Wonder Woman was finally fed up with Power Girl. They had been fighting side by side for a long time, when the situation called for it. When Luthor had a giant robot attacking a city, the amazon and the kryptonian would smash it to pieces and save the day. Grodd was sending his gorilla army to attack humanity? The two heroines could stop him even when outnumbered 100 to 1.
It was the aftermath that always got to her. There were four occasions in a row where Power Girl couldn’t help rubbing her face in it. Literally. There were dozens of pictures from the occasions when reporters flocked to a scene of the triumphant women, snapping pictures at the wreckage and of course, the gorgeous and powerful women in their tight outfits.
Whenever the reporters reached them, PG would make it a point to push her way into the shot, mashing her enormous breasts right into Diana’s face. Sometimes it was disguised as a hug or bumping into her, but every single time, someone wound up with a photo surprised Wonder Woman’s face crammed or bumping into Power Girl’s unmistakeable chest. It was always in the sleaziest of newspapers and blogs with an obnoxious headline like “PG Makes WW Look Like A Boob!” The worst was when PG had gotten Diana’s face stuck in the famous “boob window” of her costume, posing for and chatting with photographers for a full minute before she even realized Wonder Woman was in between her tits, kicking and shouting with her voice muffled by the two giant knockers.
It drove Diana up the wall. but the last straw came when Poison Ivy tried to take out a city with a giant venus fly trap. They got to the root of the problem quickly enough, but when the fans and reporters came for a word with Wonder Woman, she started to explain and give an inspiring speech. While the cameras were still live, Power Girl flew right into the scene. Her turn came in so sharp that the blonde’s giant breasts swung and slapped Wonder Woman dead in the face, completely knocking her out with nothing but her tits and a bit of kryptonian clumsiness.
Diana called her out. She didn’t need any press, but she wanted her people to know. She sent a messenger to invite Power Girl to her amazon island. Diana would show them and Power Girl the difference between a warrior amazon princess and a ditzy kryptonian bimbo.
The two met in the ancient arena of the amazons. The entire island was gathered for this honor duel, even Diana’s mother Hippolyta seemed especially excited for the fight. The crowd roared for their local champion, who was clad in her famous red, white, blue and gold attire of a one piece, tiara, and high boots. Her dark curls bounced along her shoulders as she paced readily on her side of the classic gladiatorial stadium.
The crowd also cheered for Power Girl, a bit more than Diana appreciated. But she was still a righteous and powerful woman to the world, well within their expectations of a hero. PG came out flexing proudly, clad in her blue boots and gloves and a white one piece with a large diamond of flesh exposed on her cleavage. “Took a lot of guts challenging me, Di,” Power Girl called to her opponent, still all smiles and jiggles in a way that was starting to grate on Wonder Woman. “Gotta respect that.”
“I don’t need your respect,” Diana hissed back bitterly. “But I shall earn my people’s.” This got some approving cheers and whistles from the onlooking warrior women, one of which rang the gong to signal the start of the match. Both of the women flew right for each other, soaring like a pair of gorgeous missiles. Wonder Woman threw a punch at her face while Power Girl did the same, both of them recoiling as it gave off a huge, booming crash that shook some of the closer spectators. PG slid back as she planted her feet in the sand, but Diana went tumbling head over heels before she was able to right herself.
“Not bad at all,” Power Girl flattered, smiling and nodding back at Diana. The princess shook out the sand from her hair and growled, clenching her powerful fists at being outdone again.
“I’ve only started warming up,” Wonder Woman declared, charging Power Girl on foot this time. PG waited for her to close the short distance and throw a punch at the blonde’s head. The busty kryptonian casually blocked the blow with one flexing arm, smirking back at her opponent.
“Diana, sweety. No need to warm up. You can give me your best already.” Power Girl spoke to her like a childhood friend, just irritating Diana all the more. She threw several more punches, Power Girl blocking or deflecting them with minimal effort. Diana gave a short war cry as she threw a straight kick into PG’s stomach, slipping past her guard enough to send her skidding back a few yards. Diana pressed the attack by flying after her and throwing a punch at Power Girl’s head, but she was already prepared as she caught Diana’s fist in her palm.
“Now we’re talking,” Diana smiled at her up close, twisting the arm as Diana fell to her knees with a scream of pain. The crowd let out a big “Ohhh!” at the bending of her arm and their princess’ painful cries. She pushed at PG’s arm, but she just gave another crank and got another shriek from the amazon warrior.
“Well that’s no way for a princess to behave,” Power Girl grinned down at her, throwing a kick into the side of Wonder Woman’s head that could have toppled a skyscraper. Diana’s supernatural endurance kept her from simply turning into a cloud of blood, but she still went flying from the impact. She hadn’t gone more than a foot or two when Power girl’s speedy reflexes caught her by her boot, turning the momentum back sharply and swinging Diana over her head. Wonder Woman’s body smashed face and tits first into the ground, kicking up a thick cloud of dust around her.
Diana coughed and held her chest, trying to push herself up on her elbows. She heard Power Girl step closer to her, turning around quickly and throwing her tiara at the blonde heroine like a blade. Power Girl caught the speeding artifact with a casual swipe of her super fast hand, tossing it aside.
“That thing was a gift, wasn’t it?” Power Girl scolded. “Not a way to treat a gift.”
Diana watched in a mix of frustration and awe as Power Girl flung the tiara off into the crowd, the weaponized ornament (as if the amazons knew any other kind) gracefully coming to a stop on top of Hippolyta’s throne. The queen giggled in amusement at the display, the blonde heroine smiling back at her before she turned back to her fight. Wonder Woman surprised her with an uppercut to the face, knocking Power Girl’s head to one side before Diana drove a knee into her stomach. The second attack barely rattled the kryptonian beauty, and PG snapped back towards her with a hard right hook.
It hammered Wonder Woman in the head, sending her flying straight down in one blow. Her head bounced off from the impact, dust splashing up over her dark locks and stunned face. Diana coughed weakly as she tried to push herself back up. Power Girl grabbed the back of Diana’s black mane and lifted her up by it, getting a pained cry out of the amazon as she was hoisted completely off the ground.
“Is that really the best you’ve got, princess?” Power Girl taunted, turning Wonder Woman around to face her. She gave her a backhand slap, creating a sharp cracking noise that knocked Wonder Woman’s head aside in the same way as her full suckerpunch had done to Power Girl. Diana’s head flew back and forth as Power Girl repeatedly slapped her face around, clearly toying with the furious and humiliated heroine by this point. By the time she stopped, Diana was hanging from her grip with a dim expression on her face, her eyes half-lidded and her mouth partly agape.
“Come on now, Wondy. You’ve got to give your people a good show, don’t you?” PG goaded her on, but Wonder Woman was still seeing stars in her grip.
“Alright, fine,” the blonde chuckled. “I’ll do all the heavy lifting.” She gave Diana a light toss into the air, just to catch her again by the neck and between her legs. PG dove right back down, effectively body slamming the challenging heroine into the ground hard enough to shake the earth a bit. Wonder Woman’s body jerked at the rattling impact, even her super endurance left reeling from that one.
The crowd roared at the display of wrestling skill, Power Girl rising up to her knees and brushing the hair from her face casually. “Oh, you like that do ya? I suppose you Greek types basically invented wrestling…” Karen placed a knee into the dazed Diana’s back, pulling up on her legs to stretch her out of shape. The pressure of her mighty body left Wonder Woman’s breasts threatening to pop right out of her top as they were crushed under her chest, forcing a scream out of Diana when PG applied the agonizing submission hold.
“Hmmm, still not flashy enough,” Power Girl pondered out loud. “Ah, I’ve got it!” She floated back up, grabbing Diana by the hair in the process to lift her up again. She spun around quickly and hurled Diana by her hair and arm, a mock-Irish whip that sent her rocketing towards the nearest wall. Diana tried to fly to a stop, but she couldn’t keep herself from crashing into the opposing wall of stone, leaving a large crash in it where her face and breasts hit the arena walls. She peeled herself off, but staggered dizzily and had to brace her back against the wall. She started to see clearly, shaking the rubble from her hair just before seeing that Power Girl was soaring right at her… backwards. Wonder Woman had a split second to gasp before Power Girl flew ass first into her head, a rocket-like butt bump, smashing her head into the wall hard enough that PG had to catch her before she simply collapsed on the ground.
Still holding up the brunette heroine, Power Girl wound up a fist, aimed carefully, and then started to pound her punches into Diana’s breast faster than the eye could see. The results were still clear, as Diana’s body flopped and jerked as if she were being hit by a machine gun. Her tits were momentarily dented in and bouncing around wildly, flopping one way and then the other trying to keep up with Power Girl’s fists. Diana let out a long, vibrating scream and only stopped when Power Girl was done using her as a punching bag. PG threw her casually to one side, letting Wonder Woman land in a heap on the ground holding her chest and coughing for air.
Wonder Woman could only groan and roll on the ground, braced on her knees and sticking her ass into the air. She was too sore to care as she cradled her aching breasts, trying to overcome her spinning head. Power Girl grabbed the back of her costume, the once proud and furious Wonder Woman only moaning out a few quick “No!”s. Power Girl grinned at her humble reaction, but still pulled up on Diana’s outfit, making it wedgie up into her ass and crotch.
Wonder Woman’s strong legs kicked wildly beneath her, dangling helpless as her red boots tried and failed to reach the ground. Her face was a panicked expression of pain and horror, PG singlehandedly holding her out in front of her with a confident smile on her face. The blonde tugged on her handful of her costume, making the captive heroine bounce painfully in her power wedgie.
“Really expected more out of you after all that talk, Wondy,” Power Girl taunted. She raised her hand over her head and twirled her wrist, sending Wonder Woman whirling around like a human ceiling fan. She shrieked in the strangely echoing voice as she spun around so fast that the wind of her passing by was kicking up the sand beneath Power Girl’s boots.
There was at last a horrifying snap that hit Wonder Woman’s ears. Her costume had broken off under all the pressure. The one built to withstand bullets and swords. The elastic gave under the ridiculous whiplash of Power Girl’s spinning, and Wonder Woman was sent flying through the air without any use of her powers or an invisible jet. She was too busy trying to cover her suddenly exposed pussy before she crashed into the arena floor, grinding and bouncing pathetically over its surface.
The proud amazonian princess looked ready to throw up from the rapid spinning she’d been put through, not even able to get to her knees without falling right over again. She wasn’t even sure how long she was down before Power Girl grabbed her by the arm, lifting her up like a KOed prize fighter being declared the winner. She wasn’t even awake enough to try to cover her crotch, the thick dark bush exposed to all of her people.
“Well now you’ve just gone and ruined your costume. Really irresponsible with your toys, aren’t you?” PG grabbed and ripped off the last of Wonder Woman’s clothes in one stroke of her powerful arm. “Well if you’re going to behave like a child, I might as well treat you like one.”
Wonder Woman cowered away from Power Girl as she dropped her to the ground, only for the blonde to retrieve the golden lasso from the hip of her Diana’s battle garb. “This should do the trick,” PG smiled, grabbing Diana by an ankle and dragging her back towards her. Wonder Woman gave another fearful squeal as her breasts were dragged roughly over the sand, grabbing at it uselessly with her nails.
Power Girl worked quickly to tie up Wonder Woman, twisting it around her legs, wrists and breasts to leave her completely helpless. The crowd of amazons cheered and laughed, making it impossible for Wonder Woman to remember a time when she was more humiliated. Power Girl floated up to one of the statues mounted around the edge of the arena, fastening one end of the lasso into the jaws of a carving of a roaring lioness.
The beaten Diana dangled like a beautiful pinata, trying to avoid meeting the eyes of the amazons around her. This was especially true for her mother who seemed every bit as amused as the rest of her subjects, if not moreso. Power Girl made good on her promise of childish punishment as she flew in behind Wonder Woman and proceeded to spank her generous bottom with her open hand. Wonder Woman shrieked from the first blow as the sheer power of the spanking distorted the shape of her ass before it jiggled back into place.
She was sobbing and pleading by the fifth. “Nooo! No, please! Stop! I yield! You win!”
The tenth had her openly crying like the child Power Girl had claimed her to be. The audience had begun counting out loud by then, and by the time Power Girl reached thirty, Wonder Woman didn’t have the strength to lift her own head. She just hung there and wept as PG rubbed her bright red ass in front of her subjects.
Power Girl finally thumped a fist on the statue’s head, cracking the chunk of stone enough that Wonder Woman fell to the ground in a heap of tears, golden lasso, and limp, naked flesh. Diana looked up wearily as Power Girl floated back down to the ground next to her and braced a foot on one of the defeated amazon’s breasts and flexed her arms in victory.
“You… you’ve ruined me. You have ruined my life,” Wonder Woman hissed miserably, barely audible over the roar of the crowd.
Power Girl laughed as if the very suggestion was ridiculous. “Ruined? I’m a part of your life now, Diana. Didn’t you wonder why I was always showing up when you did?”
Diana gave her a vacant and puzzled stare.
“I was watching over you as a favor to your mother. I got married to Hippolyta, making me your queen and your mother. Well, step-mother, I suppose, but what would your island be if not for unusual circumstances for marriages, eh?”
Diana’s look of confusion started to change into dumbfounded horror. Diana looked to Hippolyta, the queen still upon her throne. She smiled and nodded at her daughter, confirming all that she feared was true. A quick but hearty cheer came up from the crowd. “All hail Queen Karen!” Power Girl smiled proudly at the praise, grabbing Wonder Woman over her shoulder and flying up to the throne. She dropped Diana at Hippolyta’s feet and kissed her more docile wife on the cheek.
“Now then, daughter…” Karen started. Diana cringed just at the sound of the words. “I took your challenge and bested you. I’ve proven my worth as a ruler and a warrior. Do you feel you owe me some manner of apology?”
Diana shivered and bent over, damn her honorable spirit, raising her bared ass to the crowd. “I… I am sorry I defied you, my queen.”
“Hmm, that’s a start. But I think you should show a bit more humility in a case like this.” Power Girl smirked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She took the collar of her own uniform and started to pull it down, exposing the blonde’s huge, impressive tits. “Kiss them. Once each.”
Diana looked up at the hanging breasts, and seemed ready to cry again. She sniffled and crawled closer on her knees, leaning in and kissing Karen on one of her big, soft breasts. “And the other,” Karen added, as if she might forget. Diana turned to the other, her face nearly between the two heavy teats. As she went to kiss the other, Karen turned her body away from her slightly. Diana briefly thought she was making her work for it, but Power girl shook her shoulders again, bringing the heavy tit slapping back into her face. Diana actually staggered from the light but startling blow, enough that the other caught her entirely off guard when it swung into her other cheek.
Her mothers laughed at her surprise and humiliation from the tit slaps. “You see? She even gets beat up by my breasts!” Karen joked, getting a laugh from the crowd and a charmed giggle from Hippolyta. Diana’s cheeks burned a bright red before Karen grabbed her by the shoulder to pull her into a firm hug, burying the blushing face into one of her breasts.
“Ah, but my little girl does me proud. Come, my wife. Let’s have a nice family hug.”
Diana tried to object, but her voice was muffled out by the soft flesh of Queen Karen’s bared chest. Hippolyta happily stepped forward and hugged Karen back, squashing Diana’s face in between her mothers’ breasts. Wonder Woman squirmed and mumbled in their trapping hug, unable to point out that she was being smothered in Power Girl’s monstrous breasts. Her vision started to blur and her weakened body felt even more limp and powerless. She pawed at her mothers, but the strength of their intense hug unaffected by her resistance.
Karen was able to spare an arm and tip up Hipployta’s chin to smile at her. The amazon queen smiled back, Diana able to see both love and lust in their eyes. Karen firmly kissed her mother, and the audience cheered again as Diana was forced to watch her mother kiss the woman who had easily defeated her in honorable combat.
And kiss they did. Any tame kissing had been done at their wedding, and the amazons weren’t especially subtle about their affections. Karen and Hippolyta both opened their mouths wide to kiss, rolling tongues together in less of a ceremonial kiss and more of a sloppy makeout session between horny teenagers. Their lips and tongues tried to devour each other, and openly swapped saliva as it poured in and out of their mouths and into the others.
Diana would have felt nauseous if she weren’t already so light headed. The world was fading fast, no matter her disgust, despair, and outrage. As she stared helplessly up at the scene, she saw Hippolyta’s open her mouth for a lusty moan, just for a wad of their mixed drool to fall into Wonder Woman’s eye right before she blacked out.
A few weeks later, there was a press conference called together. Power Girl herself had asked to address the public, and the media always jumped at the chance to get more of the busty blonde marvel.
“So glad you all could make it!” Power Girl announced proudly. She stood at a simple podium, and with a beautiful, black-haired woman standing patiently behind her. The woman was clad in something like a mockery of a business suit. It was passable at a glance, but it was far too skimpy to be anything so formal. The skirt was high enough to show the hap in her thighs and clung to her round buttocks. A deep line in her blouse showed loads of cleavage and the bra slightly showed at the edges, pushing up her already bulging breasts.
“It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve recently gotten married. To a beautiful woman, nonetheless.” The reporters were already frantically writing things down as she beamed even more proudly. “A few of you might recognize Hippolyta, and even fewer might recognize her as the queen of the amazons.”
Hippolyta blushed and smiled, not used to all the attention. Her kind were normally rather secluded, at least until Karen had started to urge her otherwise.
“And for those of you not the most familiar with amazonian law, this makes me their new queen. I’m looking to help bring the amazons into the modern world a bit more than they used to be.”
The audience clapped at the idea of modernizing the relatively primitive people, Hippolyta nodding in agreement.
“And in the spirit of that movement, I’ve taken the liberty of updating my daughter-in-law’s costume. Something that’s been around since the ancient times is well and good for tradition, but we’re not living in ancient times anymore. I thought it was time to hang up the old outfit and bring in something to capture the American spirit and help let them know we’re here to help. Ready to come out now, sweetie?”
Diana came out, clearly at least a little uncomfortable with her new outfit being shown off in public for the first time. What had once resembled a one piece swimsuit was now even more miniscule, essentially nothing but a micro bikini. A narrow red strips went around her chest on either side, and a blue thong spotted with white stars on the crotch. The largest part of the entire costume had to be the pair of bald eagles made of gold guarding her nipples, as if they were the only vulnerable part of her body. Stiletto high heels pushed her legs and ass up even higher than normal.
Diana blushed as it got a number of laughs and whistles from the audience. Karen smiled as her daughter obediently turned this way and that, posing for the flashing cameras “like a good girl.”
“My daughter Wonder Woman, ladies and gentlemen!” Power Girl boasted with a wave of her hand. The crowd applauded the stripperific super heroine as she was finally excused. While she was trying to walk backstage, Karen turned to her humble wife to give her an encouraging smack on the ass.
This caused a strange little chain reaction to end Wonder Woman’s day. Karen’s turn swung her breasts, the momentum smacking Diana dead in the face. The surprised amazon’s eyes went wide and glassy as the busty hammer blow knocked her silly.
Diana fell to her knees, her body twisting in an odd angle as she fell. It put herself in the way of PG’s incoming hand, intercepting the slap meant for Hippolyta’s invitingly presented ass with her own thong-clad bottom. Her ass gave a loud clapping noise as the spank hit her cheeks, making them wobble briefly. Diana’s body jerked forward, her face bouncing off her mother’s round bottom before the princess toppled unconscious to the stage.
Wonder Woman was finally fed up with Power Girl. They had been fighting side by side for a long time, when the situation called for it. When Luthor had a giant robot attacking a city, the amazon and the kryptonian would smash it to pieces and save the day. Grodd was sending his gorilla army to attack humanity? The two heroines could stop him even when outnumbered 100 to 1.
It was the aftermath that always got to her. There were four occasions in a row where Power Girl couldn’t help rubbing her face in it. Literally. There were dozens of pictures from the occasions when reporters flocked to a scene of the triumphant women, snapping pictures at the wreckage and of course, the gorgeous and powerful women in their tight outfits.
Whenever the reporters reached them, PG would make it a point to push her way into the shot, mashing her enormous breasts right into Diana’s face. Sometimes it was disguised as a hug or bumping into her, but every single time, someone wound up with a photo surprised Wonder Woman’s face crammed or bumping into Power Girl’s unmistakeable chest. It was always in the sleaziest of newspapers and blogs with an obnoxious headline like “PG Makes WW Look Like A Boob!” The worst was when PG had gotten Diana’s face stuck in the famous “boob window” of her costume, posing for and chatting with photographers for a full minute before she even realized Wonder Woman was in between her tits, kicking and shouting with her voice muffled by the two giant knockers.
It drove Diana up the wall. but the last straw came when Poison Ivy tried to take out a city with a giant venus fly trap. They got to the root of the problem quickly enough, but when the fans and reporters came for a word with Wonder Woman, she started to explain and give an inspiring speech. While the cameras were still live, Power Girl flew right into the scene. Her turn came in so sharp that the blonde’s giant breasts swung and slapped Wonder Woman dead in the face, completely knocking her out with nothing but her tits and a bit of kryptonian clumsiness.
Diana called her out. She didn’t need any press, but she wanted her people to know. She sent a messenger to invite Power Girl to her amazon island. Diana would show them and Power Girl the difference between a warrior amazon princess and a ditzy kryptonian bimbo.
The two met in the ancient arena of the amazons. The entire island was gathered for this honor duel, even Diana’s mother Hippolyta seemed especially excited for the fight. The crowd roared for their local champion, who was clad in her famous red, white, blue and gold attire of a one piece, tiara, and high boots. Her dark curls bounced along her shoulders as she paced readily on her side of the classic gladiatorial stadium.
The crowd also cheered for Power Girl, a bit more than Diana appreciated. But she was still a righteous and powerful woman to the world, well within their expectations of a hero. PG came out flexing proudly, clad in her blue boots and gloves and a white one piece with a large diamond of flesh exposed on her cleavage. “Took a lot of guts challenging me, Di,” Power Girl called to her opponent, still all smiles and jiggles in a way that was starting to grate on Wonder Woman. “Gotta respect that.”
“I don’t need your respect,” Diana hissed back bitterly. “But I shall earn my people’s.” This got some approving cheers and whistles from the onlooking warrior women, one of which rang the gong to signal the start of the match. Both of the women flew right for each other, soaring like a pair of gorgeous missiles. Wonder Woman threw a punch at her face while Power Girl did the same, both of them recoiling as it gave off a huge, booming crash that shook some of the closer spectators. PG slid back as she planted her feet in the sand, but Diana went tumbling head over heels before she was able to right herself.
“Not bad at all,” Power Girl flattered, smiling and nodding back at Diana. The princess shook out the sand from her hair and growled, clenching her powerful fists at being outdone again.
“I’ve only started warming up,” Wonder Woman declared, charging Power Girl on foot this time. PG waited for her to close the short distance and throw a punch at the blonde’s head. The busty kryptonian casually blocked the blow with one flexing arm, smirking back at her opponent.
“Diana, sweety. No need to warm up. You can give me your best already.” Power Girl spoke to her like a childhood friend, just irritating Diana all the more. She threw several more punches, Power Girl blocking or deflecting them with minimal effort. Diana gave a short war cry as she threw a straight kick into PG’s stomach, slipping past her guard enough to send her skidding back a few yards. Diana pressed the attack by flying after her and throwing a punch at Power Girl’s head, but she was already prepared as she caught Diana’s fist in her palm.
“Now we’re talking,” Diana smiled at her up close, twisting the arm as Diana fell to her knees with a scream of pain. The crowd let out a big “Ohhh!” at the bending of her arm and their princess’ painful cries. She pushed at PG’s arm, but she just gave another crank and got another shriek from the amazon warrior.
“Well that’s no way for a princess to behave,” Power Girl grinned down at her, throwing a kick into the side of Wonder Woman’s head that could have toppled a skyscraper. Diana’s supernatural endurance kept her from simply turning into a cloud of blood, but she still went flying from the impact. She hadn’t gone more than a foot or two when Power girl’s speedy reflexes caught her by her boot, turning the momentum back sharply and swinging Diana over her head. Wonder Woman’s body smashed face and tits first into the ground, kicking up a thick cloud of dust around her.
Diana coughed and held her chest, trying to push herself up on her elbows. She heard Power Girl step closer to her, turning around quickly and throwing her tiara at the blonde heroine like a blade. Power Girl caught the speeding artifact with a casual swipe of her super fast hand, tossing it aside.
“That thing was a gift, wasn’t it?” Power Girl scolded. “Not a way to treat a gift.”
Diana watched in a mix of frustration and awe as Power Girl flung the tiara off into the crowd, the weaponized ornament (as if the amazons knew any other kind) gracefully coming to a stop on top of Hippolyta’s throne. The queen giggled in amusement at the display, the blonde heroine smiling back at her before she turned back to her fight. Wonder Woman surprised her with an uppercut to the face, knocking Power Girl’s head to one side before Diana drove a knee into her stomach. The second attack barely rattled the kryptonian beauty, and PG snapped back towards her with a hard right hook.
It hammered Wonder Woman in the head, sending her flying straight down in one blow. Her head bounced off from the impact, dust splashing up over her dark locks and stunned face. Diana coughed weakly as she tried to push herself back up. Power Girl grabbed the back of Diana’s black mane and lifted her up by it, getting a pained cry out of the amazon as she was hoisted completely off the ground.
“Is that really the best you’ve got, princess?” Power Girl taunted, turning Wonder Woman around to face her. She gave her a backhand slap, creating a sharp cracking noise that knocked Wonder Woman’s head aside in the same way as her full suckerpunch had done to Power Girl. Diana’s head flew back and forth as Power Girl repeatedly slapped her face around, clearly toying with the furious and humiliated heroine by this point. By the time she stopped, Diana was hanging from her grip with a dim expression on her face, her eyes half-lidded and her mouth partly agape.
“Come on now, Wondy. You’ve got to give your people a good show, don’t you?” PG goaded her on, but Wonder Woman was still seeing stars in her grip.
“Alright, fine,” the blonde chuckled. “I’ll do all the heavy lifting.” She gave Diana a light toss into the air, just to catch her again by the neck and between her legs. PG dove right back down, effectively body slamming the challenging heroine into the ground hard enough to shake the earth a bit. Wonder Woman’s body jerked at the rattling impact, even her super endurance left reeling from that one.
The crowd roared at the display of wrestling skill, Power Girl rising up to her knees and brushing the hair from her face casually. “Oh, you like that do ya? I suppose you Greek types basically invented wrestling…” Karen placed a knee into the dazed Diana’s back, pulling up on her legs to stretch her out of shape. The pressure of her mighty body left Wonder Woman’s breasts threatening to pop right out of her top as they were crushed under her chest, forcing a scream out of Diana when PG applied the agonizing submission hold.
“Hmmm, still not flashy enough,” Power Girl pondered out loud. “Ah, I’ve got it!” She floated back up, grabbing Diana by the hair in the process to lift her up again. She spun around quickly and hurled Diana by her hair and arm, a mock-Irish whip that sent her rocketing towards the nearest wall. Diana tried to fly to a stop, but she couldn’t keep herself from crashing into the opposing wall of stone, leaving a large crash in it where her face and breasts hit the arena walls. She peeled herself off, but staggered dizzily and had to brace her back against the wall. She started to see clearly, shaking the rubble from her hair just before seeing that Power Girl was soaring right at her… backwards. Wonder Woman had a split second to gasp before Power Girl flew ass first into her head, a rocket-like butt bump, smashing her head into the wall hard enough that PG had to catch her before she simply collapsed on the ground.
Still holding up the brunette heroine, Power Girl wound up a fist, aimed carefully, and then started to pound her punches into Diana’s breast faster than the eye could see. The results were still clear, as Diana’s body flopped and jerked as if she were being hit by a machine gun. Her tits were momentarily dented in and bouncing around wildly, flopping one way and then the other trying to keep up with Power Girl’s fists. Diana let out a long, vibrating scream and only stopped when Power Girl was done using her as a punching bag. PG threw her casually to one side, letting Wonder Woman land in a heap on the ground holding her chest and coughing for air.
Wonder Woman could only groan and roll on the ground, braced on her knees and sticking her ass into the air. She was too sore to care as she cradled her aching breasts, trying to overcome her spinning head. Power Girl grabbed the back of her costume, the once proud and furious Wonder Woman only moaning out a few quick “No!”s. Power Girl grinned at her humble reaction, but still pulled up on Diana’s outfit, making it wedgie up into her ass and crotch.
Wonder Woman’s strong legs kicked wildly beneath her, dangling helpless as her red boots tried and failed to reach the ground. Her face was a panicked expression of pain and horror, PG singlehandedly holding her out in front of her with a confident smile on her face. The blonde tugged on her handful of her costume, making the captive heroine bounce painfully in her power wedgie.
“Really expected more out of you after all that talk, Wondy,” Power Girl taunted. She raised her hand over her head and twirled her wrist, sending Wonder Woman whirling around like a human ceiling fan. She shrieked in the strangely echoing voice as she spun around so fast that the wind of her passing by was kicking up the sand beneath Power Girl’s boots.
There was at last a horrifying snap that hit Wonder Woman’s ears. Her costume had broken off under all the pressure. The one built to withstand bullets and swords. The elastic gave under the ridiculous whiplash of Power Girl’s spinning, and Wonder Woman was sent flying through the air without any use of her powers or an invisible jet. She was too busy trying to cover her suddenly exposed pussy before she crashed into the arena floor, grinding and bouncing pathetically over its surface.
The proud amazonian princess looked ready to throw up from the rapid spinning she’d been put through, not even able to get to her knees without falling right over again. She wasn’t even sure how long she was down before Power Girl grabbed her by the arm, lifting her up like a KOed prize fighter being declared the winner. She wasn’t even awake enough to try to cover her crotch, the thick dark bush exposed to all of her people.
“Well now you’ve just gone and ruined your costume. Really irresponsible with your toys, aren’t you?” PG grabbed and ripped off the last of Wonder Woman’s clothes in one stroke of her powerful arm. “Well if you’re going to behave like a child, I might as well treat you like one.”
Wonder Woman cowered away from Power Girl as she dropped her to the ground, only for the blonde to retrieve the golden lasso from the hip of her Diana’s battle garb. “This should do the trick,” PG smiled, grabbing Diana by an ankle and dragging her back towards her. Wonder Woman gave another fearful squeal as her breasts were dragged roughly over the sand, grabbing at it uselessly with her nails.
Power Girl worked quickly to tie up Wonder Woman, twisting it around her legs, wrists and breasts to leave her completely helpless. The crowd of amazons cheered and laughed, making it impossible for Wonder Woman to remember a time when she was more humiliated. Power Girl floated up to one of the statues mounted around the edge of the arena, fastening one end of the lasso into the jaws of a carving of a roaring lioness.
The beaten Diana dangled like a beautiful pinata, trying to avoid meeting the eyes of the amazons around her. This was especially true for her mother who seemed every bit as amused as the rest of her subjects, if not moreso. Power Girl made good on her promise of childish punishment as she flew in behind Wonder Woman and proceeded to spank her generous bottom with her open hand. Wonder Woman shrieked from the first blow as the sheer power of the spanking distorted the shape of her ass before it jiggled back into place.
She was sobbing and pleading by the fifth. “Nooo! No, please! Stop! I yield! You win!”
The tenth had her openly crying like the child Power Girl had claimed her to be. The audience had begun counting out loud by then, and by the time Power Girl reached thirty, Wonder Woman didn’t have the strength to lift her own head. She just hung there and wept as PG rubbed her bright red ass in front of her subjects.
Power Girl finally thumped a fist on the statue’s head, cracking the chunk of stone enough that Wonder Woman fell to the ground in a heap of tears, golden lasso, and limp, naked flesh. Diana looked up wearily as Power Girl floated back down to the ground next to her and braced a foot on one of the defeated amazon’s breasts and flexed her arms in victory.
“You… you’ve ruined me. You have ruined my life,” Wonder Woman hissed miserably, barely audible over the roar of the crowd.
Power Girl laughed as if the very suggestion was ridiculous. “Ruined? I’m a part of your life now, Diana. Didn’t you wonder why I was always showing up when you did?”
Diana gave her a vacant and puzzled stare.
“I was watching over you as a favor to your mother. I got married to Hippolyta, making me your queen and your mother. Well, step-mother, I suppose, but what would your island be if not for unusual circumstances for marriages, eh?”
Diana’s look of confusion started to change into dumbfounded horror. Diana looked to Hippolyta, the queen still upon her throne. She smiled and nodded at her daughter, confirming all that she feared was true. A quick but hearty cheer came up from the crowd. “All hail Queen Karen!” Power Girl smiled proudly at the praise, grabbing Wonder Woman over her shoulder and flying up to the throne. She dropped Diana at Hippolyta’s feet and kissed her more docile wife on the cheek.
“Now then, daughter…” Karen started. Diana cringed just at the sound of the words. “I took your challenge and bested you. I’ve proven my worth as a ruler and a warrior. Do you feel you owe me some manner of apology?”
Diana shivered and bent over, damn her honorable spirit, raising her bared ass to the crowd. “I… I am sorry I defied you, my queen.”
“Hmm, that’s a start. But I think you should show a bit more humility in a case like this.” Power Girl smirked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She took the collar of her own uniform and started to pull it down, exposing the blonde’s huge, impressive tits. “Kiss them. Once each.”
Diana looked up at the hanging breasts, and seemed ready to cry again. She sniffled and crawled closer on her knees, leaning in and kissing Karen on one of her big, soft breasts. “And the other,” Karen added, as if she might forget. Diana turned to the other, her face nearly between the two heavy teats. As she went to kiss the other, Karen turned her body away from her slightly. Diana briefly thought she was making her work for it, but Power girl shook her shoulders again, bringing the heavy tit slapping back into her face. Diana actually staggered from the light but startling blow, enough that the other caught her entirely off guard when it swung into her other cheek.
Her mothers laughed at her surprise and humiliation from the tit slaps. “You see? She even gets beat up by my breasts!” Karen joked, getting a laugh from the crowd and a charmed giggle from Hippolyta. Diana’s cheeks burned a bright red before Karen grabbed her by the shoulder to pull her into a firm hug, burying the blushing face into one of her breasts.
“Ah, but my little girl does me proud. Come, my wife. Let’s have a nice family hug.”
Diana tried to object, but her voice was muffled out by the soft flesh of Queen Karen’s bared chest. Hippolyta happily stepped forward and hugged Karen back, squashing Diana’s face in between her mothers’ breasts. Wonder Woman squirmed and mumbled in their trapping hug, unable to point out that she was being smothered in Power Girl’s monstrous breasts. Her vision started to blur and her weakened body felt even more limp and powerless. She pawed at her mothers, but the strength of their intense hug unaffected by her resistance.
Karen was able to spare an arm and tip up Hipployta’s chin to smile at her. The amazon queen smiled back, Diana able to see both love and lust in their eyes. Karen firmly kissed her mother, and the audience cheered again as Diana was forced to watch her mother kiss the woman who had easily defeated her in honorable combat.
And kiss they did. Any tame kissing had been done at their wedding, and the amazons weren’t especially subtle about their affections. Karen and Hippolyta both opened their mouths wide to kiss, rolling tongues together in less of a ceremonial kiss and more of a sloppy makeout session between horny teenagers. Their lips and tongues tried to devour each other, and openly swapped saliva as it poured in and out of their mouths and into the others.
Diana would have felt nauseous if she weren’t already so light headed. The world was fading fast, no matter her disgust, despair, and outrage. As she stared helplessly up at the scene, she saw Hippolyta’s open her mouth for a lusty moan, just for a wad of their mixed drool to fall into Wonder Woman’s eye right before she blacked out.
A few weeks later, there was a press conference called together. Power Girl herself had asked to address the public, and the media always jumped at the chance to get more of the busty blonde marvel.
“So glad you all could make it!” Power Girl announced proudly. She stood at a simple podium, and with a beautiful, black-haired woman standing patiently behind her. The woman was clad in something like a mockery of a business suit. It was passable at a glance, but it was far too skimpy to be anything so formal. The skirt was high enough to show the hap in her thighs and clung to her round buttocks. A deep line in her blouse showed loads of cleavage and the bra slightly showed at the edges, pushing up her already bulging breasts.
“It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve recently gotten married. To a beautiful woman, nonetheless.” The reporters were already frantically writing things down as she beamed even more proudly. “A few of you might recognize Hippolyta, and even fewer might recognize her as the queen of the amazons.”
Hippolyta blushed and smiled, not used to all the attention. Her kind were normally rather secluded, at least until Karen had started to urge her otherwise.
“And for those of you not the most familiar with amazonian law, this makes me their new queen. I’m looking to help bring the amazons into the modern world a bit more than they used to be.”
The audience clapped at the idea of modernizing the relatively primitive people, Hippolyta nodding in agreement.
“And in the spirit of that movement, I’ve taken the liberty of updating my daughter-in-law’s costume. Something that’s been around since the ancient times is well and good for tradition, but we’re not living in ancient times anymore. I thought it was time to hang up the old outfit and bring in something to capture the American spirit and help let them know we’re here to help. Ready to come out now, sweetie?”
Diana came out, clearly at least a little uncomfortable with her new outfit being shown off in public for the first time. What had once resembled a one piece swimsuit was now even more miniscule, essentially nothing but a micro bikini. A narrow red strips went around her chest on either side, and a blue thong spotted with white stars on the crotch. The largest part of the entire costume had to be the pair of bald eagles made of gold guarding her nipples, as if they were the only vulnerable part of her body. Stiletto high heels pushed her legs and ass up even higher than normal.
Diana blushed as it got a number of laughs and whistles from the audience. Karen smiled as her daughter obediently turned this way and that, posing for the flashing cameras “like a good girl.”
“My daughter Wonder Woman, ladies and gentlemen!” Power Girl boasted with a wave of her hand. The crowd applauded the stripperific super heroine as she was finally excused. While she was trying to walk backstage, Karen turned to her humble wife to give her an encouraging smack on the ass.
This caused a strange little chain reaction to end Wonder Woman’s day. Karen’s turn swung her breasts, the momentum smacking Diana dead in the face. The surprised amazon’s eyes went wide and glassy as the busty hammer blow knocked her silly.
Diana fell to her knees, her body twisting in an odd angle as she fell. It put herself in the way of PG’s incoming hand, intercepting the slap meant for Hippolyta’s invitingly presented ass with her own thong-clad bottom. Her ass gave a loud clapping noise as the spank hit her cheeks, making them wobble briefly. Diana’s body jerked forward, her face bouncing off her mother’s round bottom before the princess toppled unconscious to the stage.
“Woops! Careful there, honey!” Power Girl laughed before she adjusted her hand a bit and smacked Hippolyta’s ass directly, getting an appreciative squeak and giggle from her wife.
“Woops! Careful there, honey!” Power Girl laughed before she adjusted her hand a bit and smacked Hippolyta’s ass directly, getting an appreciative squeak and giggle from her wife.
The End