Wildcats of the West: Chapter 16 – Milk and Mud by Ahna Brown

The next day, Silvia Macon was angry.
“Go into town and search for her and her child,” the leader of the Church of Eve said through gritted teeth. “When you find her, bring her and the baby back to me. I will deal with her and her betrayal.” Her face was red with anger. She had thought of Amber as a replacement daughter when Sharon had left. Amber had been the one to tend to the wounds that Silvia’s daughter had left on her after the marathon catfight. Now because of the birth of a baby boy, the dam in the crazed psyche of Silvia Macon broke.
On the Stevens’ Ranch
I walked back and forth in the parlor of my home with a sleeping baby in my arms as his mother, Amber, slept. We had made a bed in the parlor for the young Miss Nelson to get some sleep but also so we could watch over her. The baby started to stir as I cooed, trying to calm him.
“It is ok,” I heard a soft voice say. Amber was awake and sat up in bed, she bared her left breast and held her arms out. I placed the little one in her arms as she brought him to her, the baby latching on to nurse.
I looked down at her as our eyes met. “Why is the church here?”
“Persephone Morgan brought us in,” Amber said softly. “She wanted to get rid of her mother and others, including you. Mrs. Macon agreed as long as the whore houses would be turned into something else. It is what the church has done in so many towns. If they don’t agree to disband, we… we made them. Starts with signs and shaming. Then it has always escalated. There is alway a fight.”
“And the fight you had last night with the other pregnant woman?” I asked as I looked hard at her.
“Yes,” Amber said, almost ashamed. “I hope she and the baby are not hurt.”
“Alice White Owl is married to a man who is like a son to me,” I replied, “She and her daughter are doing just fine.”
“I am glad,” Amber sighed.
“You and she will have to deal with it though,” I said, “Once you are both able.”
“I would if I was in her shoes,” Amber smiled.
Rosa walked in with tea for Amber. “Drink this, it will help with the pain and with the feeding. You must stay strong for your son.”
I stepped out to my porch as Ash Simmons walked up.
“There was a big brawl in town last night,” Ash said. “Started with that strange church and some of the townsfolk.”
“Yes,” I replied, “I heard all about it. We have one of the former church members staying here for the time being.”
“Is she in trouble?” Ash asked.
“Yes, I am afraid so,” I answered. “You and the hands will need to be extra vigilant as this church will try to do us all harm.”
Ash cracked her knuckles, “Let them come and see what happens.” She smiled as I winked at her.
Stafford Women’s Prison, Fort Worth, Texas
The masked figures were pressed flat against the outside of the prison walls. There was no moon and they hid in the shadows. The tallest of the three placed a roll of six sticks of dynamite against what was the wall to the prisoner area. The scouting had been done earlier by Hilde Shaft, pretending to be a socialite who was looking to grant the prison a sizable amount of money. Now she, her nephew, Hans, and the Cheyanne medicine woman, Biting Wolf moved clear as Hans lit the fuze.
The wall exploded with an ear shattering sound. Hans rushed in, a Winchester in hand as he went to the cells he was told to go to. He broke the lock on the first cell as a dazed Holly Dee was on her hands on knees on the floor.
“Get up and go out the hole,” he shouted at her as he helped the blonde to her feet. Holly stumbled out of the cell and down the hall. He moved to the next cell and found two brunettes. One was Amy Roberts, she was seated on the hard floor with her hands over her ears. The other was a young brown haired woman named Dara Boyd. Dara was convicted as part of a cattle robbing outfit who was caught by Texas Ranger Danny Fog. Hans reached down to pull both up and instructed them to run. He went to the last cell and opened it to find Bella Reed trying to get to her feet. He grabbed her around the waist and rushed with her to the hole. A bullet ricocheted off the broken cement. He pushed Bella through the hole and whirled to return fire. The guard was shot once in her chest and once between the eyes as Hans was an expert on the Winchester. He turned and jumped through and to the waiting horses with the party galloping away.
Texas Ranger Danny Fog walked around the debris from the explosion and prison break. He knelt down by the body of Mary Reese, the prison guard who was killed. He heard shouting and raised his head as the governor’s representative was scolding Warden Stella Cook something fierce. She glared at the man from Austin who told her that she had been replaced as warden for Stafford Prison. She turned and walked towards the Ranger.
“Ranger Fog,” Stella Cook said by way of greeting. “I hope you hunt down and kill these raiders.”
Danny Fog stood and faced the former warden, “Yes, Ma’am. I aim to. My condolences regarding your guard.”
“She shall be avenged,” Stella replied. “I plan to leave the area since I am no longer wanted here.”
“Safe travels, Ma’am,” Danny said, tipping his stetson.
A few weeks later in Rattlers Holler
Doctor Samantha Breecher checked both Alice and her baby daughter, Harriet Doris White Owl.
“She is beautiful, Alice,” Sam said with a smile. “And very healthy. Based on the journals I have, she is good for her weight.”
Alice rubbed her chest, “Well she does eat a lot.”
Sam laughed, “Don’t fret, it gets easier.” She moved to place some items in a bag and secured it.
“Are you heading out?” Alice inquired.
“I need to run to the Stevens Ranch,” Samantha answered as she threw on a light shawl. “The young girl Amber from the church also had a baby recently and I need to do a check up on him.”
“Amber? Blonde? About my height?” Alice asked as her eyes went wide.
“Yes, do you know her?” Samantha asked back as she didn’t know what transpired between the two of them.
“If you could wait, Sam,” Alice said as she stood with Harriet, “I will drop her off with my mother and accompany you to the ranch.”
“I would appreciate the company,” Sam answered truthfully.
The Rattlers Holler Bank was quiet as Julia Vargas wrote in the log book. The bell above the door chimed and she looked up. Standing before her was a striking beauty. The woman was medium height, long black hair that hung over her right shoulder with the emerald green dress stretching over her spectacular curves. She closed the parasol, smiled at Julia and walked forward.
“Good afternoon,” Julia said by way of greeting, “Welcome to the Rattlers Holler Bank. How may I assist you?”
The woman cocked her head, “I notice the accent,” she said with an accent as well. “Spanish?”
“Very observant,” Julia remarked, “Originally from Madrid, but have lived on this side of the world for many years. And I notice yours, from south of here?”
The woman smiled warmly, “Yes, my name is Margarita Rivara. Originally from Veracruz but have lived in Texas with my family for many years as well. I wish to open an account here and have it linked to the bank in Austin. I represent the Eaton Ranch and Livestock.”
“I have heard the name before,” Julia replied. “Art and Elizabeth Eaton, correct?” Margarita nodded. “I lived for a time in Abilene and they had a big spread there.”
“The governor has recently given some of the land previously owned by Leviticus Mathews to the Eaton family,” Margarita went on. But her face soured. “I never liked Abilene. I found the place lacking when it came to manners. Especially from the so-called women of society.”
Julia started laughing, “I know too well about them. Especially the redheads.”
“The red’s name wouldn’t have been McClintok would it?” Margarita asked as she took in a breath to make her chest swell up and out.
Julia looked a bit in shock. Her hands unconsciously went to her tanned cleavage. “So you have met Alexandra?”
Margarita smirked, “Yes I have. And my daughter, Isabel, met her daughter as well.”
Julia let her eyes wander up the voluptuous black haired beauty. “My daughter, Esmerelda, and I recently met up with Alexandra and Aleena.”
Margarita Rivara leaned against the counter, her heavy breasts brushing the wood. “And how did it go?”
Julia smiled as she remembered, “Both of the redheads were knocked out on the barn floor.” Then she frowned as that fight led to her and Esmerelda’s continuous catfight.
“Is something wrong?” The other woman asked.
“Well, since we have similar encounters,” Julia said in a low voice, “That event has led to my daughter and I fighting all the time.”
Margarita instinctively licked her lips, “Did it now? Our confrontation with the McClintock women also led Isabel and I to…. Test each other. On numerous occasions.”
“And how did you and your daughter fare against those redheaded putas?” Julia asked with a wolfish grin on her face.
“Isabel and Aleena fought to an unconscious draw but it did take me a couple of hours to finally beat that cunt,” Margarita answered as she too looked the Spanish woman up and down.
Julia Vargas stepped out from around the back of the counter to stand face to face with the Mexican woman. Each inhaled to expand their chests as eyes remained locked. “I think you and I should become better acquainted, don’t you?”
Margarita stepped forward as their covered tits met in a muted thud. “As my daughter and I are now residing in Rattlers Holler, we do need to see what will happen. First you and I, then let our daughters meet.”
Julia Vargas pushed back as their breasts expanded under the clothing. She looked behind her as the German clock read almost 4 in the afternoon. “I am about to close for the day. If you want to find out now, we can.”
Margarita looked almost saddened. “I would stay if I could but I need to meet Mrs. Eaton with the bank documents.”
Julia nodded as she and the woman she wanted to fight separated their upper bodies. Julia drew up the paperwork and handed them off to Margarita Rivera. As the woman from Mexico was preparing to leave, Julia extended her hand for her to shake. “I very much look forward to our next meeting.”
Margarita took the other woman’s hand and shook it. “As do I, Ms. Vargas.” With that she left the bank.
I stepped out on the porch as the wagon approached. That is when I saw Samantha wasn’t alone.
“Oh shit,” I muttered as I waved. I walked down to the wagon as Sam and Alice got down. “Alice, I know what you want. Are you sure this is the right time?” Samantha looked at me confused.
Alice stood up straight as the mass of her milk filled breasts threatened to burst from her top. At that moment, Amber Nelson appeared with her son on the porch. The two women locked eyes and Amber nodded. I followed Samantha as she walked up the porch to the waiting mother and her son. Amber passed the baby to the doctor.
“Amber,” I said, “The doc and I will take care of him. You and Alice need to talk. I recommend the treeline by the stream behind the barn.” She nodded as she stepped down off the porch and towards Alice White Owl, her heavy breasts bouncing as she walked. The two young women didn’t speak to the other as they walked for another ten minutes. Once they had reached the treeline next to the stream, Alice turned to face Amber. Her boots sunk an inch down in thick mud. The pit of gooey earth was a fifteen foot circle that was next to the stream. Amber saw the feet go into the mud and she removed her boots. Alice stepped out as she removed hers.
“I have been waiting weeks for this,” Alice said as she narrowed her eyes at the blonde.
“If I was someone different, I would let you beat me for what I did,” Amber returned. “But my nature will not allow that.”
Mud squished between toes as the two new mothers stalked towards the other. They each reached with left hands, latching onto brown and blonde hair as their right hands unleashed wicked slaps to the others face. They slapped over and over as faces heated, tears formed and they tried to let the other know they were there for a fight. One of Alice’s slaps caused Amber to cry out and she stumbled slightly in the mud, her left hand pulling sharply on the brown hair. The brunette surged forward as she and the blonde went down to the soupy mud. Both squealed as the mud spattered up around them. Each dug both hands in hair as they wrestled and rolled in the muck, coating their dresses. The muck and mire began to weigh the fully clothed mothers down. Amber rolled and whipped her head back as mud flew, she felt the top of her dress give way as Alice grabbed it and used the garment to roll them over. The blonde cursed as she brought both muddy hands down to roughly grab the brunette’s dress and tear. Like they did a few weeks prior, the two topless women clopped their oversized tits together. The dresses began to go lower and lower as they two wrestled and rolled in the muck. Mud oozed between the joined bodies. Alice unleashed a right handed slap that separated the women.
“Fat titted cow!” Amber cursed as her blood was up. She pulled the remaining pieces of the dress off, getting back to her knees naked.
“Fucking whore!” Alice cursed back as she too, removed the torn clothing before getting to her knees in front of the blonde.
Both women lunged with muddy bodies colliding as hands slipped through the wet and dirty locks. Arms tightened around the other as they tipped over and began a wild tussle. A casual observer would not be able to tell which woman was which, even up close. Over and over they rolled and wrestled in the gooey earth. A hard slap from Alice finally broke the two apart. Each lay in the muck on their backs as they tried to slow their ragged breathing. Amber was the first to rise and stumbled to the creek to wash the mud off her naked body. Alice followed suit. Once the creamy skin could be seen again, they turned to face the other. Each looked down as both sets of nipples were oozing milk. Seeing this seemed to enrage both as their hands formed into claws and they rushed together. Hands jutted out and filled with heavy tits.The two young mothers stumbled in knee high water as they groped and kneaded the pliant flesh. Milk now sprayed out in streams over the two lovely fighters. Alice let go and batted Amber’s hands away, surging forward with a splat of milk filled breasts. They fell to the embankment and started pulling long wet hair. Heads were pulled back, straining necks as they slowly rolled back and forth. The hair pulling brought their faces close together, noses touching as they glared into the others eyes.
“I am sorry I slapped your mother and fought you,” Amber breathed out into Alice’s face.
Alice brought her lips to Amber’s for a long, tongue filled kiss. “Apology accepted.” Then she started giggling, which started Amber doing the same. They let go of hair and hugged as they laughed in the other’s arms.
Sam and I were starting to get worried as the two young mothers had been gone for some time. Then I pointed and Sam walked to join me on the porch to see Amber Nelson and Alice White Owl walk up holding hands.
“Seems you two worked it out,” I said with a smile.
“We did,” Amber said. “Took a bit but all in a good tussle.”
Alice laughed. “Now I hear tell that Rosa has some tea that will help me?”
The horse driven stagecoach rode into Rattlers Holler with a contingent of armed riders both flanking and in front, and stopped in front of the Gem Saloon and Hotel. The door to the coach opened with a tall, striking woman stepping out. Her hair was kissed by fire with silver streaks flowing down past her shoulders. The green blouse strained at the front, heavy breasts threatening to come forth. Her faded dark jeans molded to her lower half like a second skin with the legs tucked into black riding boots. A lit cigarette dangled from her ruby red lips. She inhaled deeply, removing the cigarette with her right fore and middle finger, blowing out a heavy plume of smoke. A tall graying man walked up to the woman.
“My dear,” Art Eaton said as he kissed his wife on the cheek. “How was the ride from Abilene?”
Elizabeth, Liz, Eaton took in the town with a squinted gaze. “No war parties of Comanche or shady cowboys attacked, so utterly boring, my dear husband.” She took a last drag of the cigarette and dropped it on the street, stomping it out with her right boot. “How goes your little adventure in town?”
“Well,” he sighed, “The Gem Hotel here is run by the remaining Matthews family. When I inquired about lodging, they heard my last name and said there was no vacancy. The Emerald Palace, down the street, does have lodging for us until the homestead is finished. It is a former brothel that is now a restaurant.”
“And how was the brothel?” Liz asked her husband with a smile.
“Lively,” Art replied. “Kat’s Ranch is full of spirited young doves.”
“Any doves I need to concern myself with?” Liz asked as her gaze drifted down the street.
“One,” Art laughed at his wife, “Gabriella. A very beautiful blonde who, as soon as word spread of who I was, became very attached to my lap. Even mentioned that she would make a better wife, since she is younger. Though I do not know if that was pillow talk or if it has something to it.”
“Gabriella, huh,” Liz stated with a smirk. “I guess your wife will have to have a talk with her. I haven’t had bloody knuckles in a while or hair clutched in my fingers.” As she spoke, Margarita Rivara sauntered to the two. “Hola, Margarita,” Liz said as she hugged and kissed the Mexican woman on each cheek, “Any problems with the bank?”
“Hola Senor and Senorita!” Margarita said enthusiastically. “The papers have been drawn up and await your signatures. The proprietor of the bank is someone I will be paying close attention to. She has had run-ins with the McClintock women.”
Art let out a belly laugh as he remembered seeing the final part of the naked catfight between Margarita and Alexandra and the entire fight between Alexandra and his wife, Elizabeth.
“Well, that cat is someone I would love to meet as well,” Liz commented. “Now, instruct the men to have our belongings transferred to the Emerald Palace, please and secure three rooms. One for Art and myself, one for you and one, just in case Art or I need some alone time with a friend.”
“Si,” Margarita said, “It will be done.”
“Now, Liz, my love,” Art said as he held his arm out for his wife to take, “Shall I introduce you to the young Gabriella?”
“Lead on, my dear,” Liz said with a laugh.
Since the dust up between the town and the Church of Eve, the protests had been few and small. I finished my meal at the Emerald Palace and leaned back.
“That Esmeralda is something with food,” I said to Joanna Webber, who sat across from me, sipping a whiskey.
“Oh Ahnalize,” Joanna mused, “I am going to be forever in your debt for recommending her. Her food is the talk of the town. Now, let us get to the real reason I wanted to have dinner with you. What are you going to do about this damned church?”
I filled her in on what I learned from both Amber Nelson and Sharon Temple.
Joanna whistled, “The school teacher’s mother is Silvia Macon? Well I’ll be damned! I have heard my own rumblings about this church. The brothels are usually the targets and it has always gotten physical and in every town I have heard about, the ladies like me are not seen again. But if you fight, I will stand with you.”
“I hope there isn’t a fight, but if it comes down to it,” I said as I leaned across the table and whispered, “It will be them in the ground and not you. Who else am I gonna catfight?”
Joanna laughed from her belly, “Oh my dear Ahnalize, the women who would line up for a chance catfight with you would fill a book!”
At a small clearing 10 miles outside of Rattlers Holler…
Karen Dempsey stoked the fire to keep it going as the riders came back to the clearing. As all got off horses, Karen noticed the two blonde women, Bella Reed and Holly Dee. Two women she hated.
“Why the hell are these two here?” Karen asked in a heated voice as she held the wrought iron poker in her right hand.
Hilde Shaft blocked the mature blonde’s path. “They are here because they all have bones to pick with my dear sister and her friends. Now if you have an issue with how things are run here, you can try to leave but you know too much and I won’t be letting you leave here alive.”
Karen looked wide eyed at the striking redheaded woman. “You must hate Ahna so much.”
“If she had any sense, she would have figured out Hans and I weren’t dead,” Hilde said. “But she abandoned us to a life of pain and fighting for our lives. You have seen Hans’ marks. She is the cause of all of it.” Behind her, Fighting Wolf smiled to herself.
“There is food and clothing here,” Hans said to the women. “Eat and dress. We will burn the prison garb.”
Amy Roberts walked up to the young man, “And who gets you to warm herself next to?” Her body pressed to his.
“Roberts!” Hilde called out as Amy turned her head towards the woman. BANG! The shot rang out as Amy Roberts fell to the ground dead, a bullet hole in the center of her forehead. “My nephew is off limits to you all. Now eat. Hans, take her body away from here.”
“Yes, Aunt Hilde,” the young man said as he hoisted the dead woman over his shoulder and placed her on the back of his horse.
Back in Rattlers Holler
Art Eaton walked by himself into Kat’s Ranch. As soon as she saw him, Gabriella adjusted her cleavage in her low cut blue dress and sauntered over to the graying tall man.
“Why Mr. Eaton,” Gabi said with her sultriest voice, “So glad you returned. I have been counting the minutes since you were here last.”
“Now how could I keep away from you?” Art asked as he sat at a table with the busty blonde sitting on his lap. “I had to make sure my wife was set up in her hotel room after her ride from Abilene.”
Gabi’s face soured at his statement. “I am sure the heifer is tuckered out from the trail. Too bad she isn’t here, I would fight her to be your wife.” Her hand ran down his chest as she kissed his neck.
The batwing doors swung open, as a plume of smoke preceded Liz Eaton. She had changed into a green off the shoulder dress that showed off her impressive cleavage. “So you want to be his wife? Since you want to fight the heifer, as you put it, I have made myself available to you.” Liz took a long drag of her cigarette and crushed it out on the small tin ashtray on the bar.
Sabrina Jackson walked up to Liz, “Ma’am, Gabriella was just funnin, she ain’t meant nothing by it.”
“This your place?” Liz asked as she examined the young woman in front of her. “And please don’t call me Ma’am. Mrs. Eaton is just fine.”
No, Mrs Eaton,” Sabrina shook her head. “I just run the girls for Madam Webber.”
“So you have been working in brothels for a while?” Liz asked, Sabrina nodded. “And what has happened when a wife shows up to find her husband with one of your soiled doves?”
Sabrina sighed, “We let them settle it between them. I am just trying to make sure you do not get hurt. Gabriella here can fight.”
“I suppose I will take my chances,” Liz smiled. “And if anything is broken, my husband and I will pay for it.” Sabrina Jackson nodded and turned to look at Gabriella.
The blonde stood as the tables and chairs in the middle of the saloon were moved out of the way. “I ain’t never whupped a grandma before. I might almost feel bad.”
Elizabeth Eaton smiled at the remark as she stepped into the loose circle that was now her ring with the busty blonde. As Gabriella seductively walked to the older woman, Liz threw out a right and left combo with her quick fists. The blonde staggered back, completely taken off guard and landed hard on her backside.
“We will see who whups who,” Liz smiled down at the younger woman.
Gabi got back to her feet and rubbed her jaw. “Not bad, old bitch!” She raised her fists and moved to meet the redhead in the center of the saloon.
The two women circled like prizefighters, neither jumped in to swing wildly like many women do. They were methodical. Gabi launched a jab that caught Liz on her lips with the red head backing up and the blonde pursuing. It was a mistake to do so as Gabriella took a hard left fist to the belly that doubled her over. Liz grabbed two handfuls of blonde hair and tried to knee the younger woman in the face but the blonde brought her forearms up to block it. Liz pulled Gabi up by the hair and slammed a left fist into the blonde’s nose, blood erupting. The younger woman staggered back, dazed and Liz went after her. She swung a looping right but Gabi ducked and buried her right fist into the older woman’s stomach. Liz went bug eyed and coughed, dropping to one knee. Gabrielle grabbed a left hand full of red hair and pulled the woman’s head back, she cocked her right fist but Liz turned her head and bit down on the left wrist.
“OOOWWWW YOU DOG!” Gabi screamed as she let go of the hair and moved back, rubbing her wrist.
Liz smiled bloody teeth at her as she got up and put her fists back up. The blonde glared in hate and screamed out as she rushed the older woman. Liz was ready to end it as the blonde neared. The redhead swung but it hit open air as the blonde ducked and slammed her shoulder into Liz’s tummy, taking both women off their feet and down to the sawdust covered floor. Gabi sat up to punch down on the older woman but Liz fired up a right hand to the blonde’s large left breast. The impact made the younger woman howl in pain as she clutched her chest. The redhead bucked her hips and grabbed the front of the blonde’s dress and pulled. The tearing of fabric could be heard as Gabi went over to her side and then back. As Liz got on top, her young rival reached up to grab both of the ranch owner’s large breasts over her dress. Even with the bit of clothing on as protection, the fingers constricted with Liz screaming out in pain, grabbing the wrists and trying to pry them off her tits. Gabi pushed up as both she and the redhead got to knees, both the fronts of the other’s dress hung in tatters. They started trading punch for punch. The fists landed home on faces, tummies, shoulders and breasts. Blood flowed freely from lips and noses with Gabi also cut over her left eye. Sweat poured off both women as they slumped against the other, bare tits pressing roughly.
“Not..bad…for…a…granny…” Gabriella taunted.
Her remark earned her a hard fist to the belly as she coughed and moaned.
“You….need…to…learn…some…respect…whore…” Liz wheezed out but screamed in pain as ten nails stabbed into the outsides of her heavy breasts. She retaliated and grabbed the blonde’s huge tits back.
The two women locked arms straight as fingers kneaded, scratched, pulled and twisted the big breasts into awful shapes. Gabi’s youth started to overwhelm the older woman. Ever so slightly, Liz was being pushed back, inch by inch. As her back touched the floor of the saloon, both women released breasts with Gabi coming down towards the redhead. Liz’s right fist clipped the younger woman across the jaw and the blonde fell off to the side. Both women lay there for a few moments. Sabrina walked over but was waved away from Liz Eaton. The two slowly got to hands and knees, then on to shaky legs. The bloody, topless women eyed the other and screamed as they lunged. Bodies impacted on their feet as they careened out of control and slammed into the bar. Gabriella’s hand fell over a whiskey bottle and she brought it up before anyone could grab it from her. Elizabeth Eaton fired a hard left and then right into the saloon girl’s face, blood and sweat flying through the air. The lights went out in Gabi’s eyes as the bottle dropped to the bar top and she crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
The bar was completely silent for a moment or two before it erupted in cheers and applause. Art came over to help his wife to a chair. Sabrina Jackson had some of the girls tend to Gabriella. The blonde southern belle walked over to the Eaton table with two shot glasses of whiskey. She handed one to Liz and nodded her head in respect. Both women took the shot.
“It was a good fight but since you knew about the rule in the cathouses, you know you are banned until the madam deems you return, correct?”
Liz nodded. “I do and I will abide by it. I understand your madam also runs the Emerald Palace, so I will be talking to her sooner rather than later. When she wakes, tell that young woman she can fight.”
Sabrina smiled and nodded before walking back to check on Gabi.
“Well, my dear,” Art said with a smile on his face. “You do not disappoint! Now let’s get your lovely body covered up before we go back to the hotel, we wouldn’t want these townsfolk to get the wrong impression about us.” Liz laughed and then groaned as it hurt.
At the Gem Saloon and Hotel, Constance Matthews paced back and forth.
“That dumb fucking govenor gives 80% of our land to the Eaton family? Then they move here? They want to stay in my hotel? Fucking cunt and her old frail husband!” She kicked over a chair with those in attendance startled from the sound. The dark haired woman placed her hands on the table and leaned over to speak to her daughters. “Bailey, figure out a way to disrupt the livestock transfer to the Eaton ranch. Ashley, your goal will be to see if you can get close to the foreman of the Eaton ranch. Use that glorious pussy of yours to bind him to your will. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Mama,” both sisters said together.
“I will deal with that red headed cunt, Elizabeth,” Constance Matthews growled.
The End

Thank you, Ahna Brown, these stories are great. Julia and Esmeralda seem to have such a special rivalry, wish we could see a fight between them from start to end.