Chapter Twenty-Seven
Mantis traveled through hyperspace as the crew set about getting ready for the next mission. Gina and R-7, her astro-mech droid worked on her personal ship, the E-7 E-Wing, now dubbed Moon Rider. Roorack and A-4 finished installing stealth module that would make Mantis invisible to ship’s sensors. The only way they could be tracked would be if the ship switched to a thermal sensor to see the engine’s heat signature. Hulu spent her time inventorying the armory and stores. She cataloged the weapons as well as estimated when the ship needed to restock. Daffe spent her time using the data recordings to teach her basic again. She also started learning other languages, finding them easy to pick up.
Kira sat in the pilot’s chair on the bridge with her feet kicked up. The data pad she was holding showed the history and topography for Dathomir. The planet was cast in a red hue due to the placement of its sun. The Dathomirian females were humanoid; pale skin and taller than most species. The males were primarily Zabark, like Darth Maul, the males’ sported small horns on their heads. Kira went over Asoka’s notes of the planet. Dathomir is a nexus for Dark Force energy with both the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers feeding off it. Kira secretly wished Asoka was with them on this journey. She debated sending a message via the secure communications General Syndulla had given her. Her hand waivered over the comm control when Hulu Sulchu walked up behind her.
“Captain,” she said holding her data pad, “All the weapons have inventoried. The food stores will last another month at the current pace. Fuel is good but should be refueled after we leave Dathomir.”
“Thanks, Hulu,” Kira said turning to the purple skinned Twi’lek, “The job isn’t glamorous but needed. I appreciate your attention to detail. Can I run something by you?”
“Shoot, boss,” Hulu replied.
“If things go bad on Dathomir,” Kira said as she stood and paced, “We are going up against force users. I worry we are not going to be enough and the odds are definitely in their favor. Should I call on the battle group to assist us?”
Hulu leaned against the back of the co-pilot’s chair, “I have been to Dathomir and met with the Nightsisters. From what I saw, they can wield the force only so much. It helps them in combat. Increased speed and augmented strength. But they are limited with only some being able to use the force to lift, throw or push objects. Some use lightning but other than Tamara Dexley, none used a lightsaber.”
“So, bigger and more armored objects might work in our favor?” Kira asked.
“I think so,” Hulu stated. “Gina and I would be better in flying the ships than on the ground. Daffe has a heavy armor suit that is similar to a Republic Shock Trooper. Rooree is another you will want to take with you. Can I offer another suggestion?”
“By all means,” Kira replied.
“The Trandoshan you helped might owe you a favor,” Hulu said, “When they ambushed the group and took Tanjel Mol, she proved to be a cunning and brutal fighter.”
“Can’t hurt to ask,” Kira said as she got onto the holo-com.
A few hours later and Mantis entered the Outer Rim territories and the Dathomir System. Sensors picked an approaching ship.
“Dragonboat class freighter,” Hulu said as Kira slowed the ship.
“Mantis, this Trandosha Sun,” Tsskatt’s gravelly voice came over the comms. “As, requested, we are here.”
“Follow me down to the surface,” Kira said, “We found a place both ships can remain undetected.”
“As you say,” Tsskatt replied.
The two ships made orbit and moved to an area where the ships could land in the dense jungle. On the opposite side of the planet was desert and mountains.
As Kira walked down the boarding ramp, she saw Tsskatt walking towards her, flanked by a female Wookie and another female Trandoshan.
“I see rumors of your death by the hands of Blood Wren are exaggerated,” Tsskatt said in a hissing laugh.
“Well I am also Blood Wren, so I guess the rumors are true,” Kira said with a smile.
Roorack walked down the ramp and the female Wookie let out a low growl.
Kira’s eyes went wide, “No, Roorack does not have a mate on this ship.”
Rooree looked down almost sheepishly.
Tsskatt hissed laughter again, “Grrrath seems to like your Wookie. Is he a slave?”
“No, Tsskatt,” Kira said, “We rescued him from Mustafar. He is a member of my crew.”
The tall Trandoshan smiled, showing off rows of teeth, “I have brought Grrath and my sister Rsskatt. When you said we would be destroying the Crimson Dawn outpost here, she volunteered. She was once a slave to Crimson Dawn.”
“There will be three from my crew going,” Kira said as Daffe walked down the ramp. The dura-steel trooper armor was painted black and red like Kira’s Mando armor. She carried a heavy blaster rifle with a long vibro-sword in a scabbard on her back. “Me, Roorack and Daffe here.”
Daffe looked the other three over and nodded her head in greeting. Tsskatt looked at the scars on her face.
“This one has been bathed in battle,” the Trandoshan said, “She will do fine for a young one.” She spoke Trandoshan to her sister with Rsskatt moving back to their ship. “As requested, I have two speeders that we will use to get us to and from the Crimson Dawn outpost. Three personnel each with room for explosives.”
“I have those ready,” Kira said a Hulu came down with a hover sled of crates.
Tsskatt sniffed the air, “You look different but your smell is the same as it was on Tatooine.” Her scales rippled.
“Hulu is not a part of that life anymore,” Kira said holding a hand up. “She has no love for Crimson Dawn.”
For the next hour, the crews loaded crates of explosives and weapons onto the two speeders. Kira would ride with Tsskatt and Daffe while Rsskatt drove the other speeder with Roorack and Grrath. They rode for two hours in the dense jungle stopping a kilometer from the outpost. The groups walked the rest of the way on foot. It was nightfall when they reached the edge of the jungle with it opening to a large clearing. Multiple building stood with two hangers that housed Z-95 Headhunters and black TIE fighters. Kira peered through the binoculars at the mix of Crimson Dawn and Imperial Remnant personnel. For the next 24 hours, they watched and took notes of when the perimeter guards would change out, patrol patterns and a full numbers count of the compliment of forces. Daffe walked up to Kira, kneeling down next to her.
“No scanners active,” Daffe said as she pointed to the Electronic Support Monitor attached to her left arm. “They not seem scared for attack.” She scrunched up her face, “I mean, they do not seemed scared for people attacking. Sorry.”
“Daffe, you are doing just fine,” Kira said putting a hand on her shoulder, “With practice, everything becomes easier.” Daffe smiled.
Kira and Daffe walked back to the group. They drew up the plan. Daffe would remain at the tree line and watch with the binoculars for any change in movement. She would then move up for support with her heavy blaster rifle. Kira and Rsskatt would set explosives at the main hanger, while Tsskatt, Grrath and Roorack would place the charges at the other buildings. Both the Moon Rider and the Blood Hawk would be standing by for air cover.
Kira and Rsskatt crouched behind a row of metal storage boxes. Kira whispered into her helmet, “Daffe, any movement?”
“One man, to your right, walking towards you,” Daffe said.
Kira pulled the Mandalorian vibro-blade from her boot scabbard. As the man cleared the end of the boxes, Kira put her gloved hand over his mouth, stabbing the blade into his side, just under the ribs. The Trandoshan caught the falling blaster rifle.
“Blood,” Daffe said, “Rooree took care of the guards near them. I don’t see any movement.”
“Go to your next position,” Kira said quietly. Daffe moved cautiously to a secure spot with good views of the buildings and hangar.
Rsskatt planted her charges on the north side of the hangar as Kira placed hers on the south. The blast would drop the top of the hangar onto the spacecraft inside.
“Report,” Kira said into her mic.
“4 guards eliminated, building 1 charges are set, building 2 is almost complete,” Tsskatt hissed into her mic. “Wait.” There was silence on the line and then alarm claxons started to go off. “Alarm triggered, moving to retreat.”
“Damnit!” Kira swore as she and Rsskatt moved away from the hangars.
A group of Crimson Dawn men came out of building 1 with blasters, firing at a running Roorack and Grrath. Rooree took a blast to the middle of his armor and went down. A swath of laser fire slammed into the approaching group as Daffe fired to cover the Wookie’s retreat. Kira watched as the two Wookies, Tsskatt got clear, and she triggered the explosive charges.
The night sky became like day from the fireballs and explosions. The two buildings and hangar collapsed inward. All proceeded back to the tree line. All reports from survivors would only have identified two Wookies running from the scene.
Back at the speeders, the two groups said their goodbyes. Kira and Tsskatt grasped forearms.
“Thissss makes us even,” the Trandoshan hissed. “Good travels to you, Blood Wren.”
Kira nodded. Roorack and Grrath were chuffing at the other. Kira’s head whipped around when she understood that Rooree planned to meet Grrath again for Wookie style mating.
“Damn dude!” Kira muttered under her breath.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Kira, Daffe and Roorack climbed into the speeder and took off to the new rendezvous location of the Mantis. The traveled for 15 minutes and the speeder started to lose power, then all systems shut off.
The hairs on the back of Kira’s neck stood up as she looked around. “Everyone out and keep your eyes open.”
Roorack sniffed the air, and then growled. The three turned to see ten people in dark robes surrounded them.
“Put down your weapons, child,” came a woman’s voice from behind them.
Kira turned to see a very tall old woman walk forward; a long black staff in her left hand. “Sorry granny, you need to be more compelling than that.”
“You are in my domain, child,” the woman said, her eyes glowing red, “Anger me at your own peril.”
“Fuck off,” Kira said as she lifted her blaster. It was pulled of her grip by an unseen force. It landed a few meters from her. Daffe and Roorack also had their weapons pulled away. “Ok, you got my attention.”
Kira heard a spitting sound from her left and she turned to see another robed figure, shorter than the others, step forth. She pulled the hood back to reveal dark red hair and a beautiful face. “No, Mother Night. They must die for what they have done.”
“They have done nothing to us,” came another woman’s voice behind them, “We do not serve Crimson Dawn anymore.”
“If you feel they must die, Taryn,” Mother Night said with a cackle, “Then kill them.”
Kira dropped to one knee and pulled the blade from her left boot. There was a crackle in the air as the Force Lightning slammed into her chest. The Beskar protected her from much of the blast but it hurt and it was hard for her to move. She willed herself to forward towards Taryn. Each step closer made it more painful. Kira tried to trigger the vambraces but nothing happened. Her helmet went dark and she painfully pulled it off her head, holding her left arm up to shield her face from the lightning. Another step followed by another as she moved closer to the visual dismay of Taryn. Kira reached Taryn as the lightning stopped. The Nightsister grabbed Kira’s right wrist, knife poised to strike. The brunette brought up her left hand with the redhead also grabbed, but in Kira’s palm was a concussion grenade. Taryn’s eyes went wide.
“Boom, bitch!” Kira said as she triggered it. There was a flash of light and then everything went dark.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Kira sat up straight as strong arms pushed her back down. Daffe and Roorack sat next to her in a large tent. She was naked underneath a light blanket.
“Well that sucked bantha poo,” Kira groaned out. “Did I kill the bitch?”
Rooree chuckled as Daffe smiled. “No you did not. The woman, Taryn, is resting as well. We are in the Nightsisters camp. The old lady said she will speak with you once you woke up.”
As if she heard it, Mother Night hobbled in using the staff as a cane. “Ah, you are awake and seemingly undamaged. You have caused a stir and it must be dealt with.”
“Do you want money?” Kira asked.
“No, child,” Mother Night answered with a smile. “Half of the sisters want you to leave and half want you to die. So there will be a trial by combat.”
“Not fair in the least,” Kira said as she stared hard into the old woman’s face. “You all possess a power I do not have or wield.”
“Taryn will be unable to use her powers,” Mother Night went on, “As I looked into your mind, I know the way you have fought recently. You have experience in our ways. However, young Taryn does not want to mate with you, she wants to kill you. Without our Force abilities, we Nightsisters are very primal.”
“Not really peachy about you scanning my brain,” Kira muttered. “If that is what is required for us to leave, then let’s go.”
Mother Night raised her hand and immediately Kira felt warm all over. The aches and pains she was experiencing were gone. “You are now ready to proceed. You will enter the tent with Taryn and only one of you will emerge.”
Kira stood and nodded to Daffe and Roorack before walking naked out of the tent they were in. Her eyes met Taryn, who stood as naked as she was. The redhead sported a beautiful body. Large, heavy breasts, a taut belly and curvy hips. She looked physically the equal to Kira. The two women glared at the other as Mother Night opened the flap to the tent ushering Taryn in first, then Kira. The flap was closed, leaving the two naked woman alone facing the other.
“I do not need my powers to kill you,” Taryn said as she started to circle, baring her teeth and claws.
“Oh you most certainly do, bitch,” Kira replied as she went with the circle, her own fingers formed into claws.
The two busty women rushed in and swiped with nails across naked skin, each slashing red welts onto large breasts and tight bellies. Taryn’s nails caught Kira across the right nipple, making her howl out as the redhead pushed forward. Kira shifted her weight from her right foot to her left, side stepping the oncoming woman, grabbing her from behind and gouging her nails into the huge tits. The redhead thrashed and screamed as Kira groped and twisted the orbs. Taryn threw her head backwards, slamming back of her skull into Kira’s face. There was a gout of blood as the brunette staggered back. The redhead quickly turned and charged, tackling the woman to the tent floor. Hands locked tightly into hair as the pair tumbled and rolled around on the bare floor. Kira found herself wrapped up like two snakes fighting with this Nightsister. She spit blood into the redhead’s eyes, temporarily blinding the woman. Kira slid on top and released the hair to slap her hands down over the large tits, nails digging into to twist and squeeze. Taryn screamed, bucking wildly sending the brunette off to the tent floor. The two women got to hands and knees, eyes lock as they began to circle like two warring Nexu.
“You don’t want to do this,” Kira said.
“I must,” Taryn said, “She requires it!”
Kira’s mind clicked on. The redhead, the pale skin. Taryn was a younger version of Tamara Dexley, the Sith! The women crashed together again. Hands tangled in matted hair as large breasts banged and fought for space. Kira tipped to the side, sending both back to the floor. Hands pushed on the breasts as nails gouged in. Both screamed out as the large orbs were pulled and clawed at. Taryn and Kira rolled wildly over the tent floor. Each could feel the strong thighs constrict as they snaked together like two vines. The redhead mounted the brunette as she pulled up on the hard nipples. Kira screamed out as she punched the Nightsister in the left breast. The mound flattened against the breasts bone with Taryn falling off. Kira pounced with their bodies making a wet slap as she fell tit-to-tit and tummy to tummy with the redhead.
“She left you here, didn’t she,” Kira taunted.
“Fuck you!” Taryn swore up at her, bucking and rolling them over.
“You weren’t good enough for the Lady of the Sith,” Kira continued to punch her buttons and rolled them over again.
“Noooooo,” Taryn howled but the damn broke. Tears started to stream from her eyes as she stopped fighting. “She left me here. She said I am no longer her daughter. She tried to kill me because I don’t follow the Sith ways.”
Kira rolled off and sat next to Taryn. “Your mother doesn’t deserve your loyalty or love. The Sith had their chance to flourish in the galaxy. I am sorry, but your mother needs to be stopped. The question is what are you prepared to do?”
Taryn looked with wide eyes at Kira, “I tried to kill you. Do you want me to help you?”
“Honey,” Kira said smiling, “Lots of my friends have tried to kill me at one time or another. I cannot weld the Force as you do. I need your help to stop her.”
“Mother Night will not allow me to leave,” Taryn said, “She swore a blood oath to my mother. If I try to leave, I die.”
“Let me worry about that,” Kira winked and then touched her jaw line in the right side where the sub dermal comms implant was surgically placed. “Moon, if you have us locked, commence the strafing run.”
On that command, explosions boomed all around the tent. Nightsisters screamed as the Mantis and Moon Rider laid down laser fire.
“Go get whatever you need to travel,” Kira said as she peeked her head out of the tent. “I need to get suited up.” She took off for the tent she was taken from. Inside she found Rooree averting his eyes as Daffe dressed. When he saw Kira, his big paw went over his eyes. “Oh Rooree, I heard what you planned to do with that Wookie, you are no virgin!” Kira dressed in the black skintight suit and then started to put on her Mando armor. Taryn came in a moment later and Daffe pulled her vibro sword from its scabbard.
“She is with us now!” Kira yelled over the explosions, “It is alright, Daffe.”
The young woman lowered the sword. When they were all dressed, Kira donned the helmet.
“Land the Mantis and prepare for us coming aboard,” Kira said. She heard the whine of repulsors engines and they rushed out of the tent.
Mother Night stood in their path. “She will not be leaving and neither will you!”
“Oh shut up, you old windbag!” Taryn said as she unleashed a Force push. The impact took the old woman off her feet and sent her several meters away.
The four rushed aboard the ship and Mantis took back off. They linked back up with Gina Moonsong in orbit as she piloted the Moon Rider safely into the underbelly hangar. After getting Taryn settled in a stateroom, Kira walked up to the bridge.
“You have a message,” Hulu Sulchu said. “Well, Blood Wren has a message from an old friend of Kira’s.”
Kira sat at the communications console and pouched up the recording.
Greef Karga appeared
“Blood Wren. I hope this finds you in good health. I have heard you are the one who killed Kira Dorne. As she was trained by me, I can only imagine it was not an easy task. I believe there is a job that could prove mutually beneficial to both of us. If you wish to learn more, please meet me on Nevarro to discuss terms.” Then the image faded out.
“So does he want to kill the person who killed a woman who was like a daughter to him?” Hulu asked.
“He is a professional,” Kira stated, “But I am curious if he mourned me at all. I know Kara Dune wouldn’t have.”
“I have heard the name,” Hulu said, “I take it you and she did not get along.”
“She trained me how to really fight,” Kira said, “She took it as a personal slight when I left to be with Julla. Swore if I ever came back, she would kill me.”
“So are you going?” Gina asked as she walked up to the flight deck.
“Of course,” Kira replied. “Even though I am Blood Wren now, I owe him a lot.” Kira walked to the navigation computer. “Points are plotted. Make the jump when ready, Hulu.”
The dots of stars turned to lines as Mantis jumped into hyperspace.
Back on the planet, Mother Night hobbled to one of the intact tents and walked inside. She turned to the assembled Night Sisters, “We must now inform Tamara Dexley that her daughter has left us. This will anger her and could prove to be our undoing. I propose we act accordingly. We must wake Asajj Ventress from her eternal slumber. She will be the instrument of our success.” The Night Sisters nodded in agreement.
Chapter Thirty
Kira walked down the passageway in the Mantis to the room of Taryn Dexley. The door slid open as Kira was about to chime it. The redhead kneeled on the floor in a meditative pose.
“You have questions and concerns,” Taryn said, not looking up at Kira. “You want to know where my loyalties lie.”
“I want to make sure we are not going to be stabbed in the back by you,” Kira stated.
“I have no allegiance to the Night Sisters anymore,” Taryn relied quietly. “My own mother will now seek my death. Even if I gave her you, she would still kill me rather than welcome me with loving motherly embrace. So it seems, I am at your mercy, Blood Wren or Kira Dorne.”
“My friends and crew call me Kira here on the ship,” the brunette said as she walked and extended her hand to the redhead. “You can call me, Kira.”
Taryn finally looked up and grasped the hand as Kira helped her to her feet. “Very well, Kira. I could sense something very powerful when I boarded the ship. I assume you will tell me what it is when you trust me.”
Kira’s left hand went behind her back and she pulled the cube she took from Fortress Vader on Mustafar out for the redhead to see. Taryn’s eyes went wide.
“That….that is a Jedi Holocron,” she stammered out. “How….where did you get that?”
“Jedi huh?” Kira muttered, “Just great. I acquired this on Mustafar. It was in the private collection of Darth Vader.”
The mention of the name made Taryn’s eyes immediately move from the Holocron to Kira’s eyes. “Lord Vader must have studied it. You must study your adversary in order to destroy them.” Taryn closed her eyes as her hands hovered over the cube. “This contains immense power through knowledge of the Force. In the wrong hands, this would be devastating.”
“IF I leave it with you, is it in the wrong hands?” Kira asked.
Taryn moved her hands back to her sides. “No, it would not be. I would use this to end my mother and finally end the Sith.”
“Good answer,” Kira said, “I really didn’t want to have you thrown out of the airlock into space.” She smiled which the redhead returned.
“I need some things,” Taryn said. “If I am to face my mother, I will need not only the Force but a lightsaber.” She pulled a piece of paper with a written list and gave it to Kira. “The tools you have in hangar should be enough for me to craft the hilt, controls, emitter and focusing ring, but I need a kyber crystal as well as focusing crystals. Those are going to be difficult to come by. The black market on Nar Shaddaa may have them, but it will be a hefty price. Also, we are not going to be welcome at the home of the Hutts.”
“What about Tatooine?” Kira asked.
“Maybe…. Just maybe,” Taryn muttered.
“Ok, before we do that, I have a stop on Nevarro,” Kira said. “Taryn, as long as you look out for this crew, we will have your back.” Kira handed over the Jedi Holocron, “Please do not make me regret this.”
Taryn smiled and nodded, “I will do all in my power to help destroy the Sith. You have my word.” Kira nodded her head at the redhead and left the room.
Mantis came out of hyperspace with the planet of Nevarro in the view port. Kira was at the piloting controls as Gina operated the sensor board.
“Patrol Craft coming out of orbit,” Gina said, “Looks old. Comes back as Razor Crest.”
“Shit,” Kira swore, “Do not hail him. Keep an eye on him but that is it.”
“Do you know the ship?” Gina asked.
“Too well,” Kira muttered. There was a beep coming from the communications console.
“He is hailing us,” Gina stated.
“Fuck!” Kira swore, “Patch him through.”
There was a short patch of static and a monotone voice came over the comms. “Mantis, the enclave wishes to meet you. And Kira, do not be stupid.”
“How the fuck did you know?” Kira asked.
“Because I know killing Kira Dorne is not a task for one person,” Din Djarin replied. “Stick with Blood Wren or Dune will end you. Nice ship.”
Before Kira could answer him, the Razer Crest shot into hyperspace.
“Damn it!” Kira cursed. “I was going to ask him if he had another DL-29 blaster.” Kira set the autopilot and got up from the console. “I am taking the Blood Hawk down and meeting with Greef alone.”
Gina narrowed her eyes, “I think that is a mistake.”
“Gina,” Kira said, “Nothing bad will happen. Even with the gorgeous makeover you have done, Kara would recognize you. And Greef knew I worked with a Twi’lek, so Hulu is out. I could bring down Rooree or Daffe if you want.”
“Take Daffe,” Gina said, “She is eager to learn and this will help her.”
“Ok,” Kira said, “Tell her to suit up and meet me in the hangar.”
A little while later. Daffe and Kira strapped into the cockpit of the Blood Hawk. A-4 slid into the Astro-Mech slot aft of the cockpit. The ship dropped from the belly of the Mantis and the wings swept back as Kira pushed the throttles forward.
“Daffe,” Kira said through the helmet comms, “Remember to call me Blood. The people here knew me a Kira.”
“I only truly know you as Blood Wren,” Daffe replied through her helmet. Like Gina, Daffe had cut her once long blonde hair into a short shoulder length cut to fit easily in the helmet that matched her black red heavy trooper armor. “It will be easy.”
The ship shot across the Nevarro sky, circling the town once before landing near the other ships. Kira and Daffe exited the ship with A-4 staying with the craft. Daffe kept her heavy repeating rifle at the ready. They walked through town and ended up at the cantina. The cantina went silent as the pair of women walked in. All eyes were on Blood Wren and this tall woman in heavy troop armor.
“Blood Wren,” Greef Karga said with a booming voice, “The killer of Kira Dorne.” There were hushed whispers in the cantina. “Please sit with me, we have much to discuss.”
Beside him stood a strong woman with cold eyes. Kara Dune was only a little shorter than Daffe but her physical presence could be felt from light years away. As Kira sat, Daffe and Kara had a long staring contest.
“You said you had a job,” Kira said through the voice modulator of her helmet.
“Yes, yes, but first,” Greef inquired, “Tell me how you did it? How did she die?”
“She died well,” Kira stated, almost feeling bad for the lie. “Is this the job? You ask me questions of a bounty?”
“No, no, I am just curious because I trained her as did Kara here,” he said hooking his thumb at the woman behind him. “You must be something to have killed her. However, this is not the job. There is a puck I have here for someone who has eluded all who have come for her. If you are interested, I can give you the puck for 20% of the bounty.”
“5%,” Kira stated in the deadpan modular voice.
“16%” Greef countered with a smile.
“12,” Kira came back.
“Done,” Greef said, “Now can I buy you and your companion a drink?”
“No,” Kira said, “I will take the puck and we will be on our way.”
He slid the cylindrical medal device across the table. “Good hunting, Blood Wren.”
Daffe and Kira walked out of the cantina. Kira depressed the play button on the puck and a 3D hologram of a beautiful blonde woman appeared.
“This is Zara Win,” came Greef Karga’s voice over the speaker. “She is an assassin, specializing in seduction before she kills her targets. To date, Zara has killed or alluded 14 bounty hunters I have sent after her. Rumors have her on Dantooine, in a large estate surrounded by assassin droids. Her estate also has an energy shield designed to stop attacks from ships. However, a frontal assault on foot could prove successful. She also has former Imp officers, all women, working with her. Her bounty is 200,000 credits. Good luck.”
Daffe and Kira walked back to the Blood Hawk in silence. A figure in Mandalorian armor stood beside the craft. It was not Din Djarin but a taller more heavily armored Mando. As the two women approached, he bowed his head in greeting.
“Greetings Blood Wren,” he said in a gruff voice. “The Armorer requests your presence.” He looked over Daffe. “The foundling will come as well. Her presence is required.” Daffe and Kira exchanged a look but followed the Mando to the undertown. After walking through the underground tunnels, they came to a forge, with heat and steam billowing out.
A Mando in gold armor stepped out, “Greetings Blood Wren, your mentor speaks very highly of you. As does the enclave on Tatooine.” She looked Daffe, still dressed in the heavy shock trooper armor. “They mentioned you had a foundling. One who has seen battle up close. As your mentor has taught you our ways, so you much teach her.”
Kira bowed her head, “Sabine Wren was only able to teach me some of what it is to be Mandalorian. I still have much to learn.”
“Then you will learn together,” the Armorer said. “She must first choose to take the mantel.”
“I accept,” Daffe said right away.
“Then don your armor, young one,” the Armorer said, motioning to a grey beskar armor set. “When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey.”
Daffe removed her shock trooper armor, replacing it with the Mando set. She was handed a grey helmet.
“You will find this easily updated to your communications systems,” the Armorer stated. “Improvements will be added as she progresses down the path. If she dies, the armor must be brought back here. It must remain with us. Just as yours will be returned to Tatooine if you are to die.”
“I understand,” Kira said.
“When you return, I will teach you our ways,” she said to Kira. “Now, finish your mission and return. This is the way.”
The Mandalorians standing around them repeated the last phrase. Kira and Daffe left the enclave and made it back to the Blood Hawk. The launched and joined back up with the Mantis in orbit. As Kira piloted the craft into the tight fit of the hangar, she got a comm from Gina.
“Come up to the flight deck when you can,” Gina said, “You have a couple of messages.”
After the Blood Hawk was secure, Kira removed her helmet and walked up to the flight deck, followed close behind by Daffe.
“Damn Daffe,” Gina whistled, “Nice new armor!”
The young blonde blushed.
Kira smiled, “This is the newest founding for the enclave, whom I will train in the Mandalorian ways.”
“Do you know any?” Gina teased.
“Fuck off, Moon,” Kira replied. “I am going to learn as I go.”
“Well, Blood Wren is very popular these day,” Gina said as she turned and walked to the communications console. “We got a message from Juno Eclipse asked for Blood Wren to contact her because she has something to run by you. Also, the bank on Ryloth 2 has a job offer for you. Ryloth 2 is on the way to Dantooine and we could go digital with these crates of untraceable credits.”
Kira pondered it for a moment and punched up a holo call to Juno.
“Greetings Blood Wren,” Juno said, “I heard you have taken on more crew and cargo. The Mantis might be getting a little cramped.”
“We are doing well, Juno,” Kira said, “But we could always use more room.”
“I have something that came in and might be to your liking,” Juno said with a smile. “Why don’t you come here? If it is something that interests you, I can have you back up in 1 standard day. It is housed at the orbiting shipyard. That is where I keep the big ships.”
“See you in a few hours,” Kira said as she turned off the call and turned to Gina. “Let’s go to Ord Mantell. After that we make a run to the Outer Rim and Tatooine for some special parts.”
Chapter Thirty-One
The Mantis followed the coordinates sent to them by Juno and the shipyard came into view. Four the ten docks were occupied by large ships. Kira recognized an old Clone War Republic Venator Attack Cruiser, a Hammer Head Blockade Runner, a Counselor Class Cruiser and blocky grey ship that Kira didn’t recognize. Mantis made her way into the main hangar bay, landed and shut down engines. As Kira, Gina Moonsong, Roorack, Hulu Sulchu, Taryn Dexley, and Daffe walked down the boarding ramp, they were greeted by Juno Eclipse.
“I am glad you are here,” Juno said waving them to a conference room. “Well, my information was correct. Kira, this many crew doing what you do with three ships? I am impressed. But I think I have something you will love.” The viewport opened to the bulky grey ship. “This is a newly built Teroch Class Mando Cruiser.”
Kira whistled, “I have never heard of this class before.”
“I say newly built but using old schematics,” Juno shrugged, “I love to see if I can recreate a mix of old and new. This class of ship normally required a crew of over 100 to man all the stations. With the updated tech we have today, the minimum crew size is now two.”
“How is that possible?” Gina asked.
“The central computer is outfitted with mods to run the life support as well as defensive countermeasures of the ship,” Juno stated. “The cannons you see can be set to auto and deal with anything incoming. They can also be used in an offensive way by manning the gunnery console or at the cannon locations on the ship. There is a full med facility with working med droids, full baccta tank and laboratory. The hangar can house 20 fighter craft or a mix of fighters and transports. The engines are built the same as the former Imperial cruisers. The hyperdrive is new with the latest holocharts. Your stealth pod on the Mantis will not work on this but as beefy and mean as this ship is, you won’t be messed with.”
“How much will this cost me?” Kira asked.
“400,000 credits,” Juno said as Hulu whistled, “But, if you give me the Mantis patrol craft with the stealth tech, I can work on making something that will hide even this beast of a ship, then the price drops to 100,000 credits.”
Kira smiled, “200,000…. I give you the Mantis with the stealth tech but you give me the black YT class 2000 and the Fury Class Interceptor out in the hangar here, and clean ship ID’s.”
Juno smiled widely, “Done.” She stood and a protocol droid walked in with a data pad. Juno took the data pad, punched some numbers and handed it over to Kira. “It should be all here. Just need your signature and the credits.”
“How the fuck did you know?” Kira asked wide eyed.
“Why do you think I had you land next to those ships?” Juno said. “I will have Sevens memory core transferred to the new ship. Any idea what you want the ID to read with her?”
Daffe raised her hand. Kira turned and nodded, “What about the Nexu Maw? The jaw is known to crush even droids.” Roorack roared his approval.
“The Nexu Maw it is,” Kira said as everyone smile. “Juno, let me get your credits.”
Over the next day, all personal items, weapons, tools, gear, money and ships were moved from the Mantis to the Nexu Maw. The bridge of the new ship was a scaled down version of a star destroyer. The pilot and co-pilot chairs were the furthest forward towards the view port. A captain’s chair was in the center of the bridge and could remotely pilot the vessel if needed. Behind the captain’s chair was a circular computer array, with a 3D computer projected star map. The weapons console could control both offensive and defensive weaponry. The laser and ion cannons as well as concussion missile pods. The shields which were monitored and changed by the co-pilot were rated the same as a New Republic Star Destroyer. The communication array could also be controlled at the captain’s chair. Down in the hangar, the Blood Hawk and Moon Rider were secured next to the YT-2000 and the Fury. The YT 2000 had a rounded cockpit in the center and out front of the familiar circular shaped disk style of the YT class of ships. The Fury was one of the ships that was available when Kira chose the Mantis. Not only could the Fury be a Starfighter but also a transport. A-4 whistled orders and wheeled around the other droids assigned to the hangar maintenance crew.
Kira sat in the captain’s chair as Gina took the pilot and Hulu seated next to her in the co-pilots chair.
“Status report, Sevens,” Kira said out loud.
“All systems in the green. All hatches and airlocks are secured. I mean you would fucking know if they weren’t because you would be sucked out into space but what do I know, I am just the ship’s computer system,” the voice of Sevens came over the bridge speakers.
“Daffe? Are points plotted to jump to the Rim?” Kira asked as she turned the chair to face the Nav computer.
Daffe punched in a few more numbers and transferred the coordinates to the pilot control. “Course to Tatooine is with Gina.”
“Good job, kid,” Kira said as she swirled around. She hit a few buttons on the chair arm, “Docking control this is Nexu Maw, requesting permission to depart space dock.”
“Permission granted,” came Juno Eclipse’s voice over the speakers. “Good doing business with you, Blood Wren. Space dock control, out.”
Fueling hoses and lines detached from the ship as she backed out of the dock. Once clear, Gina used the sub light engines and thrusters to move out from both the space station and Ord Mantell.
“Prepare to jump,” Gina called out. She pulled the hyperspace control levers back as the stars turned from dots to lines.
On the planet of Tanis, in an old mountain stronghold…
Newly self-ordained Darth Tamara walked in a circle around the kneeling naked young woman.
“Say it,” Tamara commanded.
The young woman, blonde hair matted with sweat, inhaled deeply,” Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.”
“Very good,” Tamara said with grin. She draped a dark cloak over the naked woman. “Now rise as my apprentice, Darth Ashara.”
The woman stood her blue eyes cold and dangerous.
“Now, my young apprentice,” Darth Tamara said, “It is time for you to build your lightsaber. We have a galaxy to take over.”
To Be Continued in Episode 7! Which is Coming Soon!