because you were a whore for The Lords,” the Colombian woman shouted as she and Judy continued to twirl about in the conference room.
By now the crowd was fifty employees deep as they each began placing bets on which woman would emerge victorious. Some were already claiming first dibs on the loser’s holes when Judy’s screams permeated the din. Luna had backed her opponent into the corner and finally got her knee between the blonde’s legs. When Judy lowered her hand to clutch her sore twat, Luna went for her foe’s obvious weakness and dug her purple fingernails into the blonde’s ample bosom.
Judy screamed and released Luna’s hair to pry the Colombian woman’s claws from her breasts while the brunette twisted the blonde woman’s orbs. Luna had backed the blonde milf into the wall to continue her assault on Judy’s melons. Her face screwed up like she sucked on a sour lemon while Luna asked if her boss wanted to submit before she ruined her proud breasts.
“Ohh,” the crowd roared in unison as Judy repaid the lowblow by driving a knee between Luna’s legs while the latina pressed her body against her opponent. Luna’s mouth formed an O shape of shock as Judy used two handfuls of hair to flip her Colombian rival onto the rubber gym mat-like floor of the conference room. Luna groaned when Judy stomped down on the latina’s tummy, making her roll over and gasp for air.
“That all you got, bitch?” Judy asked incredulously. She reached down and tore off Luna’s bra before Judy rolled the latina onto her stomach. The blonde milf pinned one of Luna’s wrists behind her back with a knee while she pulled the Columbian woman’s other hand back and used the discarded sheer bra to bind the latina with her makeshift handcuffs.
After over a hundred wins, Judy knew how to hogtie another woman with her own panties, however she didn’t perform this indignity to Luna yet. She wanted to send a message to any potential rivals of what lay in store should they seek to publicly challenge the blonde milf. Judy rolled Luna over, after binding the brunette’s wrists behind her back. At first, the irate latina tried to kick up at the blonde but, until she caught Luna’s creamy thigh. The Colombian woman bit her lip to stifle a scream after Judy drove a fist into her opponent’s crotch.
The crowd winced while Judy took her seat on Luna’s flat tummy. She bounced her big white ass up and down several times, knocking the wind out of the latina, before Judy latched onto Luna’s stiff nipples. The air conditioning was always chilly in the conference room, due to the inevitable sweat from the grappling, but mainly for this very reason. She slowly teased the latina’s rubbery tips with her fingers for a few seconds before Judy clamped her thumb and index finger shut on them.
“Aieee!” Luna squealed when Judy reared back and lifted the columbian woman’s torso off the padded floor before the blonde milf let go. Luna immediately began spitting a litany of curses in Spanish at her opponent but Judy silenced these when she reached back and tugged up on the latina’s thong, driving it deep into her pussy.
The earlier low blows made Luna emit a shrill scream from the way Judy would saw the material back and forth across the brunette’s clit. “What was that, bitch,” Judy growled, her voice tinged with anger, “I don’t speak your whore language.” Judy slapped Luna across her pretty brown face while the blonde milf tugged the latina’s thong with her other hand.
She would alternate slaps until the busty Colombian tried to buck the blonde milf off. “Argh! You fucking cunt!” Luna screamed when Judy latched both hands on her opponent’s D cups and cruelly shredded her foe’s pristine brown boobs.
“No, not yet bitch,” Judy snarled as she rose to her feet before she stomped down on Luna’s flat stomach. “You’ll know when I’m ready to be a cunt.” The blonde executive hauled Luna up by her shoulder length straight dark brown hair. Judy grabbed the back of her opponent’s thong, making Luna hiss through her teeth. Judy used her grip on the Colombian woman’s hair to slam Luna’s back into the padded wall.
“Ahh! Fucking puta! I’m gonna tear jor teets off!” Luna screamed, her native accent bleeding through, after Judy pinned the brown beauty against the wall and dug her claws into the latina’s tits. She sunk her nails in deep, drawing more cries of pain and epithets. “Not yet, bitch,” Judy said, after she was done raking furrows down Luna’s breasts. “I just wanted to tenderize the meat.”
Judy backed up and drove a knee into the latina’s tummy. The blow made Luna double over as she emitted a big gust of air. “If you wanted to aim for the big leagues,” Judy said, after she lifted the latina’s head up by her hair, so she could look Luna in the eyes, “make sure you come correct.”
“Oomph,” the Colombian woman grunted when Judy held her opponent upright, with a handful of hair against the wall, while Judy buried her fist in the brown woman’s flat stomach. Judy grinned as she cocked her arm back and slammed several punches into Luna’s abdomen before the blonde woman began driving hooks into the latina’s tits.
“Oh god,” Luna groaned as her proud breasts were beaten back and forth until Judy started flattening the orbs against the Colombian’s sternum. A final series of uppercuts to her jugs made Luna’s legs give out as she collapsed to the floor, dripping with sweat as she still cursed the blonde milf under her breath.
“Ahh!” Luna shouted as she was lifted to her feet by her hair again before being led over to the glass wall. The monitors outside the conference room captured the different angles of Judy demolishing her opponent’s body but now they were going to get a front row view to how a woman who worked her way into The Lord Family kept her coveted vice president position at The Company.
“Ugh,” Luna grunted as her sore breasts were shoved against the plexiglass wall of the conference room. She felt Judy’s body pressed against her own from behind. “You want to know how I got this job, bitch,” Judy hissed as she leaned into Luna’s ear, after pulling her foe’s head back by her hair. The Colombian woman gasped as she felt the milf’s fingers slide between her legs. Judy worked the thong to the side and delicately teased Luna by tracing the tips of her sharp nails around the latina’s clit.
Luna’s hands were nearly rubbing against Judy’s own bare breasts so the brunette knew the talons teasing her clit were a threat. The latina gulped nervously as Judy moved her mouth closer to Luna’s ear. “I’ve defeated a lot of bitches tougher than you,” Judy whispered into her opponent’s ear. Luna felt a cold shudder run down her back as the blonde’s fingertips traced the Colombian’s clit.
It reminded Luna she was in checkmate, like a knife to the throat but of a different kind of head. “But I like you,” Judy continued, “I think I want to keep you around.” She ran her tongue around Luna’s ear before nibbling on it gently. At the same moment, Judy’s fingers began strumming the latina’s clit. Despite the low blows and pussy wedgies, the teasing had Luna practically frothing with desire.
“So you have two options,” Judy said as she slowly sped up her clit rubbing. Luna struggled not to moan, she didn’t want to give the blonde milf the satisfaction. But after Judy bit down on the latinas neck, giving Luna a hickey, while her fingers increased the clit stimulation, the latina audibly gasped despite herself. “You can either choose to be *my* whore, where you are at my beck and call whenever I need a good licking…,” Luna moaned and shuddered as Judy’s words were emphasized by the milf shoving two digits into the Colombian’s twat.
“…Or,” the blonde continued, “you can pretend you’re still a tough bitch who I’ll give a rematch to in a month or so, after you’ve recovered from this humiliation, but you’ll spend the rest of today being everybody else’s whore.” Luna’s eyes widened at the offer; she knew a possible punishment for losing meant being placed in the gloryhole for use in the men’s bathroom or even worse would be being locked in the stocks in the hallway for anyone to use.
Luna gasped and shuddered as she was brought to the edge before Judy spun the proud Colombian woman around. The blonde milf sucked on her opponent’s nipples. They were as sharp as tacks and Luna tried to squeeze her legs shut but Judy’s tongue made the latina’s clit throb. She sucked each nipple before Judy stood upright to ask Luna her decision. With tears in her eyes, she would never freely admit defeat; not with everyone watching.
“Fuck joo, puta,” she said, her voice cracking a little. That’s when Judy grabbed the front of the brunette’s thong and bounced Luna until the flimsy thing broke. The pussy wedgie, after being brought so close to the edge, felt like a hot poker being sliced into the latina’s nether regions. She collapsed to the floor while Judy stood over her foe.
“I got to give it to you, bitch,” Judy said with a bemused smile, “you definitely deserved the shot but if you’re going to aim high, better remember not to miss next time.” She dragged Luna into the center of the room by her legs before the blonde milf lifted her opponent’s hips off the floor. Luna was propped on her shoulders, with the back of her head against the floor, while Judy stepped over and between the latina’s thighs.
“Ohhhhh fuck,” the brunette squealed after Judy began tribbing the busty Colombian. With Luna’s tits almost dangling in her face she was pinned against the mat with her legs pointed towards the ceiling with Judy standing over the latina as she slammed and ground her own bare pussy against the Colombian’s twat. Judy was an expert at tribbing and wanted to make an example of Luna, that while the blonde takes on all-comers she doesn’t tolerate wimps.
“Scream bitch,” Judy hollered above the latina’s gasps and moans, “tell them who the whore is!” Judy wanted to break this bitch sexually as well as physically. The scars on her brown breasts would heal, but Judy knew that to destroy Luna’s will would haunt a bitch for months, if not years.
“Oh god! Yesss! Fuck meeee!” Luna squealed as she tried to thrust her crotch up but had no leverage with her wrists still bound. Judy grabbed Luna’s other leg, so she was practically doing the splits between the Colombian woman’s thighs. Judy twerked her hips so their clits ground together like tiny swords. The blonde milf would alternate, gyrate and slamming her pussy against Luna until the latina began babbling in tongues.
“Say it, bitch,” Judy shouted, “tell everyone what you are!” “Yes! Yes! Oh god, make me cum! I’m a whore! I’m a filthy fucking whooooore,” Luna squealed before she came, squirting like a fire hydrant. Judy seemed incensed the latina covered her crotch with her juices and pulled Luna to her knees by her sweat matted dark brown hair.
“Lick me clean then whore,” Judy commanded. The busty brown woman was still gasping for breath and shuddering after the intense orgasm but obediently began lapping at the blonde milf’s cunt. Judy used her handful of Luna’s hair, to maneuver the latina’s tongue around to clean up her own spray of pussy juice, before the executive ordered the loser to suck her horny clit.
Judy had been fighting back her own orgasm while she dominated the Colombian whore. Now she had Luna under heel, she wanted to use the loser as she pulled her latina’s face tight against her crotch. “Yesss, suck it you fucking dyke,” Judy purred. She humped her hips back and forth until she rammed Luna’s face against her trimmed bush before Judy screamed out her own orgasm.
She held Luna so tightly, with the latina’s mouth shoved against Judy’s crotch and her nose pressed deeply against the blonde’s bush, that the brown skinned woman ended up passing out while Judy held her foe there until her orgasm subsided. Luna had continued to suck and lick the winner’s clit until she went limp from lack of oxygen.
“Here,” the blonde milf said after she dragged Luna out the door of the conference room by her dark brown hair, like a caveman bringing home a wife. “Prop this loser up in the break room for anyone to use her.” The gathered interns had initially bent down, as they tore their eyes away from Judy’s bare tits, before the blonde told them to wait. She went to put her clothes back on before she pulled a small tube out of her purse.
“There,” Judy said, after she knelt down and wrote *WHORE* on Luna’s forehead with the lipstick, “now everyone will know her job for the week.” Judy made sure to acknowledge the IT department employee, who normally oversaw all matches for rankings, to adjust Luna’s salary.
“The downside of competitive pay is that you also get docked if you lose a match out of your league,” Judy said to the IT member before she marched off. The blonde casually strode into the executive meeting room. She was about to apologize for the delay but was cut off as the other men and women in suits gave the blonde a standing ovation. The cameras in the plexiglass arena not only streamed the match to those outside the conference room but to every meeting room in the building.
“Great match, Judy,” Jimmy, her brother in law and company president said, “I can’t wait to use that bitch after we’re done here.” With that everyone sat down while Judy fixed her hair before she started the power point projection.
The End