“What happened?” Cloud demanded, as they gathered in the airship’s ready room. Around him his friends all bore injuries from what had happened in Rocket Town. And worse was the number of wounded from the other Avalanche cells that crowded the hanger area.
“They played us,” Cid replied bitterly. The pilot’s legs were bound tightly after his accident inside the rocket. Whatever had occurred, his attitude towards Shera had shifted dramatically. “There wasn’t any materia anywhere on board. They’d just packed the damn thing with as much explosives as she could carry.”
“And our materia?” Tifa asked. Most of her injuries had long since vanished and most that remained was a tenderness and soreness. Worse though were the memories and her wounded pride. Both Yuffie and Joslyn looked between Tifa and Cloud, recognizing that something else had happened but unsure on how to broach the subject.
“Turks,” Barret spat out the name with as much venom as he could muster. “Reno and that bald guy…Rude. I should’ve shot the little bastard when I had the chance.”
“We were overconfident,” Nanaki stated, his voice calm but his swishing tail betraying his agitated state. “Shinra used our own tactics against us to remarkable effect. They snuck aboard while we were distracted by what was in front of us.”
“So we’re back to square one,” Cid finished, his demeanor downcast. “With them having our materia…Shinra’s won.”
“Not yet,” Cloud pointed to the pile of books that covered the table. “Shinra WAS in Nibelheim for something. Something involving Chocobos and old sea legends. Maybe it’s the final materia.”
“We don’t exactly have time for a treasure hunt.”
“We won’t need to,” Cloud explained. “We already know one person who’s an expert on old legends and lore. And also someone who’s a Chocobo expert.”
There was a general muttering around the room as everyone came to terms with what he said. “I’ll have them set our course for Cosmo,” Cid said. “It’s closer so we can get started quicker, and we can drop off your injured. But first…”
Cid stared at the red and black shadow that had been hovering just behind Cloud. “Why don’t you tell us about our guest?”

The success of their recent operations had Rufus in a good mood, and then Scarlet had returned with several sacks of reading material and a story of her own to share. After dismissing his staff she’d sat firmly in his lap, nibbling at his neck as she gave him a blow by blow recap of what had happened…minus a few humiliating parts like the two orgasms they’re shared.
His breathing had picked up quickly before he’d risen, holding her close as his hands went beneath her dress.
“Your room or mine?” She asked, shoving her hand into his pants. He groaned at the feel of her fingers tugging at the swollen flesh, before lifting her up and roughly dumping her onto his desk.
“Rufus!” Scarlet gasped in shock at the look in his eyes, before squealing as he yanked off her dress and tossed it to the floor. She trembled in excitement and lust as he quickly stripped off his own suit, kicking his pants off. She held her arms out to him as he shoved in deep and her legs reflexively circled his hips. “Ahhh!!”

Tseng sipped at a glass of his personal whiskey. It had a gift from Rufus when he’d been promoted to head of the Turks after Veld’s expulsion. He rarely drank, but tonight was a good night.
Reno and Rude had returned from Rocket Town victorious in both launching the rocket, but also in stealing Avalanche’s materia. Shinra now held all four materia pieces. He’d dismissed them, as well given them the night off as he kicked back. A blinking light alerted him to activity on the top floor and, though he had a good idea as to what it was, he checked just to be sure.
“Harder…harder!” He heard Scarlet cry out even before he could focus on the gyrating couple as Rufus slammed into the blonde cougar he had laid out on the desk where his father had been impaled. Even this couldn’t dampen his good mood as he raised his glass in salute as Scarlet shrieked and her legs flailed at what was probably the beginning of a long night for the pair. He flicked off the camera just as Rufus flipped the blonde woman over, his pace picking up as he slammed into her from behind, and there was a rapping at his door.
“Come in,” he called. He set his glass down at Elena’s condition as Cissnei helped the girl in. “What happened?”
“We found her maybe four miles from Nibelheim.” Cissnei reported. “I tried to get her to the infirmary but she insists she has to report first.”
“Elena…what’s going on? I assumed you stayed behind in Nibelheim investigating Scarlet’s actions.”
“There…there was not much to investigate, sir, but…” Elena stammered, her expression exhausted as she looked over at her friend pointedly. Tseng nodded.
“Cisseni, you’re dismissed. I’ll see Elena gets treatment after I hear what she has to say.” The taller woman looked put out, but saluted before quickly exiting the room. “Now what is it you have to say?”
“Sir…I followed Scarlet like you ordered…”

“…and that’s when they found me.” Elena concluded her tale. Tseng got up from behind his desk to support the tottering girl, guiding her over to the door. “Sir…I…”
“Rest up, that’s an order,” he said his voice firm, but kind. Opening the door, he waved over a passing guard. “Take her to the infirmary, best speed, no matter what she says. Understood?”
Tseng watched as the guard guided Elena into the elevator before returning to his office. Pausing briefly, he slammed it shut with as much force as he could muster. Running his hand through his hair he went over what Elena had told him that she had seen, had heard, and been told. And cursed Cloud knowing the bastard had let her go deliberately despite what he’d said. If he hadn’t heard it from one of his own, he’d not have believed it…
Scarlet and Tifa. It was impossible…yet very possible. If he had to, he could probably put together a timeline easily based on what he knew. Her trip to Gold Saucer when they’d found her battered and half naked. Avalanche had turned up there as well, but Lockhart had been noticeably absent. She must’ve been hurt as well and laid up. He poured himself another helping and swigged down the alcohol, feeling the warmth rush through him. Could Scarlet have actually put up enough of a fight to give Lockhart a run for her money?
Better question. Why had Scarlet gone to Gold Saucer in the first place? He’d heard the story off the gas attack but not even she would be willing to provoke Dio in that manner. He scribbled a note on a pad as a reminder to look into that. If this had been going on even before that event then he had to find out to root out any potential blowback.
That was also the first time they came across that Viola woman that had managed to tame one of his best agents. Was she involved…and if so just how MUCH she involved? Snapping his fingers he brought up old security footage from the night he caught Reno fucking…no…getting fucked by Viola. Going back through the timeline he caught the women as they entered the building. Scrolling in close, he caught a brief smudge in Scarlet’s makeup that could have indicated a pretty impressive bruise. And red haired woman’s expression was of one in shock and he could also spot some tear streaks.
He dismissed his immediate thought that the two might’ve had an altercation. Scarlet would not bring the woman back here and put her up like a guest in a hotel if that was the case. Then he remembered what Elena had told him. He zoomed the camera in on the women’s chests and frowned. He was no expert but Scarlet’s bust DID look to be hanging lower, then he shifted the camera over to Viola and his eyes widened. There was definite difference here that was very easy to see based on the woman’s current features. So Scarlet had…no…HAS been engaging in some extracurricular activities.
That was why she was so determined to go to Nibelheim. With that came another disturbing thought. Could she have been so determined to get her hands on Lockhart that she’d leak her visit to provoke Tifa into staying? He wrote added another small note to what he was sure would be a growing list. Next he looked at the small pile of pictures that had poured from the package Elena had brought. Most showed a younger President Shinra standing next to a surprisingly plain blonde woman, but later ones also contained a young blonde child. Tseng carefully repacked the pictures before sitting back at his desk.
He considered the veritable bomb that Elena had provided him with if either piece of information was to get out. Absently he brought up the camera feed again and studied, dispassionately, the two that his news affected. Elena’s report had taken almost twenty minutes and the first round appeared to be winding down as Scarlet sat in her young lover’s lap riding him in a reverse cowgirl. Rufus had one hand gripping her hips while the other held the edge of his desk for support and Tseng had to admit that he could see the appeal since she did have a body that would make women half her age jealous…but…
“Everyone makes mistakes,” he muttered to himself as Rufus fell backwards, hips jerking spastically as Scarlet wriggled enthusiastically in his lap before moaning herself and falling bonelessly onto his body. Tseng watched silently as they both rested briefly before Rufus’s hands curled over her body to grab at her breasts even as his lower body began moving again. He quickly cut the feed a second time resting his chin in his hands. He closed his eyes and held an internal argument over the value of what he now possessed.
It COULD just be a coincidence that their sex life had picked up around the same time as Scarlet’s return from Gold Saucer. Perhaps the activity stimulated the older woman to increasingly seek out Rufus. It was possible. Rufus had always had a thing for older, more experienced, women but his particularly violent style of sex had required Tseng to step in on more than one occasion. Scarlet on the other hand apparently enjoyed it and even reciprocated if the bite and scratch marks that dotted his boss’s upper body was any indication. So there was that…
What was also possible was that Rufus was fully in the know either by Scarlet telling him or he figuring it out himself…both were viable possibilities…and his libido had surged at the thought of the older Scarlet fighting with women almost half her age. Considering that Tifa had been nowhere near Midgar for months now it was clear that the blonde had multiple fighting partners. Scarlet aside, these pictures probably presented the greatest threat to the company to date. If he learned of this… Clapping his hands, decision made, he got out a piece of paper and started scribbling. Rufus possibly having another illegitimate sibling was no surprise. Who it was…that was something they’d have to discuss.
Scarlet…Scarlet could wait. He needed to be sure just how much use he could get out of it since this kind of blackmail was only good once, so and he’d sit on it until the best time. That done, he focused on the problem that had been niggling in the back of his mind. Vincent…it was name he recognized, though only in passing. A former Turk…

“This is fascinating,” Bugenhagen remarked as he flipped through the pages of the books Cloud had grabbed. “So much hoarded knowledge…”
“Do you see anything that can help us Grandpa?” Nanaki asked from his position near the door.
“I know of the island you seek,” the floating elder replied. “It’s a forbidden place, though the knowledge of why, or it’s exact location has been lost.”
“We have a rough idea of the WHERE,” Cid said, wincing as he maneuvered himself with the crutches. Shera hovered nearby always ready to help. “Shinra’s been dedicating a lot of their flyers to the east of the Crater, north of Bone Village. What we still don’t know is the WHY.”
“And why Chocobos?” Joslyn asked. “If they have an idea as to it’s location then why wouldn’t they just…I dunno…land and take what they’re looking for?”
“The island is said to be protected. How and by what, no one knows,” Bugenhagen answered, studying another text. “It is said that anyone that somehow manages to get to it without the aid of the birds will never be allowed to leave.”
“And that is why you need my help.”
Everyone looked up as a small bearded man in purple wandered into the room flanked by Tifa, Yuffie and the newcomer, Vincent. Eyebrows were raised at the confident tone in the old man’s voice, something that was distinctly out of character with the scatterbrain they were used to.
“Sybil’s agreed to help, and has brought her extended family.” he said, staring up at Cloud, rapping his walking stick against his legs.
“Uh…Sybil?” Cloud looked down, confused.
“My Chocobo, pay attention lad,” The Sage waved his stick up at the young man. “If you’re going to meet the knights you’ll need suitable mounts.
“Umm, was he always like this?” Joslyn asked, sidling up to Yuffie.
“No…usually we have trouble getting a straight answer from him,” Yuffie replied as Tifa wandered past to stand on the side of the room opposite Cloud, the two doing their seeming best to pretend the other wasn’t in the room. “Has…has he said anything?”
Joslyn shook her head, biting at a nail. At first they’d thought Tifa was in a depression over losing to Scarlet, but she’d assured them that wasn’t the case. “After Josy took it like a champ when I beat her, how can I act like a sissy just because I lost one,” Tifa had replied, looking shocked at their question. And her actions seemed to validate her statement…so long as Cloud wasn’t around. Then she became moody and distant, and Cloud wasn’t much better.
She’d avoided going to his room until they figured out what was up after THAT night.

“Cloud…slo…slow down,” Jo gasped. She’d been surprised to find Cloud alone, but even moreso when he pulled her into his room, tearing at her clothes like a man possessed. Not that she minded, at least until they got into bed and he went at her with a clumsy desperation that made the sex rough and uncomfortable. Then she felt him stiffen, and a rush of heat between her legs as he came with a hoarse groan, before collapsing on top of her. “Cloud…what?”
“I’m sorry…sorry,” he muttered as she stroked at his hair. When he turned his head enough to face her, she was shocked by the shame and disgust on his face. “I didn’t…”
“Ssshh,” she whispered, holding his face and giving him a light peck on the lips. His eyes widened, before he returned the kiss. Licking her lips, Jo shifted her arms to circle his neck while they kissed deeply and with a passion she’d not experienced before as their hips moved slowly, but deliberately. Gasping heavily for air, Joslyn bit at his shoulder hard enough to draw blood muffling her cries as she shook, writhed and trembled. A million little firecrackers went off inside her, rocking her body in ways she’d never experienced.
Panting, Joslyn came back down only to find that Cloud was still going. His breathing tortured as he struggled to maintain control even while his thrusts became ragged and, with a sudden burst of womanly wisdom, Jo tightened her grip, hips moving in a clockwise motion as she brought her lips to his ear. “Stop fighting Cloud,” she whispered, nibbling at the lobe. “Just let go, let me help you.”
His hip’s speed picked up as he groaned, holding her body close. Despite her efforts she could feel her own crisis approaching again. “Cloud….please.” she cried out, then stiffened as her legs kicked out and body writhed in uncontrollable pleasure. Her contortions finally pushed him over the edge as he thrust violently at the girl under him, screaming into the pillow her head rested on. The feel of his furiously rocking body on her own caused Jo’s own pleasure to explode again, her vision going grey as the pleasure almost became pain in it’s intensity.
Panting heavily Joslyn moaned in disappointment as Cloud rolled off of her and she cuddled up next to him, gently kissing at his neck and shoulders, while her fingers delicately caressed his strengthening rod. Then he spoke. It was only a few words, but they still echoed in her head. “Don’t fall in love with me Josy…” She’d sat up and looked at him as he stared up at the ceiling.
“I mean it,” he said dully, turning his head to look at her, as his hand stroked at her cheek. She rose off the bed and dressed as best she could despite her clothes condition, and paused at the door.
“It’s not something we have a choice in,” she said, turning to look at him. When he didn’t respond she exited the room…to walk straight into Tifa, who seemed to be pacing just outside. The two stared at one another in a sudden awkward silence.
“How…is he?” TIfa asked, her expression unreadable.
“A bit weird, but fine otherwise,” she’d answered, then lightly. “Why don’t you check up on him, I’m sure he has a couple rounds left in him.”
“No…not tonight…” Tifa had replied, before turning quickly and wandering off, but Jo had seen it. Seen the look in her eyes. Anger. Now that she’d had a day or two to think about it Jo realized what it was. Anger at Joslyn acting as if Tifa needed her permission to visit Cloud. Or at least that was how her sister saw it.

“We need to figure this out,” Yuffie whispered as they moved the ship’s metal hallways. “It’s going to affect everyone else at this rate.”
“You’re just telling me what I know,” Joslyn hissed back. “But Cloud won’t say a thing. Did Tifa?”
Yuffie shook her head. “Kept silent for the entire trip.”
“Maybe we ought to try another way.” Jo remarked, smacking a fist into her palm.
“Slow down there tiger,” Yuffie warned. “I know you’re getting antsy with her having all the…fun…but in her current state of mind she mightn’t be in the mood the play around.”
“And you think I am?” she demanded before going silent as Nanaki’s head swiveled to stare at them, his ears twitching. He stared at them momentarily before his head swung around to growl out an answer at something Barret asked.
“You know what I mean,” Yuffie whispered as soon as she was sure they wouldn’t be heard. “If the two of you go at it now emotions might boil over and I don’t want to have to play referee between my two closest friends.”
Jo grunted and the two girls kept their peace as they followed the Sage down to the hanger before gaping at the five brightly colored chocobos wandered up the ramp. In his pen Boco warked in excitement at the sight of so many others of his kind. “Good thing we stopped off in Cosmo first,” Cid muttered as he looked sourly on the new guests. Just the five of the birds filled up the hold and would have a been impossible if they still had the wounded on board.
From a distance you’d mistake them for the standard well known yellow bird. But up close they were clearly larger than their more common brethren and their coloration more resembled gold than yellow. The lead bird, even larger than the rest, warked happily before lowering her head to nuzzle at the Sage. “Good girl, good girl,” he patted at her head, before shuffling past. “Everyone on board?”
Five loud chirps answered his question, before he turned back to humans in the room, nodding. “Okay then,” Cloud turned. ” Cid take us to where Shinra’s been spotted and follow Bugenhagen’s directions. This might be our only chance at turning this around.”

“It could work,” she heard Reeve remark, as she walked quickly to the meeting room.
“It has to work.” Heidegger said as the door was opened for her and she marched over to her seat. “Good of you to finally join us.”
“The power requirements though,” Reeve pushed a paper with calculations forward before Scarlet could snipe back. “Even with the materia this will drain most, if not all, of the power in the entire city, It’ll take months to restore power to some sections.”
“Better than dying I’ll wager,” Scarlet remarked. “I had to stop off at my lab for the reports. This is what they found.”
She handed around several folders, one to each sitting at the the table. Each read at different speeds, but all gasped in shock when they got the point she herself had been stunned. “And that was just from the barest application of mako. Now imagine if we link them to the reactors.”
“These numbers,” Reeve stammered. “If there’s even the slightest miscalculation or the gun misfires…”
“Heidegger, I want the gun patrolled and and every piece of it checked for any kind of imperfection.” Rufus ordered. “Reeve, put out a call for volunteers to work on maintenance. Offer double what others would pay. You both now know what’s at stake so I don’t want any power games. This is NOT the time.”
“Sir!” Both men nodded and rose from their seats. As they exited the room Tseng entered and took up a position near the back. If Rufus noticed he didn’t say anything. Instead he looked pointedly at Hojo’s empty seat before giving a disgusted snort.
“Scarlet, double and triple check these numbers. We need to be absolutely certain.”
“You know you can count on me,” Scarlet replied, as she sat back. “But as much as I’d rather not, I could use Hojo’s help with this.”
“No one has seen Hojo for almost a week now,” Rufus frowned, glancing over at Tseng. “I’m almost considering having the Turks take a stab at locating him.”
“Just give us the order, sir…but I do need some of your time for a matter of some…sensitivity.” Tseng spoke carefully.
“Scarlet,” Rufus nodded at the blonde, who gave Tseng a glance before rising smoothly and swaying out the door. Rufus stared for a moment before turning his attention back to Tseng. “Well?”
“Sir, as you are aware Ms. Scarlet took a trip to Nibelheim recently to investigate our old lab there.”
“Indeed,” Rufus’s eyes narrowed. “And?”
“Sir, I had Elena follow along as added security and she…found something rather interesting.” Tseng’s face betrayed no emotion, but the look on Rufus’s face confirmed at least one of his suspicions. “I’m afraid your father’s actions have come back to haunt us…again.”
“My father?” Rufus actually looked startled momentarily, before his face took on a frustrated appearance. “Don’t tell me…”
“I’m afraid so sir but…that’s not the most interesting point.”
“What is it this time?”
“It’s better if you see for yourself,” Tseng pulled out a photo, sliding it carefully towards the blonde young man. Rufus snatched it up, glaring at the picture before his face lost all color. He swung his gaze to the long haired Turk who simply nodded. “I’m afraid the photos are genuine.”
Rufus sat back and stared up at the ceiling. “I wonder if the old man is laughing at us wherever he is right now, Junichi…”
“Sir…do you want us to…”
“No…nothing’s changed.” Rufus said, slowly tearing the photo. “If he insists on opposing us, then he’ll meet the same fate as all who came before.”

Scarlet scowled to herself as she made her way to the elevator. She’d already quadruple checked her figures before coming to the meeting…short as it was. She was still brimming with energy after the last couple of nights, feeling almost as if she just couldn’t get enough of Rufus’s body on her own. Then she paused, her finger almost touching the button to the elevator, looking down at her band as she felt a pulse emanating from it. Was the materia looking…brighter, deeper than before.
“What are you scheming,” she murmured, lifting her arm to stare at the blood red gem. “I’m not some ten gil whore like Elizabeth was with Siren.”
All she got back was silence as she stepped into the steel box, and pushing the button for her floor. “Either you give me an answer or off you come.” She threatened, giving the gem a flick with her finger. “I’ve already fulfilled our side of our bargain.”
This got a response as she abruptly pressed at her temple at Shiva’s reply. “It’s not my fault you failed on your end. I gave you Siren on a silver platter.” Scarlet snapped. “And what do you mean by more power?”
Scarlet smiled with amusement at what she heard. “So you draw energy the same way she does. I’m guessing that’s why we’ve been fucking till we pass out recently.” She cocked her head and smirked. “Don’t you get self righteous with me, whether you enjoy it or not, you share a lot of traits.”
She continued what seemed like a one sided argument absently, ignoring the looks as she wandered into her lab, moving over to the development section. Inside, techs worked on her prize design for the next generation of Shinra walkers. She was rushing the prototype for the inevitable attack on the city. Either by a Weapon or by the Avalanche terrorists. Powered by a fragment of the first materia they’d recovered it would be her greatest creation.
Smiling she moved over to her office. She hadn’t given Viola the news yet and she’d deliver a gift as well while she was there. Better first make sure where she was, she decided, after checking her watch. With the hours she’d been keeping it was hard to tell morning from night.

At Reno’s place, Viola woke slowly at an insistent buzzing shaking off the cobwebs in her brain. Reaching over at the small table next to the bed she flipped open her phone.
“Yeah,” she whispered as Reno grunted, his arms tightening their hold on her even as his breathing tickled her neck.
“Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”
“It’s seven in the morning,” she replied testily. “I was sleeping.”
“But sleeping where though?” Scarlet teased, as Viola flushed and Reno snored. “Ah…I’ll swing around and meet you there in an hour. I have some news for you.”
“Ugh,” Viola flipped her phone shut as she lay back down. Scarlet wasn’t wrong, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Then she felt Reno’s lips on her ear.
“An hour, eh…we can make that work, I think.” She heard him whisper.

“So what’s this news,” Viola asked as she slipped into the seat next to Scarlet. The blonde touched a finger to her lips, looking at her driver. Viola rolled her eyes, but nodded as they made mundane conversation before arriving at the lift to take them down to Sector Six. Once there Scarlet barely gave the lift time to close before she started changing.
“I did it,” Scarlet said, as she rapidly changed clothes while in the quickly descending platform.
“I did it,” she repeated, turning to Viola with a large smile on her face as she slipped on a low cut t-shirt and tight skirt. “She’s no longer unbeaten, that bitch!”
It took a moment for it register, before Viola’s eyes widened. “No way…”
“Oh yes,” Scarlet replied, her eyes shining. “I’d have had her here on a leash for you to see if her fucking boyfriend hadn’t barged in and interfered at the end.”
“You flattened Tifa!” Viola repeated with awe. “You realize you’ve done what most of the professionals down here have only fantasized about doing.”
Scarlet smirked, to hide her discomfort at Viola’s words. While she’d beaten Tifa she hadn’t…flattened her. At least not yet.
“How’d you do it?”
“I’ll tell you when we get to the Honeybee. I also have a little something for you.”
“This isn’t something you can keep secret,” Viola pestered as the lift began to slow. “I need to know especially considering what help she had.”
“Fine…fine…see this?” Scarlet raised her arm and displayed her bracelet. Viola cocked her head in confusion and shrugged. “I found another just like what she has. We came to an accord and she took Siren out of the equation.”
“So you fought Tifa on even footing, clever.” Viola nodded approvingly. “Let’s hurry, cause I have to hear this.
The pair ignored the usual crude, but good natured calls from the slowly wakening slum. Viola was well know and was par for the course and instead of offending her, it bolstered Scarlet’s confidence to hear calls in her direction. The Honeybee was quiet considering the hour as most of the overnighters wouldn’t even begin considering getting up until around lunch. Unlocking the gym Scarlet followed Viola into her office, the hidden camera following them as they did so.
“So spill…” Viola reiterated as she flipped on her coffee machine. “How did you…wait. I didn’t leave this here…”
Scarlet peered over as Viola lifted a disc from her desk. “What is it?”
“Dunno…all mine are tagged,” the redhead flipped it over looking for a label of some sort. “Wonder what’s on it…wanna take a look?”
“Why not,” Scarlet replied, pulling up a chair as her friend slipped it into the player. For a brief moment the screen remained black before it focused in on an empty room. And empty room with a rather large safe. Scarlet’s eyes bulged as she realized what she was watching. And even as it hit her she saw herself rush into the room and take her place on the safe. “What the hell!!”

<Five hours earlier>
Andrea stretched as he finished cleaning up the video and audio from his latest acquisition. He was quite impressed at M’s restraint at what had happened until he sensed her presence…and heard her growl.
“Give me a reason as to why I shouldn’t work my way into Shinra’s tower and leave that blonde bitch stripped and legs spread at the building entrance.”
“Because you’ll draw attention to us even more than my delivery to Rufus did,” he answered, not bothering to turn and face her, knowing she just needed to vent. “And besides, you know how Tifa would react to anyone acting on her behalf…especially if it’s you.”
“I could understand her taking precautions against Siren, but using an enhancer,” Mikoto paced back and forth like a caged beast. “And not once…twice. I’m not sure if I’m mad at her for using it or at Lockhart for losing to that cunt.”
“You almost sound as if you like your off and on sparring partner.” Andrea remarked as he finished his work, slipping in a second disc to make a recording.
“Hardly,” she snorted. “Now it just means I’ll have longer to wait before I’ll have my shot at her.”
“Uh huh,” he smirked as she shifted under his scrutiny. “Keep telling yourself that my dear.”
“You mind actually telling me what you want?” M demanded, frustrated. “I lost money on that match so…”
“I require your services to make a delivery.” he stated, pointing at the current process. “To the blonde that has currently incurred your ire.”
“We were just talking about drawing attention and now you want me to do this?” M sat down on the bed. “Does any of this strike you as odd? It’s as if they’re TRYING to get found out.”
“Tifa and her little group already know, so them I understand…” Andrea frowned at his screens. “I agree that I don’t understand why they’re poking at Shira, but our lot is not to question why. Can you do it?”
“Easily.” She replied. “Tell me, has she been around to visit her handler lately?”
“Viola? No.” The slim built man gave a smile as a small click informed him of the disc’s completion. “The dear girl fancies herself in love…and with a Turk no less.”
“Huh…you okay with that?” M asked as she snatched her package out of the air as he tossed it to her. “Also, any timeline on this delivery?”
“Yes and no. Viola was a pleasant distraction but favoring her is beginning to frustrate the other girls since only Lizzy stands a chance against her. Maybe it’s time I mix up the field a bit.”
“Whatever floats your boat,” Mikoto replied as she began to fade. “Now excuse me…I’ve gotta to figure out how best to use this.”
Andrea sat quietly, slipping in another disc for recording. Only once he was certain he was alone did a scowl appear on his handsome face. He was fully aware of his own bias, yet he couldn’t help but feel the same anger as Mikoto at what had happened in the fight. Unlike M, however he was willing to overlook the first draught Scarlet took. Tifa was clearly the physical superior to the blonde, so her evening up that area didn’t bother him. But the second drink…
He clenched his fists and took several deep breaths. He was out of the game, and his sole responsibility was ensuring that all activities were recorded and protected. Personal feelings did not factor in…is what he told himself, though being human made that more and more difficult. Moving away, he flipped the hidden switch that hid his recording room behind a false wall, before stripping down and settling into bed. Despite what he told M, he would miss Viola. She had been quite something between the sheets. On a night like tonight he could use the distraction.

<Current Time>
M smirked as the heard the two women discover the disc. She’d been right to wait for the blonde bitch to check in on her friend. She’d love to wait and see if Viola was as she’d judged the woman but she had her own business to run.
Scarlet lounged in her seat as Viola watched the fight play out. It always felt strange watching herself fight like this she thought wincing at loud clap of flesh on flesh. It never sounded as loud in her ears though in hindsight she was probably more concerned with how much it hurt than how loud it was. She fidgeted as Viola shifted slightly, hating the feeling of being judged while also wanting approval. Which was strange since she’d never really cared what anyone else thought aside from Rufus.
The fight had reached it’s halfway mark where first Scarlet, then Tifa, collapsed and now crawled in opposite directions. Tifa had gotten to her feet first and grabbed at Scarlet. “Too late,” she heard herself say after she’d swung an elbow, knocking the younger woman back and waving the empty vial at her. “Just needed a pick me up.”
The fight continued until it’s penultimate climax as both women screamed at the unintended effect of their body’s close combat. Just when they thought it was over, the second wave hit and Scarlet’s face reddened as Viola shot her a look while blonde and brunette howled at the pleasure before both went limp. “If you have something to say, say it,” she growled at the red head’s scrutiny. Viola merely shook her head, turning back to the screen.
From there, disc moved to the expected conclusion as an exhausted Tifa tried to fend off Scarlet. Tried and failed as the brunette’s impressive endurance finally gave out and she fainted under a surprised looking Scarlet. It continued for a few moments as Scarlet tied Tifa’s arms and legs with her own top before abruptly ending as Cloud smashed down the door. Scarlet sat back with a smile on her face at reliving her victory before her lips changed into a tight line at the fact that someone had either her, or Tifa, or both under some kind of surveillance. While she considered this, Viola had risen from her seat and walked out the room. Getting to her feet, Scarlet grabbed at her bag and quickly followed.
“I also have something for you,” she said as the redhead paused. Digging into her bag Scarlet held out a familiar vial full of red liquid. Viola took it carefully, holding it up to the light. “It worked wonders for me, maybe it can…”
Scarlet paused as her friend flipped off the stopper with her thumb as she sniffed at the liquid. As her face screwed up at the smell the blonde was unprepared for Viola’s next action and gasped as the woman thrust her arm forward hurling the liquid into Scarlet’s face. Sputtering at the smell and horrible taste she felt hands in her hair and screamed as she felt herself thrown across the room. She rolled twice before coming to a stop and jumping to her feet to stare in surprise and not a little anger at Viola who stared back, eyes narrowed.
“What the fuck were you thinking!” The redheaded woman shouted, throwing the now empty vial at Scarlet who ducked. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“What the hell’s your problem?” Scarlet demanded, her eye color shifting from the drops she’d swallowed. “We should be celebrating and instead…”
“Celebrating…CELEBRATING!!” Viola yelled as she strode across the room, an open palm cracking against the side of the blonde’s face who immediately and automatically responded in kind. Viola recoiled slightly from the blow even as the two glared at one another. “You resort to THAT to fight Tifa and then try to offer me some?”
“I used my head, like you preached,” Scarlet hissed through gritted teeth. “I’d never be as strong as her so I improvised. You of all people should understand after what happened with Elizabeth.”
“Oh I understand, all right. I understand that what you did was no better,” Viola shoved at Scarlet, sending the blonde back several steps. “Don’t you get it? You’ve just given Tifa the excuse she needed to not hold anything back on account of what sense of fair play she holds.”
“Don’t. Touch. Me. Again,” Scarlet snarled in warning. Viola tensed at the tone in the woman’s voice. “I mean it Vi, touch me again and all bets’re off.”
Viola felt the blood soar to her face at Scarlet’s declaration. This was the thanks she got after everything she’d done? A simple swig of some shit she cooked up in a lab to give her an advantage? Unbeknownst to the woman her own eye color shifted, but Scarlet noticed. Before she could say anything however Viola slapped her again, hard. The blonde woman stood shocked from the blow and Viola swung her other arm in a wide arc to crack against her cheek before she yelled in fury and grabbed at other’s auburn locks.
Viola yelled in pain at the savage yanking, before latching onto the other woman’s blonde hair furiously pulling Scarlet’s head to the left and right. Hissing like a pair of cats the women staggered back and forth, relinquishing their grip only to swing a few wild blows before again latching onto hair. Panting in fury Viola released her hold on Scarlet’s hair and interlocking the fingers of her hands before smashing them down on the back of the blonde’s head. Scarlet’s thick hair cushioned the blow but her eyes crossed a the force of it, falling to the ground. She wasn’t done however and grabbed at Viola’s legs and pulled, tripping up the redhead who fell onto her ass with a startled yell.
She barely had time to react before Scarlet was on her and the enraged blonde came fighting. She wrapped an arm around Viola’s neck, squeezing tight even as she punched and grabbed at the younger woman’s face, chest and stomach. Viola however was having none of it as she latched onto one of Scarlet’s boobs, crushing and twisting at the thinly covered flesh. The blonde shrieked at the sudden sharp pain pulling away but leaving Viola with a trophy as her shirt tore in half leaving one of her boobs exposed. Tossing aside her half, the younger woman grabbed at the hanging flesh, her expression cruel as her fingers sunk deep. But she in turn screamed in angry pain as Scarlet retaliated in kind, grabbing at Viola’s deep breasts and digging in.
Rocking back and forth their knees blonde and redhead growled and cursed as they attacked the other’s breasts. Unlike Tifa, Viola didn’t trim her nails unless she was expecting a fight so Scarlet’s face was contorted with pain as she felt the other’s nails threatening to puncture her exposed skin. Viola was in no better condition as the same nails that proved so effective against Tifa worked just as well against her, despite the slim protection her blouse gave her. Gasping heavily, neither could gain an advantage in spite of the pain they inflicted on one another.
Then Viola smiled as Scarlet’s face whitened. The reason was evident as a slight trickle of blood leaked down Viola’s right thumb that was jammed into the inside of the breast. Rising up on her haunches the red headed woman pushed hard at the blonde who gritted her teeth, despite the tears leaking from her eyes, and twisted her hands as far as she could. This got a moan of pain from the younger woman who came back by shifting her grip to the outside in order to slam the two mounds together as hard as she could. This proved particularly effective as it hit at the painful puncture left by Viola’s nail. Giving a scream that was equal parts pain and anger Scarlet released her hold on the other’s boobs, instead punching ferociously and sending the orbs bouncing wildly.
“LET GO, FUCKING CUNT!” The blonde shouted as her fists windmilled. Viola yelled at the assault, her grip falling away as she retreated out of range of Scarlet’s fists. Both beauties panted at their exertions and winced as they assessed the damage before glaring across at the other. “What the actual fuck is your problem?” Scarlet demanded, wincing as she wiped at the red smear on her boobs, shrugging off the other half of her torn outfit.
“You’re my fucking problem!” Viola spat, shaking her head. “Talking to you has done jack shit, so maybe getting taken down a few pegs is in order.”
“You’re not making any damn sense,” Scarlet growled. “And if you think you have what it takes then you’re crazy.”
Viola’s eyes flashed at that before propelling herself to her feet and at Scarlet. The blonde Shinra executive was quick to her own feet as the redhead slammed into her, arms circling neck and waist, heads going over shoulders as they shoved. Grunting, neither woman moved as their feet dug into the carpet and trickles of sweat began to run down their bodies. Scarlet felt Viola strain and heard her growl savagely even as the blonde hissed back, her upper body complaining at the weight of the redhead’s torso as Scarlet slowly felt herself being bent backwards.
“Get…OFF!!” Scarlet shifted to the left, attempting to throw the throw the other woman but Viola hung on tenaciously, her hands sliding down the blonde’s body inadvertently grabbing at the blonde’s skirt and pulling down. Scarlet gave a squall as her hands waved wildly as she struggled to keep her balance before Viola shoved and propelled the two of them to the ground. Grabbing, again, at hair Viola banged Scarlet’s head repeatedly against the carpet even as her own head was yanked back and forth. Tearing violently at the red hair that waved above her Scarlet toppled Viola, straddling her, before slapping repeatedly at the woman’s face.
Viola swung back with vigor as the pair slapped and hit at faces and shoulders. A few hits sent Scarlet’s dangling tits wobbling before Viola latched onto them again. “STOP IT!!” Scarlet shouted in frustration, tearing at the other woman’s blouse before grabbing at the now exposed flesh. Viola yelled as the blonde pulled at her breasts, twisting her own hands in retaliation and yanking Scarlet to the left, causing her to fall onto her side. Lying parallel to each other both women snarled as they crushed each other’s boobs, nails again coming into play as they cried out at the pain.
Even as Scarlet’s fury began to to turn to exhaustion, she felt Viola’s efforts begin to slow and saw her eyes shift from orange to her usual dark color. Locking eyes they both carefully, warily, released their grips and pushed themselves away. Silently, they regarded one another for a long moment before Viola got to her feet, striding into her office. Remaining seated, Scarlet panted and stared up at the ceiling as she tried to figure out just what had happened. She never noticed the other woman return until the shirt landed on her face.
“Go…just go,” Viola stated, also tossing her bag, turning her back on the blonde. Scarlet didn’t say a word as she dressed, scowling internally at how the shirt was a bit on the large side. She snatched up her bag, marching out the door without a backwards look. Viola turned and strode back into her office even as she heard Scarlet’s heels clicking and the door slam. Only then did she acknowledge the trembling of her hands. She fell heavily into her chair, pressing her fingers to her temples, considering what had just happened, her gaze drawn back to the now blank screen.
Her last coherent act had been when she took a whiff of the mixture. Almost immediately the anger she’d felt at Scarlet’s actions had exploded and any self control had been lost at the blonde’s threat. If even just inhaling that stuff did that to her then what did it do to those drank it…Viola shook her head, then winced. Moving into the bathroom she studied her reflection, touching red spots on her face, and gasping at the prominent scratches on her breasts. Even as she reached for her cream she remembered how she’d punctured Scarlet’s breast, and her reaction.
The stuff clearly dulled pain dramatically and, Viola had to admit that their fight gave her an uncomfortable look into Scarlet’s mind. She’d ignored the signs because, against all odds, she actually liked the blonde despite her attitude…but now that was no longer an option. After what they did to one another and considering who Scarlet was she doubted things would be the same. Because now she understood, truly understood, just who she was dealing with.
Winning. All she cared about was winning, and didn’t care how she went about it. Problem was that Tifa was someone who simply enjoyed fighting, winning and losing were just another part of the fun and something like this wouldn’t change anything. Even worse was the fact that she’d seen this before. Girls that couldn’t stand one another continually escalating their conflict because neither was willing to back down. The Tifa she remembered would’ve prolonged the fight, conserved her energy, until the drug Scarlet drank wore off. But instead of fighting smart she refused to back down from her blonde adversary and then lost the fight after getting worn down.
“This won’t end well…” Viola muttered to herself. She used to think that what Scarlet had for Tifa was one way, but now she knew it was mutual. She could feel the hate, even through the screen, the two women exuded for one another like it was a living thing. Tifa would bounce back from this, Viola was sure, and when she did any sense of fair play would be thrown out the window. Maybe it was better this way…cut her ties with Scarlet to avoid being caught in the crossfire. She had to have some clout with Lockhart after sending her that warning about Elizabeth.
Even as she had the thought she shook her head. She still had her pride and for better or for worse she’d thrown her cap in the ring on Scarlet’s side. The only question now was if Scarlet would carry a grudge.

“The fuck was her problem,” Scarlet muttered to herself as maneuvered herself past the curious sleepy eyed women wandering the hall. She was so lost in her own thoughts she failed to notice how they unconsciously made way for her. Word had spread about the epic free for all between her and Viola against the sisters and while Viola and Elizabeth’s result remained in doubt, Vicky’s humiliating defeat was common knowledge. “I’d better go over the formula when I…”
“Out of the way granny!”
Scarlet paused for a moment before her head rose and found herself staring into a pair of hostile dark eyes surround by a mass of brown hair. Around them the other girls quickly backed away, leaving the the blonde and brunette with sufficient room in the corridor. A vicious smile found it’s way onto her face as she set her herself firmly in the center of the passage. Despite how sore she felt messing with Vicky should make her feel better. “Sounds like someone hasn’t gotten enough of a beating over the last couple of weeks,” she taunted as Vicky clenched her fists. “I’d have thought you would have learned your lesson after getting smothered by…Joslyn was it?”
Vicky’s face reddened at the reminder of that particularly humiliating defeat. Bad enough that her reputation was in tatters after word had somehow spread of the beating she’d received from the blonde cunt now in front of her, but now she’d literally walked into her again in front of dozens of the other girls. “If not for the fact that Liza asked me not to fuck you up till she’s had her fun with Vi I’d have come looking for you sooner,” she snarled. “So why don’t you just piss off.”
“Still hiding behind your sister’s skirt?” Scarlet mocked the younger woman relishing the fury on the woman’s face even as the girls behind and in front laughed, further infuriating the brunette. Then abruptly the moment passed and she realized that this just wasn’t as enjoyable as she’d envisioned. She just…didn’t care about the brunette annoyance. “Tell you what, in celebration of a personal accomplishment, I’ll let you go today. But…” Scarlet moved up the brunette, shoving her chest at the other woman smirking at how Vicky’s orbs flattened at the tip, moving her mouth to her ear.
“Maybe you should better pick your fights better. After all if your sister can’t even beat a weak ass like Lockhart then YOU are barely worth my time.” She whispered.
Vicky blanched at that and Scarlet laughed, patting her cheek, before walking off as the girls parted before her. Vicky stood like a statue before dashing off for the gym. It couldn’t possibly be true, but there was one person that would know for sure. And if it was true…she couldn’t decide if Lizzy should or shouldn’t learn about it.

This was getting ridiculous.
This was the thought going through Yuffie’s head as she maneuvered her way through the Highwind, heading towards Cloud’s room. It was late and most everyone else was already asleep except for the night shift. Tifa was still in the gym and ignored any attempt by the kunoichi to bring up the current situation. Josy was asleep, in the room she shared with her sister, and the awkwardness surrounding the three was affecting everyone with speculation rife about why things were so.
Cid had actually come the closest, suggesting the Tifa might’ve walked in on Cloud and Joslyn, with Barret scoffing at the idea. Red XIII kept quiet but Yuffie was sure he knew just how close Cid was to the truth, and Vincent kept quiet stating it wasn’t his place to guess. And according to Leviathan, Siren wasn’t forthcoming, though it was obvious she was suffering after expending a lot of energy revitalizing Tifa and getting little to nothing back in return. “Cloud!” She called out, beating the flat of her hand against the wooden door. “Cloud, it’s Yuffie. Open up!”
“It’s open,” the tenor of the voice did not give her hope as she swung it open to find the young Solider rearranging his sword’s materia. While that gave a sense of normalcy the drawn look on his face didn’t. “Do I even need to ask why you’re here?”
“If you think you don’t then you also know why I’m coming to you and not the others,” she replied, reluctantly taking a seat on the overly large bed in the room. He gave her a look that reminded her that she wasn’t immune to his charms. “Tifa’s straight up ignoring me now and Jo’s out like a light as we speak. I’m also curious about why she’s also started avoiding you.”
Cloud flinched at that. “It’s probably better that way,” he muttered, putting down his sword before walking over and sitting next to her. “How much did Tifa tell you?”
“She was pretty sparse with the details, just that Scarlet also had a summon that did something to her connection to Siren…and she underestimated the lengths she’d go to win.” Yuffie replied, uncomfortably aware of his closeness. “I mean, I can understand why she’d not want to talk about it. Scarlet’s a bitch at the best of times.”
“That’s not all Scarlet had…” Cloud said, getting up and starting to pace. “While she was unconscious Siren actually took over for a little while and we had a chat.”
“Scarlet used a perfected version of the gas that was spread back in Gold Saucer.” Cloud nodded at the horror on Yuffie’s face. “I figured you’d remember that. It made her stronger and more resilient, but it still wasn’t enough until she took a second dose. From what Siren said it was enough to help her outlast Tifa.”
“Why wouldn’t she mention that? That’s a pretty big deal. I imagine Josy would’ve been pretty pissed at…” Yuffie growled, then her eyes widened. “Wait…that means Scarlet KNEW Tifa would be there. The entire thing was a…”
“Trap…yes. But there’s…another part of the problem.” Cloud muttered. At Yuffie’s look he continued. “Tifa’s…I don’t…she’s jealous of Joslyn. Or resentful, I don’t know. She’s upset that we hardly get anytime alone.”
“But wasn’t she…”
“I keep reminding her of that,” his lips curled into a small smile briefly. “I even offered to break it off, but she said that might make things worse. And then…”
“Then?” Yuffie prodded, cocking her head slightly and staring at the door. Cloud followed her look before she turned back to him shaking her head.
“After she woke up and took over we continued the talk, though I’m not sure how much she heard from when I was talking with Siren.” Cloud got up and started pacing. “I asked her just when would this end. This time Scarlet drugged herself to finally get a win. So what happens if they fight again and Tifa wins…what will Scarlet do then? And then what will she do…it’s like a neverending cycle because neither’s willing to quit. She said that it wouldn’t end until one of them realized they couldn’t win or…”
“I can guess where she went with it.” Yuffie bit her lip. “Cloud…before I met up with you guys I was in Midgar with a…friend. We were there to break into Shinra and we ran into Scarlet. I can tell you right now that she’s not going to back down. Not unless Tifa is willing to cross a line and at the least scare the living shit out of her. We destroyed some mech she was developing, had her tied up, and in her mind we still didn’t matter. It was like to her we were less than nothing. You can’t just beat someone like that…you have to break them, completely.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of…that and I’m pretty sure Scarlet has also come to the same conclusion.” Cloud rubbed at his eyes. “Tifa got angry and asked if I’d let her fight Scarlet if she laid hands on Josy and…damn it…part of me wanted to say yes just to hurt her for asking something so stupid.”
Yuffie’s lips set in an angry line as she studied the blonde young man, though her anger was aimed at another. “Okay…I can understand why you’re avoiding Tifa. But why Josy, I don’t think she knows what’s going on.”
Cloud flinched. “Because the last time we were together was…different. It wasn’t just sex. And she…”
“I…I told her not to fall in love with me but she…” Cloud closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “She told me it’s not something we have a choice in. And she’s right. Problem is I’m not really sure just where that leaves me.”

Tifa tried to focus…tried and failed as she started over with her kata.
“How long are you going to continue like this?” Siren’s form had shifted from a voluptuous blonde to a more child like state to conserve energy. “You know what you have to do.”
“After what we heard how can I do that?” the long haired brunette replied bitterly. “Despite everything he took her straight to his bed without a second thought.”
“You were the one that pushed him away,” Siren patiently said. “Were you expecting him to sit around waiting for you or maybe for him to come asking for forgiveness for something he didn’t do?”
“DAMMIT!” Tifa swore loudly, both at another mistake and at Siren again hitting the mark. “How am I supposed to apologize for saying something like that when we can’t even be in the same room together?”
“How about actually trying?”
Tifa started, not realizing she’d been talking out loud, at the voice. Turning, she nodded at her sister as Joslyn made her way across the small room. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was…woke up and passed by Cloud’s room.” she replied, noticing the slight narrowing of the eyes at that. “Don’t worry, he was talking with ‘Fie at the time. Funny how he has an easier time talking to her than either of us, isn’t it.”
“Hilarious,” Tifa grunted, wiping at her face with a towel. “Any idea what they were talking about?”
“Your fight against Scarlet, the fact that she used the gas again…oh and I’m in love with Cloud.” Joslyn smirked as Tifa’s eyes almost covered her entire face before raising an eyebrow at that last declaration.
“What was that last part?” She asked quietly.
“I’m. In. Love. With. Cloud.” The younger Lockhart punctuated each word with a jab of a forefinger at Tifa’s chest. “And I don’t have any intention of just giving him up.”
“That’s not funny Josy,” Tifa growled slapping away the offending digit.
“Wasn’t supposed to be.” Her sister replied, eyes glaring. “We’re supposed to be a team and suddenly you start pushing us away, won’t even tell us what actually happened for you to lose a fight. What…we’re not good enough for the great Queen of Midgar?”
“I’ve said it a hundred times, I never asked to be called that,” Tifa hissed through gritted teeth. “She beat me. Doesn’t matter how it happened.”
“Bullshit,” Joslyn snarled back, jabbing her finger hard at her sister. “If that was the case you wouldn’t be moping around like this. And you wouldn’t have lashed out at Cloud or have everyone walking on eggshells whenever the two of you are around.”
“Poke me again and you’ll see what me lashing out really looks like,” Tifa warned, eyes blazing. “And what happens between me and Cloud is none of your concern.”
“Seems you’re not getting the message, let me try another way,” Joslyn snapped, cocking back an arm and smashing her fist across her sister’s face sending Tifa stumbling back in surprise. “Now either you tell me what the hell is wrong or we’re doing this the fun way.”
For a brief moment Jolsyn thought she’d gotten through to the other girl as Tifa’s expression went from surprise to shock and then to one of deep guilt. But then it shifted to anger as she got carefully to her feet and wiped at the back of her skirt, before gingerly rubbing at her face. “Just so we’re clear. You sure you want to do this?”
“Perhaps I still wasn’t clear enough, shall I try again?” Joslyn said. “This has gone on long enough, now are we going to talk or am I going to have to just beat some sense into you.”
Tifa’s response was to haul back her fist and crash it along the side of the teen’s face. The girl cried out in surprise, staggered, but kept her feet. “I think it’s time a big sister handed out some discipline to an uppity little sister.” she growled, cracking her knuckles.
“Oh…I hoped you’d see it that way,” Joslyn replied with a predatory grin as she threw herself at Tifa, fists raised even as her sister lunged forward in turn.

Andrea snorted as he rose from his bed, blinking at an insistent beeping. Glancing over at his watch, he started and leapt from the bed, hastily throwing on a robe as he hit the switch for his hidden room. Even before the wall had completely rolled back he was in the seat bringing up the camera that was registering activity. His eyes widened at the sight of the two brunettes punching and slapping at one another aboard the Highwind. Even as he wondered at what could’ve brought this about he was setting up a disc for recording.
For a brief period he couldn’t tell which was which as they fought with a grim determination, clenched fists and open palms striking at stomachs, chests and face. One girl unleashed a powerful haymaker that sent the other to the ground and the shift in their positions allowed him to pick up on Joslyn’s tan as she looked up at her sister. He adjusted the audio, cursing, as he tried to pick up what was being said even the younger sibling pushed herself back to her feet and waded back into the fight, fists swinging.
This was not what he’d been expecting and he’d need to go back through the timeline to figure out what set the two off. Because, he adjusted the volume as angry grunts and cries began to come through, this was definetly not some friendly sparring. The sisters looked as if they were actually trying to hurt one another. As if to prove his point Joslyn stumbled back tottering before Tifa drove her fist into the girl’s stomach causing her to sink to her knees with a groan.

The sight of her sister on her knees forced it’s way through the red rage in Tifa’s brain and she hesitated, stepping back. That moment gave Joslyn her opening as she jumped to her feet butting her head into the older girl’s face. Tifa’s yell was muffled as she covered her face, but Joslyn wasn’t done as she delivered two swift blows to her sister’s mid section before grabbing at her hair as she leaned over. Tifa shouted in surprise as Joslyn spun around dragging her by the hair and tossing her to land among the mats and medicine balls.
“You ready to talk yet?” Joslyn demanded, panting as her sister lay stunned in a heap. Shaking her head Tifa grunted as she pushed herself to her feet, adjusting the straps on her top, before charging back at the waiting teen. Joslyn caught fist in her right hand, pulling it to the side, before countering with a straight of her own that Tifa caught in her right. Simultaneously fists uncurled and palms flattened as fingers interlocked. Shoving forward their breasts bashed together through the thin fabric of their tops even as their arms went wide and low, trembling with effort, before coming back up to chest level.
Lips pulled back from gritted teeth as the girls pushed against one other, their boobs squashed together. Grimacing at the discomfort Tifa felt Joslyn strain as their foreheads touched and dark brown eyes glared into smokey gray, daring the other to keep fighting. Tifa knew Joslyn was strong. But now she also knew she was stronger, so it didn’t surprise her when she felt her sister’s boobs begin to sink beneath her own as she slowly overpowered the younger girl. “Just…give up…Josy,” she grunted, her first words since they started fighting. “I don’t…want to have to…hurt you.”
“Then why…didn’t…” Josyln kept pushing back, angling her body forward to keep some leverage despite the fact that she felt herself slowly, but steadily, being pushed to her knees. “Why didn’t you tell…us…that Scarlet set…set…you up?”
“How di…OWW!” Tifa yelled as the question distracted her long enough for her sister to shoot up and butt her hard enough for their foreheads to bruise. Both girls saw stars but they were now back on an even footing as Joslyn pushed Tifa back a step, her breasts now resting slightly on top. “Dammit…stop doing that!”
“Make…me.” Joslyn smirked, her smile strained as their arms went low as they leaned into one another, heads going over shoulders. Sweat had already begun to dampen their outfits and drip from their faces. “Scarlet knew you…you would…ow…wait for her.”
“Doesn’t…matter…” Tifa grunted as she exerted herself, pushing Jo’s arms back as her sister began to sink down again, groaning deeply into Tifa’s ear as she did so. “A loss…is a loss. And…my fault for…nnngh…taking her lightly.”
“Jackass!” Joslyn snarled in pain and frustration as she pulled backwards, falling onto her back and getting her feet against Tifa’s stomach, before flipping her sister over her body. She could see the surprise on the older girl’s face as she sailed past her vision and their hands were pulled apart. Jumping back to her feet she saw Tifa come out of a tucked roll and spin around on one knee. “She laid a trap and…and…arranged things in her favor. And your response is…a loss is a loss?”
“What do you want…me to do? Stamp my feet and… and scream about how unfair it was?” Tifa demanded, breathing hard. That was twice Josy had gotten the better of her. She had to take this seriously, sister or not. “I KNEW that it was likely a trap…that she was using herself as bait. And I walked into it like a fool.”
“If you knew, then why did…?” Joslyn’s face went from anger to confused, then back to anger. Her fists uncurled as she stalked towards her sister who crouched warily. “Okay…yeah, I see the problem. Since Cloud won’t give you the beating you clearly need I’ll do it for him.”
Tifa’s face turned ugly at that declaration before she threw herself at Joslyn with a savage scream. Stunned by the response the teen couldn’t mount a defense before the older brunette slammed into her, their bodies flying several feet before landing on the ground. Any semblance of martial prowess was tossed out the window as primeval instincts directed fingers into dark hair and emotions boiled over.
Tearing and yanking at the thick locks the girls rolled over and over in a tangle of wildly flailing arms and waving legs. For several long minutes they battled viciously in a purely feminine fashion, pulling at hair, biting and scratching as best they could. Getting briefly to the their feet they lashed out with wild blows before grabbing at skin and hair, dragging each other down again.
Thrashing furiously across the floor again Joslyn’s drenched top was torn from her body even as the buttons on Tifa’s skirt popped and the thin material ended up tangled around her knees, displaying her white panties. This didn’t stop them though as Tifa’s long suppressed jealousy and fear made her blind to anything but the face so similar to her own that she kept hitting at. Likewise Joslyn was angry at her sister’s reticence and what she’d heard between Cloud and Yuffie. She wasn’t lying about what she felt towards the blonde man and she had no intention of giving him up, even if her sister had been with him first.
Panting, their rolling bodies crashed up against the small rack designed to hold the smaller, lighter weights. Which was probably a good thing as the collision dislodged several three and five pounders that found their trip to the floor interrupted. Squeals of surprised pain forced their way out from between lips as the sisters rolled apart, clutching at heads and ribs.
Gasping, Tifa pushed herself into a sitting position as she stared across at her moaning sibling. Suddenly concerned she crawled over and tentatively touched at her sister’s shoulder before the girl rolled onto her stomach, pushing herself to her hands and knees. “Ha…Ha…Had enough yet?” She asked, feeling a sense of deja vu.
“I can…keep going all…all night.” Jo declared, a small smile on her face. Briefly a smile forced it’s way onto Tifa’s face also, before being replaced by a scowl. Pushing herself to sit on her haunches, Joslyn gave her upper body a deliberate shake as she stared pointedly at her sister’s own sweat covered half tee. Kicking out with her legs Tifa dislodged her torn skirt before dragging clear her own top.
“No tricks,” she warned as they shuffled towards one another, boobs swaying as they hung heavily.
“Won’t need any,” Joslyn replied. “If all it took to break you was losing to a cheating blonde then I shouldn’t have any issue.”
“You’re the one making an issue of it,” Tifa growled, bashing her monsters at Joslyn’s pair, the flesh rippling outwards as the four globes smashed together. “I accepted my loss. Why can’t you?”
“Liar!” Joslyn hissed, her face turning serious as she banged her tits powerfully into Tifa’s, the older girl grunted at the blow, before grabbing at her sister’s waist and slamming back. “You’ve been lying since you got back. But now, we’re not leaving this room till I beat the truth out of you.”
“I’M…NOT…LYING!” Tifa snarled loudly, punctuating each word with a slam that saw her take a shuffling step forward with each blow as she angrily battered her sister onto the ground. Even as her back hit the floor, Tifa threw herself on top of Joslyn, landing tits first on her sister who bellowed at the pain, before pinning her shoulders to the floor. “How many times do I have to say it?”
“Yeah? What about Cloud…what about US?” Joslyn snarled back as she struggled against Tifa’s weight above her, grabbing at her arms. The older girl gave a blank look before her eyes widened. “That’s right I know about THAT!”
At Tifa’s shocked expression, Joslyn kicked out pushing the older girl away, jumping to her feet and charging a staggering Tifa. Collecting herself the elder sister got her feet under her and lunged forward, slamming their boobs together loudly. “I…meant to talk to you about that. Eventually…,” Tifa gasped out, breathing heavily, the excuse sounding lame even to her. Joslyn didn’t dignify it with an answer as she came out swinging hard, and all Tifa could do was retaliate in kind.
Both yelped in pain as their boobs smashed together, swelling and bouncing with each heavy impact as their owners heaved their twin at it’s opposite even as the first pair recoiled off of one another. Jolsyn aggressed furiously with her boobs attempting to force Tifa back, but the older brunette struck back with a surprising violence that had the room almost echoing with the fleshy clapping sounds when their heavy mammaries collided. Yelps now became sharp squeals as they continued hurting each other.
A heavy off centre blow caused Joslyn to stagger back, hissing at the pain of Tifa’s stiff nipple scraping along the inside of her cleavage. The hiss became a sharp cry as her sister grabbed at her, pulling the girl into tight hug. “If I have to…lay you out again for you to drop this…I…I will,” Tifa warned even as Joslyn’s arms curled around her upper body. Arms and biceps tightened as they squeezed, heads thrown back in silent screams as the dense titflesh squashed and spread from the compression.
Grunting at the feeling of her boobs being squashed and the sharp insistent pain of Jo’s stabbing nipples Tifa felt…better. More focused. She crushed Joslyn’s body to her own, cringing at her sister’s cries of pain, doing her best to block it out. “You can’t beat me, Josy.” She gasped out, moaning slightly as Jo squeezed her arms, twisting her body to scrape her nipples inside the compressed mounds. Tifa rotated her own upper body causing her sister to flinch away from the pain. “Just stop this now and I won’t make an issue of it.”
“Shut…up!” Joslyn gritted her teeth at the pain as she pumped her boobs at Tifa as they squeezed their bodies together in tight comparison. She shifted her body, trying to force her sister back, her left leg moving between Tifa’s. It was subtle but she felt the older girl almost recoil, before pushing in closer while squeezing hard. Her breath hissed out at the pressure, but she could hear Tifa’s breathing sound almost tortured as their bodies pressed in closer. “This time…I’m winning!”
“What…are you doing?” Tifa demanded internally as she felt her body react to her sister’s even as they rotated their shoulders to pump their breasts together. In the process their nipples crossed and dueled causing both beauties to sigh in pleasure at the electric sensations crawling down the base of their spine.
“Me? Nothing.” Siren replied as she floated around the embattled pair. “Actively anyway. You know what my gimmick is…heightening sensations. You saw it with Elizabeth and you experienced it when you fought that Scarlet woman.”
“I can’t…I can’t be turned on by my sister!” Tifa’s declaration was undermined as she whimpered in time with Jo’s gasp at their nipples lined up again and swordfought deep within the confines of their titflesh.
“Apparently you can on some level,” Siren replied, almost snidely. “If you didn’t I wouldn’t be having an effect on…hold on. I think we have a guest.”
Desperate now Tifa tried to pull away, but Joslyn naturally took this as a sign of her weakening and squeezed tighter. In horror, Tifa felt herself begin to slowly hump at her sister’s leg and frantic, resorted to her sister’s favorite maneuver. Joslyn shouted in pain as Tifa butted her viciously, but refused to release her grip. Tifa shifted her grip to Jo’s waist, pulling her in closer and butting again as her upper body bent backwards. This time Jo gave a pained groan before releasing her hold and falling over backwards.
Tifa stumbled back as rubbing at her head as she saw double. Grimacing, she blinked rapidly as she bent over, resting her hands on her knees feeling the arousal slowly dissipate. “Ungh…ow.” Straightening her body she found Josy shaking her head as she crawled wearily back to her feet. There was a loud RIP as she did so and her own skirt split before falling off her body to join Tifa’s on the floor, leaving her in a pair of sheer black panties. “Dammit!”
“Does…Doesn’t feel as good when…you’re on the receiving end,” Tifa panted, taunting as the sisters circled. Though red and painful their breasts still stood high on their chests, nipples straining as they pointed almost as if angry their fight had been interrupted. Joslyn simply smirked and beckoned the other girl on. Tifa responded eagerly. The initial blow echoed off the room walls from the sheet force on the impact. Both girls recoiled, biting lips to keep from shrieking at the pain, before jumping back in with their proud breasts smacking together repeatedly as they moved in an unconscious circular fashion.
Moving almost as if they were dancing around the room the girls clapped their dueling breasts together brutally, neither seeking to avoid the strikes though each impact began to hurt more than the last. Grunting fiercely Jo began flailing her boobs at Tifa like a pair of maces, getting several powerful shots in that caused her sister to back off with a whine of pain. Advancing Joslyn kept slamming her heavy tits at Tifa, grabbing at her shoulders to stop her retreat. She felt her hips grabbed in return before all four massive mammaries smashed together with a loud, hollow thud. Both girls tasted blood as they again bit down a scream at the collision grips failing as they stumbled back.
Tifa recovered first lunging at Jo landing a blow that set her boob wobbling even as the girl retaliated with a blow from a lower angle that set Tifa’s left boob bouncing. They boxed and battered their boobs together with a renewed vigor as first Tifa would slam her determined sister back before Jo hammered her stubborn sibling into a temporary retreat. On a level they’d almost forgotten what had first set them fighting, but with their competitive natures that didn’t matter. If asked they would probably even say they were “enjoying” themselves as they fought.
Unnoticed by both the door to the gym swung open and two pair of eyes stared in shock. Yuffie started forward, before being pulled back by Cloud who clamped a hand over her mouth. He stared at the fighting brunettes as they staggered each other with heavy blows then glanced around the room taking into account the mess left.

“Ah Cloud…you understand, yes?” Andrea leaned back puffing on a cigarette. His initial consternation had been heightened at the level of emotion the two women displayed, especially at the moment when the fight degenerated into an uncontrolled catfight. But now, as they fought along the full length of the room torsos twisting as the fleshy mounds of pain and pleasure clashed violently both women displayed as laser focus on the one in front of them, completely blind to the fact that they had an audience.
Even as Tifa battered Joslyn brutally until the younger fell to the ground with a frustrated cry her gaze remained fixed on her fallen sibling, focused on the younger brunette even as she pushed herself back to her feet and resumed slugging her boobs at her sister. Back and forth they hammered at one another, occasionally spinning around in a manner that should’ve had them notice Cloud and Yuffie, but neither’s attention wavered. Grunts became louder, cries more urgent, before Tifa stumbled to the side after receiving a wickedly powerful blow and then tumbling to the ground.
He clenched a fist, surprising himself, as a “Yes!” passed his lips. But even as Joslyn staggered back, Tifa pushed herself back up.

Joslyn panted, moving back on wobbling legs as Tifa moaned, before pushing herself to her feet. Just like the first time, neither sister had any give in them, both were committed to victory regardless of how much pain they had to absorb. Tottering forward both girls pounded their aching breasts in reckless abandon. Joslyn could hear Tifa moaning at the pain even as she whimpered at the relentless blows they rained on one another.
Grimacing, Tifa continued to hurl her monsters to smash into Jo’s own massive mammaries. If this was what she wanted, then dammit she’d remind her who won the last time they had a fight. At the end of a swing she threw her body forward slamming all four orbs together and eliciting a scream from Jolsyn, who’s eyes glazed over, even as she stumbled back. Catching her balance Tifa repeated the maneuver throwing her arms behind her back to splash her entire upper body into Josyln who took three stumbling steps back before sinking to her knees with a hoarse groan.
In her mind Joslyn didn’t think she’d ever hurt as bad as she did now, even the first time they’d fought. But she wasn’t done yet…not by a long shot. Her legs quivered as she made her way to her feet to stand opposite Tifa, both girl’s staring dully as their arms hung limply at their sides. “You’re…not…serious…” she heard her sister gasp as if form a distance.
“What? Can’t…can’t hack it?” she taunted. “I…I’m not even…tired yet.”
“Bull…shit!” Tifa growled as she bashed her softened boobs at Jo’s pliable pair. Both sets gave way when struck, demonstrating the beating they’d taken. But their owners weren’t done yet. The blows were slower now, more impactful, as the girls were tired and on their last legs. First Joslyn would batter Tifa back with heavy direct blows that staggered the older girl before tiring. Then Tifa would take the initiative boxing her boobs at the teen, adding a light grind if she succeeded in penetrating deep. The back and forth continued for several minutes before, with a moan of frustration, both girls began swinging their mammaries frantically and with desperate energy.
Joslyn flung her head through the air, hair whipping left and right, as she fought against the pain and herself. Her boobs ached abominably and the pain only increased with each vicious collision that saw her flesh flatten and distort against it’s opposite. Tifa wailed unashamedly at each impact, her mind not even thinking of the repercussions of being heard. Only the fact that she’d suffered worse pain at the hands, and mouth, of Elizabeth kept her going. Their breasts splattered together forcefully, the flesh molding and resisting swing after swing. But at the end of a powerful blow, as the orbs smashed together in spiteful comparison, one glorious boob quivered…and collapsed. Even as it folded around the victor both girls went rigid at the pain, before Tifa dropped to the ground in agony and shock.
Tifa blinked, still stunned by the entire series of events. Shaking her head, she looked up at the sound of her sister’s body hitting the ground. She flinched as their eyes met, expecting hostility but finding none. Instead she heard a low chuckle that rose into a full on belly laugh that had her soft boobs wobbling. Then she understood.
“Was…was this really…necessary?” Tifa groaned as she sat back, massaging her chest, wincing as the action pulled at a bite mark on her shoulder.
“It got…got your attention…didn’t it.” Jo retorted, giggling, her hands suporting her body. “And it…it was fun wasn’t it…ow.”
And…it was, Tifa realized. All her worries had been shoved to the side while fighting Joslyn. And despite the anger early on there was still a sense of enjoyment…of relief at being able to deal with something she could just hit. “You…took a risk, you…ow…know?”
“Hey…even if…if I’m pissed at you you’re…you’re still my sister.” She replied with a smile. “I only kick your…ass because I love you.”
Tifa laughed at that, allowing gravity to take her as she lay back. Unfettered and uncontrolled. “Be careful,” she joked, gasping around her laughter. “I still got one boob you haven’t beaten yet.” At that Joslyn joined her, neither hearing the footsteps as their audience approached until they stood above them.
“Hey Cloud…Fie, enjoy the show?” Josy asked. And for some reason the two former combatants found this hilariously funny as they burst into even more laughter.

“I…ow…really did it this time. One to one,” Joslyn remarked as she gingerly applied an icepack to her glowing chest even as Cloud applied a tincture to the worst of her bite marks. “Now…OW…shit that stings…talk sis. What’s going on?”
Tifa sat quietly for a moment staring at Jo and Cloud, remembering what she’d said before they’d started fighting, then sighed. “Fine…I WAS telling the truth that I’m not overly bothered by the fact that Scarlet beat me, especially considering how stupidly I walked into an obvious trap. That wasn’t what’s been troubling me.”
“Then what?” Yuffie said, as she wandered back in the room carrying an armful of clothes.
“It’s…embarrassing to say, but…” Tifa hesitated. “While we were fighting, coming to the end something…happened.”
“Well don’t hold out now,” Jo persisted, pulling on a pair of shorts. “What was it?”
“She started to feel weaker, and while I was trying to push her over I…we…began to get…excited.” Tifa muttered, as she stared at the floor between her legs. “Very…very excited.”
“Excit…ohhhh,” Jo stammered, not really knowing what else to say. “You…did you…”
“Yes…twice,” Tifa buried her face in her hands. “I have no idea what happened, but afterwards I just felt weak, drained and…”
They all jumped back as Tifa’s body seemed to arch, rising several inches off the floor, before settling back down. “That’s better,” she muttered to herself, patting along her body. “Quit complaining it’s easier this way.”
“Siren?” Cloud asked, folding his arms as he stared hard. “What are you doing?”
“Relax stud, it’ll be quicker if I explain.” She replied, rising smoothly off the floor. “She was going to wonder why it was she felt weak after sharing a pair of orgasms with the blonde woman when Lizzy only got stronger. And it’s quite simple actually.”
She strutted over to Joslyn, running a hand along her face, causing the girl to recoil in surprise. “I was in a fight of my own with Shiva and while she damaged our connection, she didn’t sever it completely. Problem was it only ran one way…from Tifa to me.”
“That technique is forbidden!” Yuffie said sharply. Heads whipping around both Cloud and Joslyn found Yuffie moving with a regal bearing the young teen never had. It was clear who was now in control. “Are you saying that Shiva would dare?”
“She didn’t dare…she DID!” Siren stated bluntly in Tifa’s voice. “I felt when Tifa came. It gave me the boost I needed to push Shiva back. Unfortunately…well…I don’t think I need to explain to those present just how you feel after something like that, especially when you’re unprepared.”
“Okay…I get the gist of why something like that would bother Tifa,” Cloud said, ignoring Siren’s barb. “But that still doesn’t explain her outbursts of temper and why she’s been so withdrawn. And…more importantly…what has Leviathan so upset.”
Tifa and Yuffie…or rather Siren and Leviathan shared a look before turning back to the two mortals in the room. “I’ll go first,” Leviathan started. “Having an Avatar is pretty much a give and take relationship…with us doing more of the giving with you doing more taking…for obvious reasons. What do you think happens if the stream is stuck one way? Especially if it’s you doing the giving without receiving any in return.”
“I see…” Cloud muttered as Joslyn sucked in a breath. He turned to Tifa. “So is everything…flowing in proper order now?”
“Once I got back, everything was reset but by then it was already over.” Siren replied.
“Well that’s one thing, what about the rest of it?” Jo asked. “Why’s Tifa been so standoffish? I don’t think getting off during her fight would be THAT bad considering it wasn’t really voluntary.”
“That…nnngh!” Tifa’s body tilted as she grabbed at her head. “Dammit…okay…okay. You’ve made your point. Seems she wants to be the one to tell you. Take care…”
She then gasped and tottered as if unbalanced before wriggling her fingers in front of her face with a sigh of relief. Then her face got serious. “If you’re so damned determined to understand what I was thinking…remember our conversation in the cave, Cloud? About just how this could end?”
“No!” Cloud said emphatically, marching over and glaring down at her. “If I have to lock you in a room on board the Highwind for the rest of this conflict I will, but you are NOT taking a step down that road!”
“I never said I planned on it. But…I have to at least consider it.” she retorted, hands on her hips as she stared up at him. “Scarlet isn’t like any other woman I’ve had to handle before. She isn’t someone I can fight and then sit down for drinks with afterwards come what may.”
“Anyone want to clue the rest of us in on what you’re talking about?” Jo demanded before Yuffie touched at her shoulder to get her attention while Cloud and Tifa remained focused on one another.
“You have no idea what it means to do something like that.” Cloud’s expression turned pained. “People like me…and Barret even…are going to have a lot to answer for when we return to the planet and I will NOT let you have to do the same.”
“Cloud…I know you mean well but…” Tifa reached for him, hand on his cheek as they stood together awkwardly. “Do you honestly think my hands are clean? I was part of all those plans to blow up the reactors. I…don’t intend to go that far…but…”
“Are you nuts?” Joslyn exploded as she pushed her way between the two. “If you think I’d just sit back and let you even consider something like that maybe we stopped too soon.”
“This is not your call to make Josy,” Tifa warned, her eyes hardening. “Not Cloud’s…not Yuffie’s…It’s mine. If I even think for a moment she’ll make good on her threats to you, to Cloud or anyone else I care about I won’t hesitate to put her in the ground.”

“See…there.” Cid guided Barret’s head as he stared through a pair of binoculars. “A little lower and…”
“I see it,” Barret exclaimed. “Damn, You’d have to have the devil’s luck to spot that little thing.”
“Well, now we’ve got it in our sights…what next?”
“Now we see if the legends were true,” Bugenhagen replied. “You’d better hurry, the others’ll be waiting. You too Nanaki, don’t think I don’t see you there.”
Red XII flattened his ears and gave a whine of displeasure at the thought of all that water, but obediently followed Barret into the Hangar as Cid gingerly lowered the Highwind as close as he could to the rough water. “Everyone ready?” Barret called as he took the metal stairs three at a time.
“We’re all good,” Tifa shouted back over the sound of the wind and waves. Joslyn hugged at her back as they sat together on one of the “Golden” Chocobos. Yuffie sat together with Cloud. Barret lifted a growling Nanaki onto a nervously warking Sybil before strapping him down in a rough imitation of a sitting position. Vincent sat alone, his Chocobo also shifting nervously.
“Are you sure about this?” Yuffie whispered to Cloud as both Jo and Tifa looked in their direction. While much of the heavy atmosphere had diminished since last night there was still a tenseness between the three. He simply grunted in response as the Sage appeared on the landing.
The Sage bounced down the stairs to take a seat high on the neck of Sybil, who immediately relaxed at his presence. The large golden bird gave a sharp cry before bounding out the hangar and to the water bellow. Screams that anyone might’ve given were drowned out by the sound of the Highwind’s rotors and the waves. Cloud gasped at the sea’s spray on his face and body but the Chocobo’s movement was surprisingly smooth. He began to feel slightly sick as his eyes couldn’t come to terms with the easy movement compared to the wildness of the sea. And from how tightly Yuffie was holding him he guessed she felt the same way.
“Just close your eyes,” he gasped as he felt a tremor in her body. “They’re running on their own, just close your eyes and take some deep breaths.”
The trip took maybe ten minutes, but felt like an hour before he heard the soft crunching sound of sand. Opening his eyes, he blinked away the salt and water as he shook his head. Yuffie’s hands disengaged slowly as she slid to the ground, staggering briefly as she recovered her equilibrium. Around him his friends were also working their way to the ground in various stages. Tifa, Jo, and Barret had stains on their clothes that indicated the trip had affected them deeply. Vincent was fine while Nanaki stumbled back and forth in a what looked like the feline impersonation of drunkenness.
“I don’t like this place,” Barret muttered after he cleaned off the vomit as best he could. Tifa and Jo were still in the shallows, scooping up handfuls of sea water. “It feels…off.”
“It’s too quiet,” Yuffie muttered as she hugged herself. “Like there’s nothing alive here.”
“Or as if they’ve been killed off.” Vincent suggested.
“Cheery thought,” Tifa remarked as she walked up, wringing out her shirt. “I’m guessing that’s the only way?”
‘That’ was a narrow, well defined path between what appeared to be two impenetrable rock walls that looked in no way natural. Surprisingly despite the human’s reluctance, the Chocobos seemed perfectly at ease.
“Do either of our guests have any feelings on this place?” Barret asked.
“Only that we probably shouldn’t be here,” Yuffie replied. The idea that a creature that could fight Emerald Weapon was uncomfortable here was not inspiring confidence. “Tifa?”
“Pretty much the same,” she inclined her head. “Siren’s not a happy camper right now.”
“Maybe she’s just hungry,” Joslyn snidely remarked loud enough for only Tifa to hear. Tifa turned and stared hard at her.
“Is there another problem?” she asked quietly.
“Relax sis, it was a joke.” Jo gently punched her shoulder. “I’m happy that you and Cloud’re at least talking again…doesn’t mean I’m going to give up though. It’s not over till there’s a ring on someone’s finger.”
Tifa sighed, cursing at herself for still being defensive. When she’d agreed to be Jo’s rival way back when they had their first fight she’d never envisioned things turning out like this. And she also knew exactly what her sister would say if she objected. She pinched the bridge of her nose to try and fight back a headache of her own making. “Just standing around isn’t going to get us any answers. Anyone staying behind to keep an eye on the birds?”
“That would be me,” the Sage replied. “Sybil hates it when I’m away for extended periods. I’ll leave the exploration to you young folk.”
“Fun,” Yuffie muttered.
“Let’s go,” Cloud said, taking point. “Let’s hope whatever’s here is friendly…or manageable.”

“I hate that thing.” Viola muttered, looking up at the sky. She was hanging onto Reno’s arm after his bald headed friend had dropped them off from their date. He’d pointed out that they spent most of their time together in bed and, as fun as it was, they had a whole town at their disposal. Now he followed her gaze to the barrel of the ever looming Sister Ray.
“It’s there as a precaution, babe,” he replied, fumbling for the key. It was proving difficult as Viola clung close, distracting him. At his reply she pulled away with a snort of laughter.
“What…you’re telling me the stories of monsters big enough to crush towns are true.” She scoffed. She stared hard at him as he quickly looked away. “You’re not serious?”
“That night we first fucked in Scarlet’s room. I just got back from fighting one of those things in Wutai.” He said quietly as he fiddled with his lock. “We didn’t…we couldn’t beat it. Best we could do was drive it off. Only that gun has managed to kill one of them.”
Viola contemplated that quietly as she followed him into the house, tossing her coat onto the couch as he stepped into the kitchen. She heard him rattling about in the fridge before reappearing with two cans of beer. “You and Scarlet have a falling out, babe?”
“Maybe…what makes you ask?” She accepted an open can throwing back her head pulling deeply at the bitter liquid.
“Ever since you entered the scene she’d always disappear whenever she had some down time.” He replied before chugging at his own can. “Now she just spends time in her lab working on her toys or she and the boss’re going at it like there’s no tomorrow.”
“We’ve just had a…difference in opinion on how she handled a matter important to both of us.” She answered cryptically. “She’s being surprisingly difficult about it.”
“No…Scarlet? Difficult?” Reno laughed. “In other news water is wet and fire is hot.”
“Those’re not the only things wet and hot around here,” Viola remarked as she put down an empty beer can. The red headed Turk grinned as she slowly removed her blouse, displaying her boobs to his appreciative eyes.
“Well we can’t have that now can we,” he retorted, removing his tie and jacket. “Couch?”
“Bedroom,” she replied, strutting over to the door before gesturing imperiously. Reno was only to happy to oblige, and the fact that he was acting in the very same manner he mocked Rufus was lost on him.

Said blonde was currently resting on top of the Shinra president in his personal quarters. The mattress they lay on was damp with sweat and other fluids as they slept the sleep of those completely satisfied and utterly sated. At least until Scarlet woke with a start. For a brief moment she mumbled to herself confused, before remembering where she was. Her entire body ached from contortions she and her lover had tied themselves into and the pain announced itself loudly as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed.
She swayed nakedly into living room, pausing to take in the skyline, reaching for her phone on the kitchen counter. Still no messages. “Stupid cunt,” she muttered to herself, angry that Viola actually had her feeling guilty. And, though loathe to admit it, lonely. Having a friend was something new to the woman and the thought of losing the one she had actually scared…no, made her uncomfortable. Hesitating briefly, she typed out a brief invitation to meet her tomorrow in her office before hitting SEND.
Sighing she wandered back into the bedroom and dropped herself onto the bed. For a moment she stared at the glowing red stone on her wrist before letting sleep reclaim her.

The beeping sound was loud. It was a deliberate action to ensure it could be heard over the grunts and moans of the couple on the violently rocking bed. “Leave it,” Reno panted.
“It might…it might be important,” Viola gasped, reaching behind her, moaning as Reno kept thrusting up into her. “Move us close…closer.”
“You’re killing me here babe,” the Turk groaned as he knee walked their bodies across the bed even as the woman kept bouncing in his lap. The last few feet proved too much as he dropped Viola onto her back, his hips thrusting frantically even as she pumped back furiously. The beeping was forgotten as they both raced for the finish line. A hoarse groan exploded from Reno’s mouth as Viola’s pussy clamped down on his invading prick, milking him mercilessly even as she moaned and shivered. Stroking at his back she weakly reached for her phone, flipping it open.
“What…is it?” He asked, flicking his tongue at her engorged nipples.
“Seems…Scarlet wants to meet up…tomorrow.” She panted, sending back a simple thumbs up sign before tossing her phone to the side. The slight movement stirred the flesh buried inside her and she gasped at the feeling. “Now then, where were we?”

On the outside the cave looked like the standard hole in the wall that they’d traversed numerous times in their trips across the world. Once you stepped inside however the difference was stark. The room was perfectly circular with twelve warrior statues crafted in exquisite detail that seemed to serve as pillars for the roof. And in the center of the room, sitting on a low pedestal that rested at the foot of the thirteenth statue of a man holding a massive stone sword and sitting on a throne, was a large chunk of red stone that pulsed in a bright red light.
“That’s it,” Barret whooped, taking a single step forward before stopping. Sweat popped out over his body as he took a hasty step back. “Wha…what’s…”
“We shouldn’t be here,” Vincent muttered, holding his guns up and turning around slowly. “This place isn’t right.”
Nanaki kept low to the ground growling, his tail between his legs, while Joslyn had long since fallen to the floor trembling in a cold sweat. Gritting his teeth Cloud, followed by Yuffie and Tifa moved farther into the room. But the closer they got to the materia, the faster it pulsed and the greater the sense of terror and impending doom became. Unnoticed, the eyes of the statues began to glow.
“IT’S COMING!” Yuffie heard Leviathan shout before Cloud stumbled to the ground, panting in terror, and the materia flashed and everything went black.
Yuffie groaned as she came to her senses then screamed at the sight of the four visored giants standing just beyond a glowing blue barrier. “Yuffie?” The kunoichi spun around wildly at the sound of her name, finding Tifa sitting up in a daze. “What happened?”
“The Knights of the Round.” Leviathan said, appearing in human form alongside Siren. “Why did it have to be the Knights!”
“Who are they?” Tifa asked, rising off the glowing floor, before sucking in her breath at the wide expanse of nothing beyond the barrier. “And why are they just standing there?”
“They were, once, mortals with a particular affinity for our kind.” Siren explained. “Their leader had Cetra blood and together they defended this world from the four Calamities.”
“The four calamities?”
“The spawn of that thrice cursed Tiamat,” Leviathan hissed. “Her final gift after she was sealed away.”
“So they’re not evil?” Yuffie said, hopefully.
“Evil…no. Intolerant…yes.” Siren remarked. “They believed that we spirits were responsible for much, if not all, of the ills that plagued the world. So, despite our aid in fighting the dark dragons, they went on a crusade to seal us all away.”
“It might have something to do with WHO it was possessing Arthur’s wife at the time of her betrayal.” Leviathan growled.
“I said I was sorry,” Siren whined in irritation. “And in my defense it was not like she needed much prodding with the way that knight kept sniffing around her.”
“Later you two,” Tifa grunted in irritation as she stared at the four figures who simply stared back. She got no sense of hostility from any of them. On a whim she raised a hand a waved warily at them. They simply kept staring and for a moment she wondered if they could even see her until one started to raise a hand before quickly dropping it back to his side. “So they can see us…why don’t they attack us?”
“I don’t know. If they wanted to they could break our barrier easily,” Siren replied, squinting. “If memory serves that big boy out there is Galahad. He was Titan’s sparring partner and no slouch when it came to magic either.”
“What about the others?” Yuffie asked. “Can you at least get a feel for where they are?”
“Simple enough,” Leviathan pressed her palm to the ground and slim beam weaved it’s way past the knights and to the event horizon. “Strange, I feel like they’re close, but…”
“Must be Gawain. He was skilled in illusion magic from his mother’s side.” Siren noted. Leviathan nodded as they took up positions slightly behind Yuffie and Tifa. “You two set the pace. It might not be much but our barrier should provide some protection if they become hostile…just pray that they don’t.”
Hesitating for only a moment the two girls walked slowly along the lighted path Leviathan had created. As they approached the four knights they separated and allowed them to pass through, but then began following, only a few feet behind them. Only a few steps after this happened the darkness faded as if it was never there and they found themselves in what appeared to be North Corel…only it was no longer the run down shadow of it’s former self. Then Tifa stumbled to a stop.
“No…not Dyne,” she whispered. Following her gaze Yuffie saw Barret desperately holding onto the arm of another man as he dangled over a chasm, trying to drag him back up even as Shinra soldiers fired at them. Then a familiar figure in red appeared, joining in the firing as a barrage turned the hands of both men into pulped meat as Dyne fell. “Why would you do this?”
The question was directed to those following them who remained silent. “Tifa, who is that?” Yuffie asked quietly.
“That was Barret’s best friend…Marlene’s father.” Tifa replied, taking a step in the direction of Barret, before there was a flicker and now they watched as the two men ran into the town just before gunshots sent Dyne tumbling over to hang onto an edge. This time there was a flash and the four knights now appeared in front of them. Silently the one Siren identified as Galahad raised a hand and pointed in the direction of a split in the line leading them to their friend…and away from Barret. “No…we can’t leave Barret like…”
“Tifa, I understand how you feel, but we can’t fight four of them,” Yuffie tugged on her arm. “They haven’t killed him outright, so we still have a chance.”
Tifa shot the four figures a furious look but she nodded at Yuffie’s assessment. As soon as they stepped onto the split path Barret disappeared and they were in a series of caves. A sudden snarling made both girls jump as Nanaki and another, larger, creature of his tribe appeared to be fighting an unending wave of purple specters that hurled spears and shot arrows at the pair. And then Tifa knew and she glared furiously around at their silent shadows.
“This is too cruel. You can’t do this!” Behind her a suffering howl echoed off the cave walls as Seto, it could only be the father of their friend, slowly succumbed to the poison and turned to stone despite his son’s best efforts. Then, just like with Barret, there was a brief flicker and the battle resumed as if it had never ended. “Why…why do this? If you want to kill us just go ahead and be done with it!”
Again, no response as they simply pointed away from the battle. Following the path they found themselves inside Dio’s mansion. Tifa and Yuffie shared a concerned look before a scream made them jump.
“They wouldn’t!” Yuffie gasped as the figure of a younger Joslyn appeared at a doorway even as the thudding of approaching feet echoed through the corridor.
“I understand now…” Leviathan muttered as Yuffie fought to hold back a furious Tifa. “They’re making everyone relive their worst moments…repeatedly.”
“But why?” Yuffie demanded. “There’s no point behind it.”
“There’s always a point behind something, child.” The new voice startled them as the Chocobo Sage appeared in their little bubble. He strode casually outside of it’s protective influence even as Tifa tried to grab at him. But the knights reaction made her stop. As one they sank to a knee, heads bowed. The sage turned and gestured to them. “Come…I think this has gone on long enough.”
Waving his hand in a sweeping gesture, Dio’s mansion was gone and the cave interior reappeared. Barret found himself pointing his gun at Nanaki, Vincent was suspended spreadeagled near the roof while Cloud knelt in front of another knight wielding a slim blade. Around the room, arranged in a loose half circle starting from a seated figure on the throne were were seven more knights watching quietly. Looking around wildly, Barret triggered his gun at Vincent’s restraints, sending him falling to the ground, before turning on this watchers. Nanaki lunged at the armored warrior in front of Cloud even as the blonde SOLDIER stabbed out causing his opponent to retreat. As soon as he landed Vincent whipped out a pair of pistols but before the situation could escalate any further everyone other than those with the Sage found themselves rooted in place by ice.
“Merlin?!” The voice that came from one seated was surprisingly normal as he rose and strode towards them to stand menacingly over the tiny figure of the chocobo sage.
“Arthur.” The Sage replied staring up, unafraid. Then the serious expression dropped and smile grew on his face. “It’s good to see you again, lad. All of you.”
Twelve weapons pounded the ground as voices raised in a cheer. The Sage jumped onto the one called Arthur’s shoulders. Meanwhile Avalanche members stood confused at the sudden change.

Cid stared out over the wheel of his ship. “Is it still there?”
“Yes sir,” called back the spotter. “I think…yes. It’s being relieved by another.”
“Makes sense, the smaller ships can’t carry the fuel reserves we can.” Cid noted, scratching at his leg. “Fuckin’…itch…”
“Leave it be,” Shera said, coming up behind him. “If it’s itching, it’s healing. Have you been able to get in touch with the others?”
“No,” the gruff pilot replied sourly. Having to miss out on the mission because of his leg had his temper frayed even more than normal. “Something’s wrong…I know it is.”

“Eight hundred years…has it really been so long?”
“Indeed…it’s becoming quite the chore to find the energy to come visit you the last couple of centuries,” Merlin, the chocobo sage, laughed.
“Hah…I must say that at least the one’s accompanying you have proven to be made of sterner stuff than those that find their way here.” Arthur replied, glancing over at the Avalanche members. “It takes formidable strength to not lose yourself to madness and despair at…”
“Bastard!” Barret spat, his fury understandable despite knowing why it was done and what the thirteen warriors were capable of.
“No,” Arthur held up a hand to the one referred to as Gawain who seemed ready to take offense. “The large man only speaks the truth. But we will not apologize for our actions. You came here seeking our power…it is only right that we test if you were worthy of possessing it.”
“By making us relive the most terrible moments of our lives?” Joslyn demanded, trembling. “What kind of a test was that?”
“Our power is considerable…but with is comes a cost.” Bors started.
“Those that would use our powers must realize their limits and our own or disaster and ruin could follow.” Gawain continued.
“You faced a moment that would often break the mind of a child, leading them down a dark path. You didn’t break.” Galahad pointed at Joslyn.
“You faced a moment you knew you couldn’t win, you could have fled. But you chose to stay and defend your loved one.” Kay pointed at Nanaki.
“You wouldn’t abandon a friend, despite knowing that you couldn’t save him.” Percival pointed at Barret.
“You seek to right a wrong, and fulfill and oath, knowing it could mean your end.” Bedivere pointed at Vincent.
“And you,” Lancelot pointed at Cloud. “Despite your injuries and the fact that you were clearly inferior you kept fighting an opponent that almost led to your death.”
“That’s all well and good, but why did you force them to keep reliving it over…and over…and over again?” Leviathan demanded in Yuffie’s voice.
“A creature as old as you should be aware of how one of the most common desire of mortals…current and former is to relive and re-do a past event.” Arthur looked over at Lancelot while saying this. “They could’ve reacted differently in order to avoid the pain these events caused them. They didn’t.”
“So does this mean you’ll help us?” Tifa demanded.
“Against our better judgment, yes.” The king replied. “We cannot sit by while the world is threatened. We…”
“What do you mean against your better judgment?” Cloud stepped forward. “We passed your little test, what more do you want from us?”
“Each virtue you displayed also has a dark side.” Galahad explained calmly. “Too brave leads to being foolhardy. Too honorable leads to inflexibility. Can you walk the tightrope?”
“We will do what needs to be done to save our planet,” Cloud retorted.
“Wrong answer…but a good one.” Arthur clapped his hands. “Boy, this planet has endured much. It will still be here long after we’ve all disappeared. But that is a conversation for another day. It is time for you to return. Merlin, it was good to see you again old friend.”
“Wait, what do you mean…” Barret started to demand but then blinked as he found himself back in the original circular cave. Everyone stared around at the now lifeless statues that surrounded them. Even as they retrieved the materia chunk a loud crash startled their already taut nerves. The massive stone sword Arthur’s statue had once held now lay shattered on the floor. But what kept their attention was a massive broad blade that had apparently been encased in the stone. Cloud’s eyes widened as he hefted the blade, clearly struggling under the weight. The blade was made of a strange white and black metal that seemed to almost glow with a light of it’s own. As best he could he saluted at Arthur’s statue, before indicating they should leave. Everyone else was already quite eager to get out from under the gaze of the statues and moved quickly. The sage was the last to leave as he turned around one last time.
“Ah Arthur…” Merlin, the chocobo sage, muttered quietly. “You never were very good at saying what you really think.”
Down the path Tifa and Yuffie were holding their own conversation. “They talked about all the others…but they never said why they didn’t test us.” Tifa said.
“Maybe because of Leviathan and Siren?” Yuffie replied, hopefully listening for some kind of validation, but none was forthcoming.

“Would you like a drink?” Scarlet asked, after Viola’s escort left the room.
“I think I would,” Viola replied stiffly, standing just off to the side of Scarlet’s desk. She kept her arms folded even as the blonde pushed a glass towards her. “Nothing else in it, I hope.”
Scarlet’s eyes flashed as she kept her temper under control. “You don’t plan on making this easy for me, are you?”
“Do I have something to make easy for you?” Viola demanded in response. The two women glared at one another before Scarlet sighed and dropped into her chair.
“Look…what do you want from me?” She pressed a hand to her temple. “All my mixture did was make me strong enough to fight her on an even footing. I didn’t resort to any tricks, I didn’t give her a handicap of any sort. What’s got you so upset?”
“What has me upset is that I know how this goes.” Viola snapped. Then her expression softened as she sank into the chair opposite Scarlet’s. “You’ve been set up in your damn ivory tower for so long let me guess…Tifa’s the first woman you’ve ever really had it out for that wasn’t already under your thumb?”
Scarlet frowned at the question, but nodded. There had been other women that had gotten on her bad side, but with her rapid rise due to her ability and her relationship with Rufus she’d been able to get them out of her way easily enough. Only one had ever been bold enough to get physical, but that had been almost ten years ago.
“I’ve seen girls get so set on destroying one another that nothing else matters.” Viola said, hoping to get through to the woman. “It starts off simple enough. Two of them fight and one loses but refuses to accept it. They fight again, but this time the one that lost has a trick up her sleeve and manages to come out on top…but now the other girl has her dander up and when they fight again she now raises the stakes and it just escalates from there. Does any of this sound familiar?”
“I never lost to…”
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Viola exploded, jumping off the seat and stabbing a finger at Scarlet’s face. “You…lost. If the rest of us hadn’t shown up when we did in Gold Saucer you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation because you’d…be…dead. She beat you, she was the better woman. Or are you going to tell me that it was all going to plan and you had some way to prevent her from dropping that tombstone on your head?”
Scarlet glared at the red head, pouring herself another drink and gulping it down. “Fine, she be…be…had me at a temporary disadvantage. So what you’re trying to say is that she’ll come back with some trick of her own?”
“Pour me another drink, dammit.” Viola sat back rubbing at her face. She grabbed at the now half full glass and tossed back her head, feeling the burn as it slid down her throat. “If it was anyone else I’d say yes. With her, all she’d need to do is not hold back. The next time you meet she mightn’t be interested in who’s tits’re best and might just decide to kick your ass, but…”
“This is Lockhart we’re talkng about. I don’t see her leaving things unfinished and…” Viola paused, hesitating. “I’ve got to admit. When you first came to me I thought you were just out to get her because you were angry at probably getting manhandled. That this was all about you. But now, after actually seeing the two of you in action, I think you’d better have your best foot forward. Because from what I saw she hates you just as much as you hate her and she’s not likely to make the same mistakes twice.”
“Hmmph…I took her once, I can do it again.” Scarlet replied confidently, holding up her wrist and tapping at the materia.
“It’s like I’m talking to a brick wall,” Viola groaned. “Scarlet, I’m telling you this as a friend. If Tifa even suspects you’re up to something again, the gloves’ll come off. I saw what she could do back when she was a newblood. I’ve heard the rumors of what she’s capable of now. I…don’t want you to get hurt. At least not until we have our own fight. A proper one…with no nails.”
Scarlet stared at Viola, then laughed aloud. It wasn’t the high pitched laugh that many of the employees had learned to dread. This was a laugh of genuine pleasure that went on long enough that had trouble breathing when she finally stopped. “I needed that,” she gasped as Viola gave a small smile. Then Scarlet got serious again. “I’ll consider what you’ve told me, but you also need to understand what I’m after. You once told me that you want to beat Tifa.”
“That’s right.” Viola nodded. “But that’s not enough for you is it?”
“You catch on quick,” Scarlet gave a toothy smile. “I want to destroy her. Ruin her. I want that whenever she even hears my name in passing she remembers who is her better. That my tits are better, that my body is better. That I…AM…her better.”
“And then we come back to my original point. You push Tifa…she pushes back while the cliff the two of you stand on slowly crumbles.” Viola rose from her seat. “You’re my friend Scarlet, though I have to question how the hell that ever came about. But if you ever offer that kind of ‘help’ again you’d better walk with a change of clothes.”

Several floors below Tseng, poured a drink of his own as the red head left the room. It wasn’t that he doubted Elena, but hearing it straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth left his own mouth dry. That Scarlet liked to get her hands dirty was one thing, but if he was to bet on which Shinra executive would cause a scandal by getting physical with someone else he would’ve bet on Heidegger.
So Scarlet WAS in some in some kind of feud with Lockhart. And if Reno’s woman was to be believed it was mutual, to the point that Tifa almost killed Scarlet that time Elena and Rude picked her up. Not something he’d have expected from the woman, but then again the blonde did have a way of pushing people’s buttons.
Big question now was what to do. Rufus clearly knew what she was up to and if he was a betting man he’d go as far as to say his boss encouraged her. But part of the conversation bothered him. The way she emphasized her bracelet. It had a materia stone in it.
A RED materia stone. Tseng rubbed his jaw, thinking back to Elena’s report, and what he’d heard from the helicopter crews that picked up the survivors of Scarlet’s group. The snowstorm had sprung up out of nowhere and had a clearly defined border. If Scarlet was dead set on fighting Lockhart and…proving herself better than the other woman…she wouldn’t need one of those creatures.
But what if Tifa also had one…

“Doesn’t really look that impressive.” Cid grunted as he studied the chunk of red rock on the bridge. “Looks just like the other two.”
“You needed to have been there,” Barret muttered. “But we’ve got it…now what?”
“Now we hit back,” Cloud slammed his fist on the table. “We know Shinra’s moved their cannon to the capital and according to Barret’s reports they’ve been hooking up cables linking it to the reactors. I think it’s obvious what they intend.”
“We’ve already seen that that thing can blow to head off of a Weapon, it’s not unlikely it could puncture Sephiroth’s barrier.” Tifa said.
“But if that’s the case, then why not just let them?” Josyln asked, eyes widening as everyone turned to her. “Does it matter who saves the world?”
“If it was just saving the world…no.” Tifa replied. “We can’t leave that much power in Shinra’s hands for what comes after. If the cannon is fully mobile they could hit any target on the planet from Midgar. And with the materia and their reactors…”
“It would make them impossible to challenge,” Cloud shook his head. “No…we’re going to seize control, use it and get the hell out with the materia. Yuffie, that’ll be where you come in.”
“All that aside we might have a problem,” Cid remarked drily as Yuffie’s face lit up. “Shinra’s had the Highwind under surveillance since you guys first left. They’ll sound the alarm if we head off in the direction of Midgar.”
“Then we won’t.” Cloud said pointing at the map. “Swing around towards Wutai, plenty of canyons to hide in there. Once you lose them take us to Gold Saucer. We can rest up and rearm there. Then we head to Midgar.”
“Cloud.” Following behind Barret as everyone but Cid left the bridge the young man turned as Tifa touched at his arm. “Can we go talk…privately?”
He stared at her briefly before nodding. Around them, their friends pretended not to notice them moving together, except Joslyn who started to follow them.
“No,” Yuffie stated, stepping in front of her.
“Fie…” The dark haired teen warned.
“We need the two of them in the best frame of mind for what’s coming up, and right now you being there won’t help matters.” The young ninja stated as she refused to move. Then her lips curled upwards. “Besides, I want a rematch before we get to Gold Saucer.”
“Well now, someone’s getting hopeful.” Jo smirked. “You forget I just toppled Tifa?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Yuffie rolled her eyes. “You got lucky. Now put up. You know your friends in GS will want a show when we get there, so I want my shot before that.”
“Oh I’ll give you a shot,” Jo grinned. “You want a left or a right?”

Up on the deck blonde and brunette faced one another with a tenseness that would have you think they were about to engage in a fight. Tifa sucked in a breath as she worked up her courage. “Cloud I…” she started, struggling with the words. “I…I’m sorry for what I said. Back in Nibelheim. It was…uncalled for.”
Cloud folded his arms, watching her, and Tifa felt her heart jump into her throat. Taking a different tact, she walked past him and turned around to lean up on the railing, the wind whipping her hair. “She loves you, you know…Josy I mean.” Tifa said softly. Cloud blinked at that, his face turning incredulous. “She told me just before we started fighting. She’s quite adamant about it.”
“When did…but I…”
“What can I say,” she remarked, almost amused by his reaction. “You seem to have that effect on a lot of women. Don’t forget M also wants a piece of you.”
“I’m pretty sure she only does that to get a rise out of you,” Cloud replied. “I don’t think I’m her type.”
“Oh I’m sure you’re right…that she wants to get a rise out of me. But I’m fairly sure that’s not the only reason.” Tifa muttered irritated. “When we fought in Wutai she kept going on about your hands for some reason.”
“Tifa…at the risk of sounding like a broken record. You’re the one that brought us together. You forgetting just how into it you were whenever it was the three of us. What happened?” Cloud demanded, moving close to her. “What changed?”
“She changed,” Tifa said quietly. “I saw how she began to fall in love with you. I just waved it off at first, thinking it was just because you were her first. But now whenever she looks at you I know exactly what she’s thinking because I’m thinking the same thing.”
“Tifa, I…”
“Don’t.” She held up a hand. “Can you look me in the eye and tell me honestly that you don’t feel anything for her? That it’d be easy to tell her no?”
Cloud went silent at this. He DID enjoy his time with Joslyn, and the last time they were together worried him with how right it felt. Tifa nodded and pushed herself off the railing. “Don’t trouble yourself Cloud,” she said, walking past him. “We all have time. It’s like Jo told me. It’s not over till there’s a ring on one of our fingers.”
Cloud grabbed at her roughly, pushing her up against the wall near the stairwell. “I’m not going to pretend like I understand what I feel for Joslyn.” He growled as he felt Tifa struggle ineffectually even as her wide eyes stared up at him. “But I know what I want.”
Cloud was typically a careful lover, so this sudden shift shocked the girl and, if she was honest, frightened her a little. His kiss was rough and earnest as he shoved a hand down her skirt. “Cloud…not here,” she gasped out as they came up for air. She took his head in her hands. “Not like this.”
Cloud blinked as his eyes refocused and nodded, grabbing her hand, taking the stairs two at a time. Tifa started to protest as she realized that he was making a beeline for the closest room, which happened to be the one she shared with Josyln. “Don’t worry.” Siren said, floating alongside her. “She’s currently elsewhere, and happily distracted.”

The distraction was currently on the floor as Joslyn stood over the downed girl giving her boobs a jiggle that clearly irked the teenage kunoichi.
“That’s one for me,” Jo crowed, rubbing at her stinging breasts.
“Lucky hit,” Yuffie grumbled, scrambling back to her feet and jumping at her friend. The two girls danced around Yuffie’s small room squeals following the loud WHACKING sound of their breasts slapping together. The barrier Leviathan set at the door ensured that any passing the door would hear nothing unless they literally had their ear to the door. And even if they did, all they’d hear was the soft snoring of a girl in sleep. So the Serpent goddess floated idly as she watched her host battered back by her aggressive friend, giving way and causing more than a few of her heavy blows to miss.
So much of Wutai’s history had been lost. It shocked her to learn that Yuffie had no knowledge of the hobbies of the women of the past. Treasured and revered, the women of the nobility in Wutai led lives of extreme luxury…and extreme boredom. Waited on hand and foot by legions of servants and often left to their own devices by husbands away at war they came up with ways to entertain themselves without drawing attention.
Submission style wrestling, endurance contests, breastfights and even the occasional sex wrestling. Since it was forbidden for a man to be alone with an unmarried woman the ladies would come together with their personal maids who more often than not also participated for the entertainment of their mistresses. Leviathan remembered the enjoyment she had with past hosts and smiled to herself as Yuffie swung her boobs with ferocious intent, knocking Jo back step by stubborn step before the bigger girl gave a yelp of pain and fell to her side. Her look on her face was one of shock, but then she pursed her lips and smirked before jumping back to her feet.
“You look like you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” Leivathan looked out of the corner of her eye as Siren’s small form floated up next to her. “You’re looking better. Guess my girl was right.”
“What can I say, their mating rituals seem to get more complicated and tiresome as time goes on.” Siren complained over the grunts of the fighting girls. “I don’t…AAHH!!!”
Siren arched her body, spasming. Even as the other spirit watched her body seemed to expand, becoming more voluptuous, growing in height while breasts and hips filled out. “Damn, but that boy knows how to use his tongue,” she panted, wiping at her face. “How’s your girl doing?”
“Better than expected, she’s a quick learner.” Leviathan noted while the girls ground their breasts together, faces screwed up in pain and discomfort as they tottered about on shaking legs. “Yours?”
Siren waved her hand, a small section of space opening up in front of her to show the activities a few rooms down. The Serpent goddess had to admit it wasn’t quite what she was expecting. Instead of the frenzied coupling that they usually engaged in this time their movements were slow, careful almost, and tender in how they caressed each other’s body. As she rode him Tifa pulled at one of Cloud’s hands fondling her breasts, sucking at each digit. The boy groaned at the sight, his free hand flanking her breasts sliding down her curves to grab at her hips.
The image flickered as Siren lost concentration, her body tensing in time with Tifa’s, before fading completely. “As you could see,” she panted, as her breasts filled out almost ot her original form. “She’s doing better than ever.”
“Hmph. Isn’t this going to lead to problems with this one,” Leviathan pointed down at the younger sister who stood flat footed, hurling her massive orbs at Yuffie who swung back with equal vigor. Slowly however, the smaller girl was forced back by the older teen. Fighting to hold her ground Yuffie’s breast blows were having an effect but the tanned Joslyn would not be denied and as their breasts crushed together the Wutai girl cried out as she tumbled to the ground. “I warned her about trying to match the girl blow for blow. She’s more used to this than she is.”
“We finished here ‘Fie?” Joslyn asked stepping back. Yuffie’s shots hurt more than she was letting on and this was definetly proving to be a lot more enjoyable than last time.
“No way!” The girl grunted as she pushed herself up. She gave a pained grin. “I’ve got you on the ropes.”
“Ah fuck you.” The busty brunette laughed. “This would’ve been something to show the girls at the club. Don’t think they’d believe you were the same little innocent from that first night.”
“Who the hell was an innocent?” Yuffie demanded, boxing her tits at her friend.
“Dunno…the girl that was…OW…trying to catch flies with her mouth while me and…HA…Tifa first bashed it out.” Jo moaned as she and Yuffie jumped at each other, bouncing off of one another as their boobs flattened at each collision then swelled back out to their original shaped. Both girls were sweating freely now, but neither felt tired yet.
“You expecting her to start back up your little fight lodges?” Siren shot Leviathan a sideways glance. “Wutai’s changed quite a bit since you were last free.”
“Maybe not as much as you’d think.” Leviathan smiled. “She’s gotten a taste, and look at her now. Last time I had to pester her to fight the younger sister. Now she seeks the challenge on her own. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes up against the elder. Especially considering…”
“What? Considering what?”
“Hmmm…no.” Leviathan lay back, watching as Joslyn staggered back to sit on the bed after a sharp thrust from Yuffie penetrated deep into her right breast. The younger teen gave her upper body a taunting wriggle as the other leapt up, breasts flailing. “That’s a personal matter for her. I’ll leave you to wonder.”
The two watched in silence for a few moments, the moment only broken as Siren curled up at feeling of Tifa’s increasing pleasure. “By…the way,” she said casually. “Just wanted to thank you.”
Leviathan watched Siren warily as the teens both collapsed, panting heavily. “What for?”
“For Galahad holding back,” Siren smirked as the Serpent in human form turned away. “Who’d have thought he’d remember after all this time.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.” Leviathan muttered, as Yuffie and Josy got back to their feet and circled briefly before they started back swinging.

“The Saucer, eh.” Andrea rubbed his hand across his jaw. He wondered just who was the insider that granted him access to the Highwind’s cameras…but then again he wondered that pretty much every time he found new access codes in his mail. The beauty of the groups security is that the left hand never knew what the right was engaged in. If the time ever came that he was discovered there was no one he could point to, other than M, and like him she was just another pawn. And speaking of M…this was news she might be interested in. He reached for his phone.
“Got some news for you, gorgeous,” he said, swapping over to watch as Josyln leapt off the bed at Yuffie. He left this one alone, since she wasn’t yet a player in the grand game. Though the Yuffie girl might end up being considering the fight she was putting up. “I’ll even give you it for free. One time offer.”
To Be Continued in Chapter 12 – Click Here to Go There!
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