Happy New Year 2020!

Well, Rivals, it’s been another year for the site and me being in this wonderful community. That being the case, like last year, I’d like to take some time and look back on the year that was and thank those who have helped both me and Fights.Sexy get where we are on this New Year’s Night.

Last year, about this time, the site was mostly just me and my stories. The site being, for all intents and purposes, a repository for my own works, so that they were protected from the mad whims of crashed and deleted forum backups, cliques gone mad with power, and changing adult content restrictions (looking at you Tumblr — well not looking at you anymore, actually).

Since that time, HankMcCoy02 joined us, and after that so many more incredible writers just like him. Each of them making the site a little better, a little hotter, and a whole lot more important to a community whose sites of old had slowly been deteriorating.

We moved the site, not just once, but twice. From GoDaddy to WordPress (the host), and now to our current adult-content- accepting host. We’ve had overloaded servers off and then on. Broken single-day unique user records again and again.

Thanks to members/authors like Drew Powell we found a way to have our cake (our new site) and eat it too (by getting the old, much better forum back).

We’ve added chat-logs from some of the best cyber-fighters ever like Ewa S, BriBunny, MishRocks, Clawie, The Purple Vixen, and many more.

We’ve had writers submit their work and ask to join the site. I’ve recruited writers whose work inspires me and found singular tales whose authors gave permission for those stories to be shared.

The site’s gotten a little prettier, a little denser, and a metric TON more content for you all to read through with the ever-expanding Rival’s blog, and all the stories going up almost every weekday for an entire year, sometimes handfuls at a time.

We’ve found devotees that love the site, and banned a few jerks who thought it was their task to lecture our writers for doing anything other than what they would have done.

And though all of the above is true, and important — both to me and the community and site as a whole.

Personally, as a writer, kink-sharer, and web-developer (though I suck so badly at it), I’ve had so much support.

On my stories, there’s Sprite who waits for me to feel like chatting and then leaps into the deep end of new stories and conversations, only to be patient with me when I randomly disappear.

As a friend and confidant there’s Drew, who not only serves as my penpal and brother, but also helps me think of new ways to fix site problems, even when I’ve completely given up hope.

Then there’s some of the site’s biggest helpers and members, Demonarch and Ard (CatfightFactory), both of whom have not only given content to the site, but been some of our very best members.

Then there are Rivals like GoliadMike and Giannis, who comment on so many stories and posts that they make the site feel alive, when it might otherwise feel dead.

Fellow writers who I count as friends A.Penman, HankMcCoy02, JustLooking, and so many more.

My Free Catfight Forums sisters Ewa, Bri, Emily, and Clawie (if she ever returns — and I am soooo wasiting for her to return) who if I wasn’t spending so much time keeping this site up and flooded with content, I’d be at their side and ensnared in their creativity.

There are so many people to thank, and you just came here for sexy — I know. But still. This site, my stories, as well as my mental state and life would not be as bright and wonderful as it is, if it wasn’t for all of you.

Yes, it’s a new year. Yes, it’s a new us. But I’m hoping for more of the same. More stories. More fights. More sexy. From this New Year’s Eve to the next!

With all that said: Happy New Year!

9 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2020!

  1. dermonarch says:

    I also wish you and everyone else here a happy new year.

    You have created a great place with this site, which allows us to share our interests. The library has grown dizzyingly fast, with many talented writers from different parts of the world. And I have met some really great people here. I owe that to you and your efforts to make this place a meeting place. I am curious what the new year will bring.

  2. Sprite says:

    Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done on this site and your own stories. As a community us femfight fans are lucky to have you and on a personal note it’s always a pleasure talking with you. Onwards and upwards for the New Year!

  3. hankmccoy02 says:

    And a belated many happy returns. Thank you for the kind words and I look forward to reading your work on the site during the coming year πŸ™‚

  4. bribunny says:

    I don’t know if I love this site for all the amazing content or if I hate it because it pulls you away from me, but happy new year to you too, sis! *MUAH*

  5. apenman says:

    Much love and happiness to you in 2020, RivalsRapture. I’ve never said this to you before, but as I keep coming back to this site, I find myself returning to other sites far less. The reason: this website is slick, well run and extremely easy to navigate. You and your cohorts have done a fantastic job! I’m honored that you consider me a friend, and a writer worth posting on this site. Happy New Year!
    A. Penman


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