In the moment just before a sexfight begins – when two women have truly decided to press their bodies together, each struggling to force their rival to cum – when they have each moved past all inhibition, forgotten all notions of propriety, and moved with rage past the very concept of sexual restraint, the very air seems to crackle with carnal electricity, and set ablaze with lustful anticipation.
For such a battle is long and hard , filled with screams of both pleasure and pain – stained with tears caused by both sadness and joy, with each woman putting their very heart on the line, knowing that if they lose, it will be shattered.
The nauseatingly powerful effects of instant regret and impotent jealousy taking hold, just as their enemy’s cunt seals around their sniffling nose and quivering lips – they making claim to the well-earned rewards of their dominance, just when the defeated could want nothing more than to crawl away and cry.
It is that consequence, that risk and reward, that makes a sexfight between women so intoxicating for those involved – and the moment one that neither victor or victim will ever forget – one they will struggle against the urge to repeat, until the memory and their youth is too distant to be recalled.
In the Moment Before

Very good text ! Very hot photo !
Thank you! :3